Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Ooops doing this on my Phone!!!

Thanks for welcoming me here,u all seem so lovely & cheerful considering we r all here for the same reason!

I do plan on waiting until my consultants appointment to even considering ttc again. I know that the appointment will only confirm that there was nothing wrong my little one as I know it was my cervix from my Leep 2 years ago. When I do fall pregnant my doctors the midwives & the hospital will probably need to take out a restraining order in me! I am just impatient I guess to get on with things, I want my body to be ready for the next pregnancy & don't want to compromise my next little uns health.

Good luck to u all on the tww,I hate that wait!!x
Hooray for Kelly's sickness! Keep it up! Just kidding...sorry you're feeling rough but hey, it's looking promising! :headspin:

Susanne, that is hilarious, and surreal. I think you should write a book! On the baby aspirin front, though, I was told by consultant that I should take it as soon as I get a BFP, not before, because it can interfere with conceiving. Not sure how or why. She said to wait to get the positive result, then start on it straight away. :shrug:

I'm miles from my family too, and we are in the same neck of the woods I see, so most likely same hospital we are talking about...:winkwink:
Babylou you know I would rather they had not just guessed so I didn't have a funeral for a fictional boy baby. I think the hospital were panicking because any live birth has to be registered within 5 days. Nobheads :)
Suzanne, that's brilliant! Sorry, I know it's not brilliant, but you know what I mean, how do we get ourselves into these things? I bet you'll never darken their door again! You poor thing, thanks for sharing that though.

So are most of your family in Cali then? Sorry I thought it was just a cuzzie. I don't miss the weather, I must admit, just my family. ETA, I've just realised you are down south, that's whay so far away from family. Also we've cross-posted, I wasn't saying the story about your wee girl being called a boy was good,I meant the chemist's story. I'm such a slow typist, sorry! That was awful, I can't believe how many ar*e-ups they made with you in hospital, it's terrible.

Kelly, woop-woop, can't wait for you wake up in your mornng and pee!

AFM, I've decided that I have a cyst that has stopped me ovulating. My AF is normally about 5+ days, with flow for the first 3 days. The last 2 times it has only lasted 2 days, with full-on flow for the first day and night, then just it tailing off after that. I've found some other posts saying similar and the lady had a cyst that stopped her Ov-ing. It would make sense as I've had Ov type pain in my left side for a couple of months now it seems and didn't have very convicing OV symptoms and I usually do. I better make an appt with the Ob I suppose but I don't think there's much that can be done except wait anyway. Night all of you Northern Hemisphere ladies, I'll speak to you tommorrow.

I'm loving all the chat here. xxx
Helen I am hoping Arrowe Park isn't on your radar!

Like I said, the aspirin thing is totally random, and this Dr Alan Beer recommends taking aspirin to boost blood flow to the ovaries and womb. Sorry, i'm giving it a go!

Testing again in the morning, 11dpo.... slap me silly if you so please...
Helen I am hoping Arrowe Park isn't on your radar!

Like I said, the aspirin thing is totally random, and this Dr Alan Beer recommends taking aspirin to boost blood flow to the ovaries and womb. Sorry, i'm giving it a go!

Testing again in the morning, 11dpo.... slap me silly if you so please...

That's the one! I thought things had improved since I had my daughter there 12 years ago and after that horrendous experience I had my son at Countess, but that was utter crap also. But they did it all out this time so I thought it was better now? A couple of friends have had babies there recently and I think it was ok, but I don't know. I never got to the maternity bit I was in gynaecology because I was 16 weeks.
hey girls..eeek i feel like ive missed everything lol

welcome to suzanne and bride to be... i hope we can help you girls in whatever way you need, im so sorry you both found a reason to be here and my thoughts are with you xx

kelly i hope your feeling better hun, sometimes its good to have a right old cry and let out all the emotions!! better out than in...

andrea how are you hun????xxx

tanya lol im laughing thinking of your hair, wish i was nearer to you and id fix ya up lol (im a hairdresser!dunno if i mentioned lol)i know this month is tough on you but im always thinking of you xxxx

Mhairi how are you feeling??hope everything is going well.

dont want to be waffling all night lol so all my other lovely ladies how are you?and how are we on the baby making??????any news yet xxxxxxxxxxxxx

love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am doing ok, just going to the doctor and doing things, how are ya feeling?
Love you all and I hope you all get your BFP's soon... XOXOXO
ah kelly don't apologise, just go home and cook that BFP for us!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Helen Arrowe Park is bad but Countess isn't much better! I had my antenatal there because I'd heard how awful arrowe park was but my god, countess was shocking! Crowds of pregnant women in the corriders, then they lost my urine sample and to be honest the whole place smelt mouldy. Eek. Anyway, we decided to go for the Liverpool Women's Hospital, but sadly was too far on the day so we ended up at arrowe park; Bummer. x
Helen Arrowe Park is bad but Countess isn't much better! I had my antenatal there because I'd heard how awful arrowe park was but my god, countess was shocking! Crowds of pregnant women in the corriders, then they lost my urine sample and to be honest the whole place smelt mouldy. Eek. Anyway, we decided to go for the Liverpool Women's Hospital, but sadly was too far on the day so we ended up at arrowe park; Bummer. x

I went there thinking I could have a better experience and even..haha..a water birth! Unfortunately my son decided to start making an appearance in the middle of the night, just like my daughter did, and not only could I not get a water birth, I was half an hour away from delivering him in the assessment room. :thumbup:
damn, still getting it wong, sorry you lovely people..
:rofl: Angry friend :rofl: I love that so much better then aunt flo :rofl:

You girls are sooo chatty its hard to keep up! I only have a min but I will read more later.. Kelly keep up the good news!! Sickness is a good thing! :dance:
Uh oh..... Think I'm getting a visit from the witch! : ( Got home from dinner and when I wiped, I seen a tiny smear tint of something!!!!!! Guess well see.....
Uh oh..... Think I'm getting a visit from the witch! : ( Got home from dinner and when I wiped, I seen a tiny smear tint of something!!!!!! Guess well see.....

NOOOOOO!!!!! I hate that for you, I hope it's nothing. Keep us posted, hun!

I got home and there was actually some substance to the spotting I've been having so I'm really hoping AF is here for me.

Too much to catch up on and too tired from work. I'll read up about you lovely ladies later!
Just popping in to change the group name :)
Sorry not got time to catch up propperly its morning chaos here :wacko:
but wanted to drop in some :hugs:
and a bit of :dust: to those that need it :friends: xxx

Nats XX
Morning everyone!

Blav - I'm jealous that you might have AF coming, i still havent had a proper one for nearly 13 weeks! although for the last 3 days i've had period pains but still nothing! i think i'm going mad, every time i go to toilet i'm desperately checking for something!

Suzanne - I'm sorry about what the hospital did to you and the way the midwife dressed (i would've told her to peep off). My mum told me what i had, i hadn't wanted to know straight away, and she said to me afterwards, " shall i go and tell jon that you've had him" my OH bless him had fallen asleep on the sofa in the lounge connected to our little room in the hospital, not that i minded really.

Bride2be - Welcome, I'm sorry you had to join us but i think it really is quite nice over here away from the rest of the forum! I think its only natural to want a baby again after losing one, but like the others have said wait till your follow up appt, hopefully they'll be able to provide you with more support the next time round!

To everyone else :dust:

Christine xx
Right another mammoth post - because you girls are talking for Britian / America / New Zealand and wherever else :rofl:

Blav glad your first night back at work went OK :hugs: I dreaded my first day back but once I was there it wasnt as bad as I had made it in my mind - and you're right sometimes it is nice to have some normalcy. The hard part came for me a week or so after being back though when I wanted to scream at everyone for being normal! Grief is a strange thing :hugs: I'm sorry you are being messed around by AF! Have you tried using OPKs? They are great for helping to pinpoint O time especially when your body is still adjusting.

:rofl: Kelly! I'm sure you did O hun and not everyone uses OPKs when TTC, but maybe - if this is not your cycle (which I think it is!) then you could think about using them this month? More sticks to pee on :happydance:
I'm sorry you're feeling like your on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster hun :( I dont know why, maybe hormones? But I have been feeling the same lately - I keep replaying Emilys birth and the days leading up to it - thinking about silly things like what I said to the midwives and how I heard the other babies crying on the labour ward. I think its just this time of year and everyone going on about it being a time for family - well our families wont be complete this year - there will be little beautiful people missing.
I hope that little spot was just some IB and not :witch:! Keep us updated - I'm rooting for you :happydance:

Bride2b - welcome, I'm Amanda :hugs: I am sorry we are meeting under these circumstances but I'm glad you found us. Please dont be scared and just join in - we are all a bit crazy but pretty much harmless. Most of us have been around these parts for a few months so we do 'know' each other but we can get to know you too! As for how long did I wait well the night Emily was born I said I never wanted to go through this again and if that meant no children then so be it, the next day all I wanted more than anything was a baby. I knew I couldnt get Emily back no matter what I did so I wanted to TTC as soon as we could. We were given the all clear straight away but due to complications it was 3 months later before we tried, and I fell the first proper cycle of trying.

Tanya! 10dpo already exciting :happydance: Fingers crossed for you hun! We need to see some BFPs this month after all you ladies hard work :haha:

Susanne I cant believe you went through all that with Ellie :cry: You know its not to late to put a formal complaint in - I'm so shocked :cry: I'm not sure now who it was but I'm sure someone else was told something similar about having had the wrong sex and were left to believe they had had a son when infact it was a girl. That would have really messed with my head :hugs: Thankfully (?) we knew Emily was a girl at 13 weeks, 4 weeks before she was born, because we had to have the CVS testing which came back positive for Turners which is a female only condition. And that midwifes behaviour is disgusting! I think my OH would have blown up and demanded she left. What a bitch! Please dont be sorry for sharing - most days this is a happy thread but its also here for rants and moans too! :hugs: We all understand, sadly.

Oh have just read your later post and nearly spurted by orange juice all over the laptop laughing so much! that sounds like something i would do!

Jojo :hugs: nice to see you back not seen you about in a few days. How are you and baba? Well I hope :hugs:

Nats thank you for changing the group name :hugs: Hope all is well with you and yours!

AFM: Well I think my hormones are going cuckoo! I cried the other night at Deal or No Deal when the lady dealt at 10k and had the 250k box... and then last night at Four in A Bed (which for those that dont know is not a rude programme its about competing B&B owners and I cried when the houseboat won :shrug:) :haha:

Anyway I'm off to get dressed and take some christmassy decorations to Emily :flower:
I see the name has been changed. Looks good. :flower:

Joelene, I wish you were nearer to me too. Why do you have to be the other side of the country? I'm glad you got a good laugh at my expense. lol Thank you hun, your the best. xxxx

Oh Susanne- you must have wanted the ground to swallow you up. I must admit though I had a wee chuckle reading that. Sounds like something that'd happen to me. The consultant put me on aspirin at the last appt to thin my blood. She knew we were ttc again so I'm sure she wouldn't have put me on it if it was going to hinder the chances of getting pregnant. In fact she actually said it would help implantation. I have read alot of good things about it.

I hope you get that sorted out Nikki.

I'm ok Andrea thanks, Is you ticker right?? Sorry I can't remember where u are in your cycle.

Ohh No Kelly, I hope not. I have everything crossed. xxxx

Lol Amanda, I think you have beaten me with crying at Deal or No Deal- my all time low was Jeremy Kyle. :blush: I bet Emily will love her decoration. xxx

Sooo 11 dpo today and not testing. Temps are quite low so I think thats enough of a sign that I'm out this month. :nope:
Thanks ladies for welcom

Welcome here, my name is Andrea. Glad you are here :hugs::hugs:
I see the name has been changed. Looks good. :flower:

Joelene, I wish you were nearer to me too. Why do you have to be the other side of the country? I'm glad you got a good laugh at my expense. lol Thank you hun, your the best. xxxx

Oh Susanne- you must have wanted the ground to swallow you up. I must admit though I had a wee chuckle reading that. Sounds like something that'd happen to me. The consultant put me on aspirin at the last appt to thin my blood. She knew we were ttc again so I'm sure she wouldn't have put me on it if it was going to hinder the chances of getting pregnant. In fact she actually said it would help implantation. I have read alot of good things about it.

I hope you get that sorted out Nikki.

I'm ok Andrea thanks, Is you ticker right?? Sorry I can't remember where u are in your cycle.

Ohh No Kelly, I hope not. I have everything crossed. xxxx

Lol Amanda, I think you have beaten me with crying at Deal or No Deal- my all time low was Jeremy Kyle. :blush: I bet Emily will love her decoration. xxx

Sooo 11 dpo today and not testing. Temps are quite low so I think thats enough of a sign that I'm out this month. :nope:

Yes I think my ticker is right. I got it early last month it was only 25 days.
Love you all and I hope you all are feeling well.
Kelly, still praying for you and hoping ..Love You XOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sorry if I forgot anyone my mind is somewhere else today XOXO

Joelene.. Welcome to the group.. :hugs::hugs: sorry fi I missed anyone that is new..:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Amanada, how ya feeling, love? I hope good..

JoJo... Hope you are feeling good, love ya..
Helen, hope your feeling good also..
Nat, you never called me last night I wrote you on facebook, I hope you are ok, call me later..xoxxo
Amanda, hope your feeling good and I love ya too//
Mhari, love ya so happy things are going well.. XOXOOX
Welcome to everyone new..XOXOXOOX:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Girls, thanks for all your lovely comments about my tales of woe. Big hugs to you all. This is just a quick post because I'm on my way out in a minute but just wanted to say I got another BFN this morning. But I did a really stupid thing (just for a change) and took the test apart because I thought I could see a line. I took the strip out for a minute and then put it straight back in again and when I looked at it again there was a very clear skinny blue line (it was a clearblue test). Aaaargh. So now I don't know whether the line would have come up anyway or if I caused it by faffing about with it. I'm thinking it's just a really bad evap from taking the strip out and well, it serves me right!

Will have to wait and do another test later. Why do I do these things? WHY? I even annoy myself.... :-(

Will pop back later. Kelly, how are you holding up? Really hope af has stayed away xxx

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