long cycles support thread :) the yelping vaginas club! (closed group)

Katya, I did have some decent EWCM a couple of days ago. I also did an OPK yesterday and it was kind of dark. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean anything, lol:dohh: I have high hopes that this cycle will be more normal like the last one was:thumbup: Congrats on being in the 3rd trimester :happydance:So exciting!

Bless your heart, I know not feeling baby move for a while is a scary experience. I've had that a few times in my pregnancies, but it just turned out they were being lazy:haha:Usually when it would happen, I'd get out my doppler and once I heard the heartbeat it made me feel a LOT better:thumbup:

Bex, congrats on moving! I bet she'll love her new room:cloud9:

Miss, good luck...I'll be stalking your chart over the next few days:winkwink:

Have a great weekend everyone:flower:

Thankyou x
Here's a pic of Camden. He'll be 1 month on Sunday already! My husband and I were able to sneak out to a nice dinner last night for our anniversary and it went very well. Cam stayed with my mother in law and she was great. I had pumped some breastmilk just in case but he didn't even need it b/c he was passed out snuggling with her her whole time :) He is getting much better at sleeping at night, which is a huge relief. We had to retire a handful of his "newborn" sized onsies this week, he's getting so big!

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Aww his gorgeous congratulations x
I'm hoping I did ovulate but not very hopeful if my temp go's to 36.70 I should get ch on cd32 x
Sorry I've been MIA. Claire keeps me busy! But things are going well! She's growing like crazy! She'll be 3 months next week! It's hard to believe! :cloud9:

Katya - I'm so excited for your next scan and for you to finally confirm :pink: or :blue:!!!

Bethany - I hope this is O for you and you are starting to get regular cycles and your long awaited BFP!!

Miss - Good luck to you!

Dee - Camden is absolutely adorable!! I'm glad he's sleeping better for you! This might have already been asked but where is he sleeping? Bassinet? Crib? I'm glad you were able to have a night out. Happy Anniversary!
Hope this is your BFP coming Bethany! :hugs:

Dee - He is gorgeous! :cloud9:

All is well with me, Lucy is 5 months old next week! Where does the time go?!
Aww, love the pic Dee. He looks so precious:cloud9:Glad to hear you were able to have a good dinner out for your anniversary.

As for me, I dont think my EWCM meant O. was right around the corner:wacko:I don't know why, but I've noticed that I have had that the last few cycles...it seems like I have a good bit right at the tail end of AF. Maybe it's just my body's way of helping to get everything totally cleaned out from AF?:shrug:IDK, but FX'd my cycle will be at least as short as the last one.
Well I've still not ovulated :( I think I will do 200mg of soy cd3-7 next cycle x
Sorry to hear that, Miss. I used one round of soy about a year ago and I didn't ovulate much earlier on it either:nope: GL!
missbx - I hope you ovulate soon!

bethany - Looks like you ovulated?!

Camden slept mostly in our room in a bassinet in the first few weeks but has transitioned into his own crib in the nursery the past week and a half or so for most of the night. He'll end up just staying in our room in the bassinet on particularly bad nights where there is a lot of up and down. He's so gassy lately and sometimes it really bothers him and sometimes he'll wake himself up in the night every hour or so. He's easily consoled and put back to bed, so that's good, but it's still so tiring!
Lucy still sleeps in our room, I don't like the idea of moving her to her own room, I like having her near :(
The nursery is right next door to us and our house is small, so it's not too far. We have the air conditioning blasting in our room b/c it's been so hot so we didn't really want Cam in that all night long. I would prefer him in our room too, but we do have a video camera monitor that works great (except sometimes I just stare at it waiting for him to get restless again).
Yeah Lucy's room is next to ours, I will be moving her in there next month as she's getting too big for her little travel cot.
Dee, no, I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated yet...I've had a little bit of a head cold or something here lately and I think that's why I had a couple of days of weird temps:wacko:I've had decent CM lately and semi-dark OPKs so FX'd I'll get my positive OPK soon:thumbup:

Katya, I bet you're excited...tomorrow is your scan, right?:happydance:
Yup so excited :)

Will update you girlies tomorrow. Hopefully I can some nice photos and I can confirm baby is a girl xxx
The scan was lovely!!! And we are definitively having a little girl!!!!! We got a few good pics of baby's profile, feet, and potty shot. The 4d freeview was nice as well. Unfortunately baby was using placenta as a pillow so we couldn't get the clearest of photos, but it was so lovely to see baby's face and hands Nice to have a growth report as well, baby is on the 50th percentile for growth, so growing perfectly. She currently weighs 2lb 8oz xxx

Congratulations on a baby girl Diddums lovely pic x

Hello ladies fertility friend has confirmed ovulation with solid crosshairs even though I've reported ewcm after x I done my temp way to early and the temp adjusted says it should be 36.86 but I'm keeping it at my original what do you think? x

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