Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Amanda.... No regrets :hugs: None of us would know just what to do and when to do it when it came time for our lil ones being taken away.... Unless you've been there, done it... You have no clue... I know I didn't... I"m just thankful for the hospital staff, they walked me through everything and warned me and prepared me for each step .... Well, most of them... I just went along with whatever they said for me to do... I do wish I spent more time with Emma, I didn't know I could request to keep her with me the entire time I was in the hospital, well it wasn't long.. I ran out of there so fast, I actually talked my doctor into releasing me just a few hours after I gave birth... Wish I would have slowed down... Emily doesn't care if you has a gown or not, I promise... She doesn't need it... :hugs: She is beautiful naked or clothed... Perfect... :hugs: Amanda, I know EXACTLY how you was feeling and talking about when you mentioned you felt like you was hiding your preg from Emily... That is how I felt last month when we decided to ttc..... I completely felt guilty, and felt like I was trying to hide it from Emma.... I know, when I mentioned it a few pages ago, I thought I was really sounding crazy, so I am glad you mentioned you had those thoughts too......

Andrea, I didn't even see you had a O ticker LOL... Haha, You have a teeny tiny one girl, LOL!!! :dohh: Just going on memory ...

According to my calculations.... I should be starting the BABY DANCING, :sex::sex: about November 12th, and should be O'ing on November 17th ... Next AF is due December 1st....

OK Girls, I think I am going crazy or something.... Something is wrong.... I do NOT feel right, haven't felt right all week... I'm really starting to scratch my head and wonder.... My AF this time wasn't normal... It was VERY light and short... VERY light... OK, TMI time... On a normal AF I would have to change my tampon every 2 hours but I could go ALL day without having to change it this time... ??? .... AND the last few nights I haven't slept good at ALL.. Feeling very icky, sick to my stomach every evening...and I mean EVERY evening....:shrug: I keep wondering if I am still coming down with some kind of sickness but this just comes in waves ... ??? ... I am very bloated as well...AND I have these weird lil feelings and cramps, ecspecially on my right side..??.. I have NO idea :shrug:

I don't want to even to say it ...or type it... But wondering if I really had a AF??? I have 1 more hpt and I can't believe the thought hit me like a ton of bricks tonight during dinner... :dohh: I can't believe I am even thinking or wondering this... I know what it would show IF I took it in the morning, just can't shake this questioning...... Hmmmm????? :shrug:

Help... I am going crazy I think..... But I just don't feel good.... :shrug:
Me too. Can i join your get preg in november emma(emunah) was due dec 28th. I wish it would happen before her due date. This is Natalie by the way
Natalie, me too. I badly want to be pregnant before my due date (Dec 20th, although with twins there was zero chance of me carrying them to full term, but hey), don't know what I expect to feel but it's a nagging feeling that I don't want it to pass before I get a BFP!

Kam, I think you may as well test again in the morning, as now that the thought has occurred to you it won't go away until you do! let us know how you go. GL xxx

Nite all, I'm off to bed xxx
Amanda it is completely normal to have regrets. I think we all do because we had never been in that situation before and we were so consumed with sadness that it was hard to think of everything. It will do you good to have her pic hun. She is your little girl and she is beautiful.

AF is still with me at the moment so after that its all systems go. I'm going to order some preseed from amazon & hope it gets here on time. (Boots don't have it)

Oh I'm sorry you had an accident with the car but I truly believe that the wee robin was a sign from Emily that she is ok with you being pregnant, she is happy that she will be a big sister and she will look after you and this little baby growing inside you.

Kelly hun- do the test & at least that way you will not be wondering.

Hey Natalie, oh it would be so good if me, you, Andrea, Nikki & Kelly got pregnant this month. (Sorry if I missed anyone). Nikki & Natalie- I am the exact same. I have this overwhelming desire to be pregnant by Jakob's due date. OH thinks I am putting too much pressure on myself but I just can't shake the desire and know I will be gutted if it doesn't happen this month.

Hayley- how are you hun?
Good Morning!!!!! XOOXOXO

Kelly, I felt the same before I got my AF and after :wacko::wacko::wacko: so confusing. My boobies hurt and they never hurt. I am still and was constipated ( TMI :haha:) I get that gas pain in my throat, I never got all these things.
When I was pregnant and I didn't know it ,the only thing I got was I had to pee all the time and I was only 2 weeks pregnant and they say that sign of peeing is supposed to come at 8 weeks??? Well, not for me, i remember clearly cause I was running and I could not make it back I said to myself why am I going to the bathroom so much, I had no idea ,being pregnant never entered my mind, ever!!! And I got that gas pain in my throat. I mean my mother had her period when she was pregnant with me so it is possible to still get your period and be pregnant. :winkwink: Not for me I know i am not, but who knows maybe you could be, anything is possible..I totally believe in miracles now :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

Shockingly, I poas this morning... haha... You all knew I would, heck I couldn't wait... LOL!!! :haha: But anyways... I of course got a BFN ..

I can't put my finger on it.... But I know I don't feel right, feel off..and this right side (low) cramping is got me wondering and hoping all is ok... Today I am gonna cave and buy a OPK, I have never seen one much less use one, so guess we'll see how that works ...

Natalie, Welcome to Baby Makin' Central!!! :happydance:

We had a pretty exciting month last month, sooo here's too even more BFP's!!!! Hope we all get our Christmas BFP's!!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing or feeling today??? Everyone OK??:hugs:
Hey Gang....

Just wanted to share a link, thread, I did find on here that I love popping into ...super positive and nice place to be when ttc...

Hey Gang....

Just wanted to share a link, thread, I did find on here that I love popping into ...super positive and nice place to be when ttc...


Well crap, I dont think link worked ...:shrug: :haha: :dohh:
Hayley! Where are you? I need an update on the poas situation! Xxx


After two days of not testing and frustration, I was able to put the ovulation monitor on, but I think that its nowstuck on the same day 10 . I called Easy Blue Company begging them desperately to get another one but instead they will send me test sticks. I just hope that during the two day period that I did not test, I did not ovulate. IF I knew my cycle lenght , I would be able to have degree in baby making . :)

Kelly , Its funny that you wrote about testing even though you had your AF. I heard that you can still be pregnant with AF . two days ago I was tempted to buy and test but so far I was able pass Rite Aid Pharmacy without caving in. I might not make it today though :)
Hey Guys,

Which tool do you guys use to track your ovulation. THis is what I been using so far

but I am looking to explore others. OH OH according to this chart and last months cycle I was suppose to ovulate by Friday. NO wonder I been getting twitched down there. I might be out this month :(

Hey Guys,

Which tool do you guys use to track your ovulation. THis is what I been using so far

but I am looking to explore others. OH OH according to this chart and last months cycle I was suppose to ovulate by Friday. NO wonder I been getting twitched down there. I might be out this month :(


Hiya, i have used fertility friend, and also an app on my iPhone called pink pad pro, which I find handy as I always have my phone with me. I have also used 'take charge of your fertility' in the past, but find the site is really slow now. Hope this helps. Sorry your cbfm is playing up, i hope you havent missed ov xxxx
Hey everyone

Firstly want to say thank you for all your positive comments and congratulations.

Had a busy day at work and only got chance for a quick peek in here on my phone at dinnertime. And I have to confess to sneaking into bed when I got home just after 4 for a little nap – we’re off to a late cinema showing tonight and not expecting to get to bed til after midnight and didn’t want to risk falling asleep during the film – not been able to stay awake past 10pm this last week so hoping the power nap helps me see all the film!

Erica – It’s great that you are feeling so tired and icky. Icky is a good sign. Embrace every sickie moment. Only a few more weeks and you’ll be moving into your second trimester and your energy levels will be on the rise.

JoJo – Sorry you’re feeling a little bit off. Did you get to see the doc ? Hope you manage to stop any infection in its tracks before it gets hold of you properly.

Tanya – I’m sorry the :witch: got you this month. Try not to stress about ttc. This was our first month ttc after losing Max and we were really relaxed about it, no charting, opk etc. We just made sure we had :sex: nearly every other day so there were plenty of little :spermy: where they needed to be when I ov’d.

Kelly – How is your daughter? Hope she is feeling better. I’ve never charted so can’t offer any advice I’m afraid, my only advice is plenty of :sex: right through the month :winkwink:

Amanda – Really pleased you feel yuck!! Embrace the sickness – it’s a good sign. It’s also brilliant news that your consultant is on the ball and organising extra scans for you. And I’m also really pleased that you feel ready to have the picture of Emily, the pictures of Max have helped me enormously, I love looking at his perfect little face and I’ve now reached a place where it puts a smile of my face rather than bringing tears to my eyes.

Nikki – Good on you for starting your own veggie patch. I would love to have the patience and the garden to grow my own. CD9 and ovary pain - get down to some serious baby dancing girl!!

Mhairi – How are you doing hun? I also have that iphone app, think it’s great for keeping track of everything.

Andrea/Natalie – I’m really hope that November will be your month.

Sending lots and lots of :dust: to everyone ttc in November. Hoping we see some more :bfp: soon.

Hope I’ve not missed anyone out.

I didn’t poas this morning but I’m going to tomorrow. Mark is still struggling to see the line on the test and thinks I’m making it up. He gets mad that I want to keep poas because they are so expensive. He just doesn’t understand a woman’s need to pee on things :haha:

However he has decided that I smell pregnant. I'm not quite sure what he means by that!! :haha: He just said he couldn't put his finger on what it was but he recognises it and it isn't unpleasent. Anyone heard of this before or is my husband just crazy?

My sense of smell has gone crazy today, this morning I could smell the cigarette of the woman in the car next to me at the traffic lights – yuk – and my cats have started acting strange around me again. My big cat who likes cuddles won’t come near me and my little girl who normally prefers to cuddle with Mark, won’t leave me alone. It’s exactly how they were around me when I was expecting Max.

Not looking forward to tomorrow, it's the three month anniversary of losing Max :cry::cry: If it's not too dark when I finish work I'm going to stop off at the churchyard on my way home to visit him. I miss him so much.
Hey Guys,

Which tool do you guys use to track your ovulation. THis is what I been using so far

but I am looking to explore others. OH OH according to this chart and last months cycle I was suppose to ovulate by Friday. NO wonder I been getting twitched down there. I might be out this month :(


Hi Natalie!
I use an app on my phone called Period Planner.... It's a cute lil calendar that allows me to make notes and lets me know when my AF's are due and when I'm ovulating... I like it, I actually think I'm just gonna stick with that... Not gonna buy a opk or do any other stuff.... We'll see... Figured since I've made my share of babies without that stuff, hopefully I can do it again LOL :happydance:

Glad to see all is OK with everyone.....

Yay for sick mommies!! :happydance: Grow baby grow!!! :happydance:
Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

Shockingly, I poas this morning... haha... You all knew I would, heck I couldn't wait... LOL!!! :haha: But anyways... I of course got a BFN ..

I can't put my finger on it.... But I know I don't feel right, feel off..and this right side (low) cramping is got me wondering and hoping all is ok... Today I am gonna cave and buy a OPK, I have never seen one much less use one, so guess we'll see how that works ...

Natalie, Welcome to Baby Makin' Central!!! :happydance:

We had a pretty exciting month last month, sooo here's too even more BFP's!!!! Hope we all get our Christmas BFP's!!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing or feeling today??? Everyone OK??:hugs:

Aw, sorry it's BFN Kelly. I can now confess that I did the exact same thing a few days ago, didn't want to say that till you'd tested as I know the urge won't go away once it's entered your head! I also didn't want to admit to being such a nutter, hehe. I still felt wierd, still had a bad taste in my mouth and lots of cramping and twinges so thought, what if I was? Doesn't help that that psycic I went to thought I was pregnant, and then my Mum went to another one in Scotland, who again asked if I was pregnant, and said I may be without realising it (as if! In the mad world of TTC?! Hardly - every twinge and burp is noted lol). BFN for me too, I think this is so emotive and emotional for all of us the mind plays tricks and the body joins in! maybe it's just our bodies gearing up for a glorious, mammoth November ovulation spectacular. I'm hanging onto that anyway! :winkwink: Here's to November and loads of :sex:. :dust: to all!!

Hey everyone

Erica – It’s great that you are feeling so tired and icky. Icky is a good sign. Embrace every sickie moment. Only a few more weeks and you’ll be moving into your second trimester and your energy levels will be on the rise.


Thanks for the encouragement. I was sick sick sick for the first time last night. It was awful! I've decided to eat sweet things before I go to bed or brush my teeth... that way it'll taste nicer when out! :sick:

Sorry I've not been chatting so much, I've just been sleeping all the time! I WILL check in properly soon. Hope you lovely ladies are all good

Erica xxx
The line is getting darker :happydance: it's not a brilliant picture but it looks so good on the real thing :happydance: My angel has sent me my rainbow :happydance: Going to wait til the weekend to use my digi stick, don't think I'll be able to hide my excitement at work when I see it in writing

How is everyone today? xx
What a beautiful BFP! :happydance: Your angel has most definitely sent you your rainbow :happydance::happydance:

Kelly sorry it was another BFP... wishful thinking eh? But I have a good feeling for this cycle for you!

Natalie I use Fertility Friend and really like it. I also have the app for my phone and the Pink Pad Pro app. Good luck :thumbup: I love your fortune cookie message.

Andrea :hugs: How are you doing?

Erica :hugs: Sorry you're feeling so ill... but it is a good thing too! Means baby is growing big and strong :flower: I used to eat sweet things at night before bed because I would always be up at 4am puking! I found Ribena worked well LOL.

Mhairi how are you keeping? Thinking of you :hugs:

Nikki - you can tell us anything! We will never think you are a nutter (well no more nuttier than us anyway!) You are amongst fellow POAS-aholics here :haha: I hope in a few weeks time you will peeing and seeing those fab 2nd lines appear :thumbup:

Well as for me I am still doing ok -- just so so so tired all the time, literally from the moment I wake up I could go back to bed and snooze! Which is not good when my shift at work is until midnight :sleep:

Sending lots of hugs and love to my fav girls :hugs:

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