Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Hi ladies, been AWOL for a wee while and struggling to catch up now, phew!

Kiki, everything crossed for you hon!

I hope the rest of you are all doing well, I'm sorry all you prego mummies are feeling so stressed, I can only imagine how scary it is and how many conflicting emotions it throws up for you. I'm hoping the fear will subside a bit as time goes on but I know it may not for some. I wish you all the best 9months you can have and it will all be worth it in the end.

How's everyone else doing? Any more symptom-spotting or are you all being very good and sane and not getting into it this month?

I pretty much stay away from the "normal" areas of B&B, or at least don't expect much from it - I learned a long time ago how unsupportive some folk can be out there - I got into a few arguments when I ventured out of the home and natural birth section as some people were downright rude about others choices. We're safe and understood here.

AFM: I'm only on CD14 and got very strong OV pains last night at work, but haven't had any EWCM since Fri 11th (CD11) so I'm a bit puzzled. Either I OV'd early at CD11 or 12, or I no longer get EWCM at OV time. Puzzled. BD on 11th and 13th, would of on the 12th as well, but OH passed out, the poor love. I had to hassle a bit to get him on board those nights, lol. Too much work. I'm not too hopeful this month and haven't started the craziness yet, I've no doubt I'll have myself convinced I'm pregnant again by this time next week. Really, really want to be pregnant by Christmas, if I'm not I think I'll just get myself really drunk and pass out till it's over!

Hope you are well - love to all! xxx
Irrational thoughts have well and truly kicked in this morning.

Because of the increase in CM I'm convinced that I have started bleeding and keep dashing off to the loo just to make sure.

And I've also started thinking what if I'm not really pregnant and my hcg levels never went back down after August, which is silly because I've had two normal periods and everytime I've tested the line has been darker.

I think it's because I've made the call to the midwife this morning which has made it seem much more real.

Argh the next 36 weeks are going to be sooooo long!
Irrational thoughts have well and truly kicked in this morning.

Because of the increase in CM I'm convinced that I have started bleeding and keep dashing off to the loo just to make sure.

And I've also started thinking what if I'm not really pregnant and my hcg levels never went back down after August, which is silly because I've had two normal periods and everytime I've tested the line has been darker.

I think it's because I've made the call to the midwife this morning which has made it seem much more real.

Argh the next 36 weeks are going to be sooooo long!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: You have every right to worry, but try to relax/I know everything is going to be wonderful and beautiful for you..XOXOOX:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
hey girls just wanted to update...had my second scan this morning and everything looks good :) saw little bubs heartbeat which has relaxed me to no end lol im still trying to be very cautious but is it silly that i have gotten my hopes up just a little?!? im 8weeks 4 days and dont have to go back to early pregnancy unit again just wait for my booking app! thank you all for your prayers thoughts and hopes, i really think its what has given me faith these past few weeks to believe in this LO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey girls just wanted to update...had my second scan this morning and everything looks good :) saw little bubs heartbeat which has relaxed me to no end lol im still trying to be very cautious but is it silly that i have gotten my hopes up just a little?!? im 8weeks 4 days and dont have to go back to early pregnancy unit again just wait for my booking app! thank you all for your prayers thoughts and hopes, i really think its what has given me faith these past few weeks to believe in this LO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am just so happy for you, my heart is so happy when I see all of you getting your BFP.. I wish you so much love , you deserve this my friend.. Let us know each step of the way how things are going, I love hearing it...
Jojo that's fantastic news that all is looking well that's amazing you saw the heartbeat, I'm so happy for you.

Hayley- I keep running to the toilet expecting blood too, I dont know why as I never had early bleeding last time. Just paranoid I guess!

Hello beautiful ladies, how are you all doing?

Kiki I have my fingers crossed for you. You chart looks good.

Hi Nikki :flower: I'm only on CD7 right now so no symptom spotting for me yet. Would it be possible that you got EWCM before O? I haven't been getting any EWCM recently (stupid body) but I started taking evening primrose oil on CD1 so fingers crossed. Your poor OH- this ttc does really take it out of you especially after working etc all day. I believe that this month is our month but if its not then we will all be here to support each other or like you I may hide til Xmas is over. lol.

Hayley- I really feel for all of your girls that are pregnant right now. This baby of yours is a keeper. Everything will go fine. I know its hard not to worry but have faith that you will take this special little rainbow home. :hugs::hugs:

Joelene- woohoo. I am delighted that everything went ok. I have been thinking about you all morning. I'm so happy you got to see bubs heartbeat. Its not silly that you have got your hopes up at all. You want this baby more than anything so of course you are excited about it. When will your booking appt be? It varies in all hospitals across Ireland doesn't it. Here it is 20 weeks.

Hey Andrea- how are you?

Kelly your keeping a bit quiet this past couple of days. Hope your ok. :hugs:
Oh Hayley I'm doing exactly the same thing! I got a lot of CM in the early weeks with Emily too but this time my heart literally stops when I feel it and off I run to the loo fully expecting blood.

I'm wishing away the next 6 weeks so I can have my 12 week scan and relax a little. Or at least I hope I will relax a little by then!

Jojo :happydance: yay for good scan!

Right I'm off to bed for a snooze before work at 3 :haha: I cant seem to get through the day without it now! Especially as I work till midnight!
Hello beautiful ladies, how are you all doing?

Kiki I have my fingers crossed for you. You chart looks good.

Hi Nikki :flower: I'm only on CD7 right now so no symptom spotting for me yet. Would it be possible that you got EWCM before O? I haven't been getting any EWCM recently (stupid body) but I started taking evening primrose oil on CD1 so fingers crossed. Your poor OH- this ttc does really take it out of you especially after working etc all day. I believe that this month is our month but if its not then we will all be here to support each other or like you I may hide til Xmas is over. lol.

Hayley- I really feel for all of your girls that are pregnant right now. This baby of yours is a keeper. Everything will go fine. I know its hard not to worry but have faith that you will take this special little rainbow home. :hugs::hugs:

Joelene- woohoo. I am delighted that everything went ok. I have been thinking about you all morning. I'm so happy you got to see bubs heartbeat. Its not silly that you have got your hopes up at all. You want this baby more than anything so of course you are excited about it. When will your booking appt be? It varies in all hospitals across Ireland doesn't it. Here it is 20 weeks.

Hey Andrea- how are you?

Kelly your keeping a bit quiet this past couple of days. Hope your ok. :hugs:

I am doing great, thanks,. I am going today at 9 am to get 2 wisdom teeth pulled .I am a nervous wreck :wacko::wacko:
I just posted on Kelly's profile she hasn't been here since Friday, I am a bit worried..
Love To All XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello My Beautiful Friends!!! :flower:

I am terribly sorry I haven't been on in the last few days... I have been sick! UGH .. Still not feeling so well... But started taking medicine (antibiotic) so hopefully this will kick it's butt and get gone....

I had ALOT of catching up to do with you chatty lil monkeys.. :haha: Sounds like all is going well, or to be expected...

I am super excited that all the rainbow makers' are doing well.. I see you all are pretty much a nervous wreck and I sooo don't blame you on that, I'll be just the same WHEN my rainbow comes to me ... I do hate that you all are feeling this way tho... :hugs:

According to my lil calendar that I have been using to keep track of my "O"... I am in THAT TIME NOW!!! Crap, it soooo crept in and surprised me! :dohh: I have been icky sick AND my poor OH is having dental surgery done this morning SOOOO the odds of IT happening this month is looking slim ... We still had a lil romp :sex: last night (which is 4 days before) Just not sure how he's gonna feel and how many more times we'll get in any this week ... The 17th is the Glorious day soooo we'll see.....

Oh Yea, Something else I wanted to share with you all..... Remember how we was talking about weird things happening or being said to us, our "signs" ..?? WELL .... My brother called me yesterday, let me give you a tab bit of history, we dont talk much or see each other only maybe 1-2 a year, and yes he lives super close, we're just not close... BUT anyways... So, when he called me , I was immediately worried, thinking someone was hurt or something was wrong... He said he needed to see me, needed to talk to me about something.... So I ended up meeting him 30 minutes later... He is into the paranormal stuff, he actually is a part of a group that "ghost hunts" investigates sightings and odd things... ANYWAYS ... He went on a "hunt" Saturday night and ended up meeting this guy that is a Medium... He's never heard or seen him before BUT this guy kept telling my brother that he kept seeing an older lady with a tiny lil baby girl... Well, my brother, not being all that close to me couldn't think of who the baby girl could have been so the man kept digging for information from the "ghost" or "spirit"... Then finally it told the man to tell my brother the baby's name is Emma .... I don't know what to say or think about this.... He then rattled off a ton of information that he was told by this Medium... Said he seen a vision, that Emma was gonna be a big sister, in fact we was gonna have a lil brother for her, He said that I already knew all this :shrug:... Well, I mentioned to my brother the dream that I had last weekend about us having a boy and I even had his name picked out in the dream, it was so detailed.... My brother kept saying it wasn't a dream, that is was a vision.... :shrug: He said that is why the man said I already knew this.... I honestly don't know how I feel about all this information that was thrown at me yesterday... Not sure if I believe or not.... I keep trying to figure out how the man knew so much and why ME? :shrug: Is this a lil TOO far fetched? What do you girls honestly think??

Jojo... I don't blame ya Hon ... I haven't read the post you was mentioning BUT I completely understand what you girls mean about THIS place being safe and supportive... I have recently ventured out into the ttc after a loss section and I haven't been welcomed much by any actually... Anytime I post a new thread or just post on someone elses stuff, I hardly ever get any feedback SO I have decided my butt will just stay HOME :flower: ... Here for everything :winkwink: And so can you girls... Just keep your fannies here where you all belong :hugs::winkwink:
Sorry I have not been here for a while eigher . I hope that everybody is doing just fine.
I spoke to Andrea on Friday , it was actually so nice to put a voice to a name!

I am now officially in WW2 period and its making me as nervous as I can be. I keep praying in my head several times a day that we have a rainbow waiting for us. We would like to complete our family and it feels as though , one little member is missing. I been getting really weird dreams lately , and now I am remember that I dreamed of the day that I lost my little girl because I was crying really hard in a dream.

It seems like those of us that are waiting to TTC this month we are all very close to that time . LET DECEMBER BE THE MONTH TO REMEMBER, BABY DUST TO ALL!:dust::dust::dust::dust:
thanks Andrea its the first time i got a little excited about my pregnancy! i get my first booking in app at 12weeks, they do all blood tests etc then and a scan and check my weight (eek)blood pressure etc.. and after that its 20weeks to check for any problems with baby so thats the biggie!im just gonna take it week by week now and hope to god for the best xxx

girls december is your month!!! i cant wait to hear how all of you are getting on with the baby making!:)

Kelly thats an amazing story! i actually got goosebumps reading it, it just couldnt be a coincidence!! sorry your feelin sick hun but keep your strength up and hopefully your lovely man will feel better too so ye can get down to business lol!

love to all girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow thats amazing Kelly! You and Andrea both got such chilling happenings this month!!!

I am now officially in WW2 period and its making me as nervous as I can be. I keep praying in my head several times a day that we have a rainbow waiting for us. We would like to complete our family and it feels as though , one little member is missing. I been getting really weird dreams lately , and now I am remember that I dreamed of the day that I lost my little girl because I was crying really hard in a dream.

Goodluck!! I have everything crossed for your BFP!! :happydance:

Jojo- I am sure everything will be just perfect at your apt :hugs:

As for me... huge temp plummet this morning. No AF yet but I am pretty sure it is a no go :shrug:
Aw Kiki, I hope not hon.

Kelly, that's awesome! I fully believe in stuff like that, don't get me wrong, there are scammers and charlatans out there who claim to have gifts but don't so I'm always cautiously skeptical but that is so accurate, it must make you happy to hear! Who was the lady, did he find out? was it a relative of yours?

Jojo, that's great you got to see the heartbeat and I'm glad you are gaining more hope, where would we be without hope!

Nat, Gl on 2WW, I'll be there with ya!

Andrea, I hope the dentist is kind and gentle and it's over easily - I got mine out years ago when I was still a student and just did it in my lunch hour, it was no biggie. It sounds a bit wierd but fine other than that. I looked a bit strange walking back with a frozen face though, hehe.

Thanks, Tanya.

Hope all our little rainbow-carriers are good and well today!

AFM: I had a hellish night at work last night - first off there were baby birds nesting in the wall and the boss's brother decided they were too noisy so blocked them in with expanding foam before my shift started, so I could hear them calling out for food all night and see their mummy bird jumping around outside the hole she used to get in through, so agitated and distressed with food in her beak, it broke my heart, it was so cruel - they would have been out of there in a week or two and they could have blocked it then. The bosses weren't there but I left a note telling them how disgusted I was, I really wanted to just walk out though.

Then another little man who comes in a lot asked me when I was due my baby and I broke down in front of him, it was so embarrassing. It turned out he was a retired obstetrician though, which I didn't know and ended up asking all about what happened and asking what care I'd get etc - I never thought I'd be discussing my cervix with a male diner, that was pretty wierd! There was nobody else inside at that point, thank God, I doubt he would have gone into it with me if ther had been. Another man asked me yesterday too, but I managed to brush it off then, didn't do so well last night though. I hate that I have to brush it off at all, just to make others more comfortable - if I wasn't at work I wouldn't do that, I'm finding it so hard to keep faking a smile and making smalltalk in there, I really need to get out of that job but I don't think my brain's up to starting something new either - I've zero concentration span. Does anyone else get that fuzzy brain thing or am I just nuts? Does it get any better? I feel like an empty-headed dizzy eedjit. Then I had a complaint about a meal which I dealt with but the chef was a real ar*e about. I've just had it. Anyway, enough moaning but that was my night.

Hope everyone's well today and less doomy than me! xxx
Nikki ~ Heck, I'm ditzy, air headed all the time soooo not much of a change in me lately LOL! :wacko:

Oh and YES, The older lady that was there bugging the medium, was his mother in law that recently passed from breast cancer ... The things he heard from this guy was quite shocking!! Only things that was said or known between my brother and Martha , this man knew! It was a crazy!! The man had sooo much information.. I told my brother he better go home right away and tell his wife and to write all of it down!!!
I'm wishing away the next 6 weeks so I can have my 12 week scan and relax a little. Or at least I hope I will relax a little by then!

Right now I’d be happy with a 6/7 week scan to see the heartbeat and know that it is in the right place. Another irrational thought I keep having is that it’s going to be an ectopic pregnancy – Don’t our minds play horrible tricks on us.

Although I called the midwife to get the balling rolling today I didn’t actually get to speak to her. I left a message for her first thing this morning and she called me back after 4pm like I asked her to but I was driving home and missed the call. She is going to ring me again tomorrow. Hoping I’ll feel a bit better once I’ve spoken to her.

Jojo – I’m so happy that your scan has gone well today and you have every right to be excited.

I am going today at 9 am to get 2 wisdom teeth pulled .I am a nervous wreck :wacko::wacko:

Andrea how did it go today? I’m currently on a waiting list to have three of my wisdom teeth out under general anaesthetic. Fingers crossed that this bean sticks and I’ll be putting that procedure on hold for the next 9 months.

Kelly it’s good to have you back hun. Sorry you’ve been feeling so poo though. I thought I’d missed my important day when I was ill last month but I still got lucky so you never know hun…get as much baby dancing in as you can between now and Thurs… :winkwink:

Your story has given me goosebumps…for a random stranger to have that sort of information for you makes me think it really is a message for you from Emma….I do believe in mediums and messages from spirits etc so personally I think it is too much to be a coincidence. Take comfort from it, it's Emma's way of letting you know that she's looking over you and sending your rainbow to you soon.

Nikki – sorry to hear you’ve been having such a tough time at work. I don’t think I could face the public every day so I take my hat off to you. I suppose I’m lucky that I can hide away at my desk in the corner of my office and wish the hours of the day to pass quicker so I can go home again.

This really does seem to be a lucky thread for :bfp:, I hope we get some more this month. Sending lots of :dust: to everyone currently ttc and for those currently in the 2ww I hope you don’t become crazy poas-aholics too soon :haha:
I'm wishing away the next 6 weeks so I can have my 12 week scan and relax a little. Or at least I hope I will relax a little by then!

Right now I’d be happy with a 6/7 week scan to see the heartbeat and know that it is in the right place. Another irrational thought I keep having is that it’s going to be an ectopic pregnancy – Don’t our minds play horrible tricks on us.

Although I called the midwife to get the balling rolling today I didn’t actually get to speak to her. I left a message for her first thing this morning and she called me back after 4pm like I asked her to but I was driving home and missed the call. She is going to ring me again tomorrow. Hoping I’ll feel a bit better once I’ve spoken to her.

Jojo – I’m so happy that your scan has gone well today and you have every right to be excited.

I am going today at 9 am to get 2 wisdom teeth pulled .I am a nervous wreck :wacko::wacko:

Andrea how did it go today? I’m currently on a waiting list to have three of my wisdom teeth out under general anaesthetic. Fingers crossed that this bean sticks and I’ll be putting that procedure on hold for the next 9 months.

Kelly it’s good to have you back hun. Sorry you’ve been feeling so poo though. I thought I’d missed my important day when I was ill last month but I still got lucky so you never know hun…get as much baby dancing in as you can between now and Thurs… :winkwink:

Your story has given me goosebumps…for a random stranger to have that sort of information for you makes me think it really is a message for you from Emma….I do believe in mediums and messages from spirits etc so personally I think it is too much to be a coincidence. Take comfort from it, it's Emma's way of letting you know that she's looking over you and sending your rainbow to you soon.

Nikki – sorry to hear you’ve been having such a tough time at work. I don’t think I could face the public every day so I take my hat off to you. I suppose I’m lucky that I can hide away at my desk in the corner of my office and wish the hours of the day to pass quicker so I can go home again.

This really does seem to be a lucky thread for :bfp:, I hope we get some more this month. Sending lots of :dust: to everyone currently ttc and for those currently in the 2ww I hope you don’t become crazy poas-aholics too soon :haha:

It was fine I am in a little pain but lord the pain killers make me reallyyyyyyy happy ...:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Love You All ..XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh glad it was Ok Andrea.

Hayley, I'm sorry you are getting these awful thoughts, I hope once you've seen/spoken to the MW you will feel a little better, then I hope every scan helps you a little.

Kelly, wow, that's amazing, no argueing with that! I've been so wanting to see a medium for ages, since the boys died and I saw that one who wasn't that great I don't think and thought I was pregnant when I wasn't but I'd so love to get some kind of message or reassurance like that. I hope you are feeling better as well and you get some BD-ing in, like Hayley said it's still do-able!


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