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List of TTC Charts Ladies

:hugs: tallmom :hugs: I tested too to see a :bfn: I feel so stupid listening to that doc! :hugs: x
Awe bummer! :hugs:

I got really excited to see my temp go up like that, it's never gotten that high!
Part of me is still hoping, I can't help it. :)
Still hoping for you too:) AF isn't here yet!
Gl Hun and if it's never been like that you may still get your bfp :) sometimes it takes longer to show in some women's urine! Gl! I've given up x
Tallmom and scerena -- Both of your charts look really good. I'm still keeping everything crossed that you two get your BFPs! :dust:
Just was hoping to join this thread! TTC #1, cycle #2 and now new to charting (started last week).

:dust: to all you ladies!
Not sure what's happening with me...

Had a big dip on Friday morning followed by spotting in the evening, back up on Saturday morning with light flow, and then up a little again today with medium/light flow. I had a faint BFP yesterday evening on FRER, but tested again this morning and the line is much lighter, I really had to look hard to see it.

Do you think I am experiencing a chemical? If so, when should I count as my period... today? Yesterday? Or do I need to wait for my temp to come back down first?

Felling very upset and confused right now :cry:
Sweety, I'm not really sure, but I really hope it's not a chemical for you! Have you tried a digi? That might shed some more light. Is your flow still light or spotting? and what colour is it?
Sweety, I'm not really sure, but I really hope it's not a chemical for you! Have you tried a digi? That might shed some more light. Is your flow still light or spotting? and what colour is it?

Thank you for the kind words :hugs:

Haven't tried a digi yet but might go out and buy one today. I'm having medium flow with no clots, mostly red (sometimes bright red, sometimes dark red). The bleeding yesterday was light and mostly brown.

I'll book in to see the doctor tomorrow to see if they can shed some light. I feel kinda numb at the moment, just want to know either way :cry:
Awww babes :hugs::hugs::hugs: If I'm honest, a medium flow might be a chemical :cry: But there is still a chance the bleeding might stop. A digi might provide an answer and it's good you are going to the doctor. This TCC journey is definitely not for the faint hearted. I'm so sorry everything is confusing for you.
Thinking of you :hugs: Feel free to PM me if you want to talk, rant or just need support. xxx
Hi Helen :hugs: I hope everything is alright. Sorry your going through this right now.
:hugs: Helen :hugs:
I really hope you're not having a chemical I would visit your doctor hun, I have had two chemicals and I know both of mine were faint but clearly there lines and then :bfn: and bleed... I really hope you get some answers soon hun :hugs: feel free to message me anytime as sometimes its nice to talk to someone who knows what ou're going through xxx
Oh Helen! I hope its nothing and it will pass! Keep us updated!
Well just got back from the doctors and she thinks that it was a chemical pregnancy. She advised me to stop charting and testing as if I hadn't been doing either of those things then I would have just assumed it was period so would have been none the wiser. Bit insensitive if you ask me.

They said to come back next week if I test positive and they'll book me in for a scan, but I tested BFN this morning so I think I am officially writing this month off.

So should I count my first day of bleeding as CD1? Or do I need to wait for my temps to drop back down and see what happens with the bleeding? Seems a shame to start a new cycle as my chart looks perfect lol!

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, it's nice to have a place to go where people understand what you're going through. We've been keeping TTC a secret from friends and family so it's difficult not having anyone to talk to about this... hubby has been wonderful I am so lucky to have him. x
can anyone look at my chart and tell me what u think. My pre O temps are higher and flat as ever and i don't use a bbt just regular (long story) anyway I did change waking time this cycle so could that make a difference?
ah can I join this thread? I was going to post a thread with my chart til I seen this. Any experts think anything of mine, is it triphisiac if thats how you spell it? It would show tho wouldnt it?

https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php or in my siggy

Sorry Helen:hugs:
Don't stop charting unless you want to. I think maybe a good thing to do is wait until at least 14dpo to test. (but I never seem to be able to wait:blush: )
Cd 1 is the first day you bled enough to need a pad. :dust:

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