Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Springy, I stimmed for 10 days, and did the trigger on the 11th day.
Great news, Katrus! That's fantastic. Lots of happy vibes for your embies to go to blastocyst x
Great news Katrus - come on embies!!!!

Well done on the injecting Springy

I have my appt Tues morning too and am hoping I can start stimming as I'm bored with downregging now hehehehe.

Hope you're getting on okay Reb and MM? Who else is stimming?

Hope you're embies are doing great too Wishing - come back and update us when you feel ready xxx

No news here really - AF tailing off now, thank cripes!! Am very zitty and emotional too - hopefully husband won't run away from me hehehehe

Happy Easter everyone and am praying for the first batch of April embys xxxxx
Hi girls! So I got an update report a couple of hours ago. All 8 embabies are doing good, still dividing! I asked for grading, they didn't tell me. They said to get ready for Wednesday morning for transfer, and they will not call me tomorrow, only on Tuesday to let me know what time to come in on Wednesday. I wish I could get an every day update but I guess they don't want to disturb little guys.

I feel like the third day after retrieval is the most crucial, as many embabies don't make it to day 4. I am a little nervous they won't make it but the stats say at least a couple should make it.
That's ace news Kat - they obvs think that some/all will make it til Weds or they would get you in sooner wouldn't they. Awww lovely - it must be so nerve wracking for you. Keep your eyes on the prize - am hoping and praying your embabies are busy dividing and growing xxxx
That's great news!!! You won't loose that many after day 3 I have a good feeling about this for you :)
Kat that is great news :happydance:

Cant believe I am on my 5th day stimming already. First progress scan Wednesday - terrified the drugs arent working with my low AMH - but I am having the occassional sensation in my ovaries so I hope that is follies growing! Had a little cry out of nowhere just now - catching up onn FB. I suddenly felt like all my friends (with kids) are slipping away - many of them have moved to the next stage in their lives having completed their families. I have nothing in common with them now. makes me :sad: I keep thikning I will be able to reconnect once I am pregnant - but what if I never get pregnant then I will never get to reconnect....sorry for my waffle. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
Hi everyone, really trying to be good and stay off BnB but my husband is back at work this week and I am sooooooooooooooooo bored.

Well I had 10 eggs retrieved on friday, they called sat morning to say 7 had fertililsed so was over the moon, my DH even started crying it was a great day. They said there and then that my transfer will be Wed at 11am and if I didnt here anything then that was good news. Was on tender hooks a little this morning but so far so good no phone call.

Cant wait till wed. Have been pretty sore for the last couple of days and sorry if its tmi but my bowels are extremelly sluggish with the progesterone so have resorted to prune juice, first day today so hoping it feels better by wed.

Mrs max please dont worry you will be fine, im sure of it. xxx Just dont expect it to happen as quickly as others but it will definately happen. xx
MrsMax your feelings are TOTALLY normal!!! There are days where I look at my two close friends who are currently pregnant and I think "if this doesn't work for me, how will I ever be able to connect with you?" and I have two other close friends who are off on maternity leave now and I am finding that I am not emailing / texting as much as I just don't feel I have anything in common with them. Then on the other end of the spectrum I have 3 or 4 close friends who are single, not anywhere close to having kids or even wanting kids and I think "oh god what do I have in common with you?!" .... There are days where I feel like the ladies on BnB are my "closest" friends because everyone on here is in the same spot in life, we are all going through the same battle. So your feelings are NOT alone at all!!

You're on a pretty strong dose of drugs and I have a friend on here who had an AMH that was pretty much 0 and she got 6 eggs, 5 fertilized, she put 2 back and she got pregnant - so don't let your AMH diagnosis scare you. PMA only remember!!!

Wishing - that is a GREAT report!!! I am hoping to have around that same number too. And your bowel issues ... VERY VERY common! The one thing some of the ladies on here who have been through IVF tell me - MAKE SURE you are cleared out and "flowing" before you have transfer!! So its a GOOD thing you're on the prune juice already!!! And one last thing .... I'm pretty sure here on BnB there is VERY little that is TMI :haha:

Katrus - how are you feeling today? Excited for transfer???

Reb & Ratma - how are you ladies doing? Can't wait for you guys to join the stimming party! Reb when is your next appointment? Ratma - GOOD luck tomorrow!!!

AFM ... day 2 of injections was done last night and it went MUCH smoother than the first night!!! No mixing issues and I got my full dose of Luveris PHEW. This morning I am feeling really bloated and gross and not sure if that is because of the Easter food yesterday or if I feel this way already because of the drugs. I also have a dull "headache" behind my eyes and I"m not sure if that is drug related or if all of these things are in my head :rofl: Guess I'll find out tomorrow what's going on down there!!
Yes, I am very excited! I can't believe that it's only two more days. However, I really really want to know how they are doing and whether they will be doing assisted hatching today. I am waiting for another hour before I will be calling the clinic and bugging them to inform me. I mean if they gonna take them out anyway for AH, than I wanna know what's happennn in that incubator!
wishing - first. congrats that is AWESOME news. 7 fertilised I bet is better than dreamed to hope for. I am sooo pleased for you. And second, thanks for the words of support. Just what I needed. You and Springy made me cry again - but this time in a good way. It is just so easy to feel alone - Springy, I know what you mean about friends on nB being the closest to you at this time - and then I think "how sad is that? least with internet dating you actually meet the people!" :rofl: One of my best friends is single and tries to be supportive, but the thought that she is alone and at least I have DH hangs over every conversation so I dont like to wallow too much with her...so bloody hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katrus - sounds like you are keeping your clinic on their toes! I dont think they will dare let this fail ;)


Read Hunger Games the last couple of days, now starting on book 2. Is great at taking my mind off things. Off to read again now.

Thinking of you all .
ps - good luck with the scan tomorrow Springy. Weird (but good) that you have one so early. I think the average is 6 days after stimming (mine being 7) :kiss:
Awww MM - I know exactly where you are coming from with thinking about your friends. Please don't worry about having things in common - times change and no situation is permenet, they will always be your friends and you WILL have a baby of your own, and perhaps you'll make new friends too who have LO's at the same stage as you? Try not to dwell on these thoughts - the hormone doses are huge and this is such a tense time, we're boud to be feeling on tenderhooks. Stay positive chicken xxxxx

Its weird that we're all helping each other through this, even though in reality we're strangers!!! I'm so glad we have this little group though.

Katrus and Wishing - hope your embabies are growing well - I'm so excited for both of you and shall be thinking of you Weds!!

Reb - how is stimming going?

Springy - hope your scan goes well tomorrow too.

How is everyone else doing? Lochbride, Roz? Who else? (Downreg brain strikes again)!!

I'll let you know what happens after my appt tomorrow - am really hoping I can move onto stimming! Xxxx
Ratma I agree I feel like we are all "friends" even though we have never met!

I actually did meet one girl from BnB as she was coming to the area I live in on business so we met up for brunch and then she and her husband came to Toronto to visit - it was really nice to put a face to a name although I did kind of feel like I was going on a blind internet date the first time we met!!!!

Hope you can start to stim tomorrow Ratma!

MrsMax - forgot to mention Hunger Games - I LOVED the entire series!!! DH and I may try and go see the movie this weekend. This is going to sound so stereotypical for Canadians, but he is curling this weekend in a tournament on Friday and Saturday so we are going to try and squeeze it in on Saturday evening or maybe Sunday afternoon. Has the movie been released in the UK??
Wishing and Katrus - that's GREAT news re your embies! Good numbers and all looking good for blastocyst which improves the odds so greatly. Keep calm and carry on!
I loved the Hunger Games too - don't want to watch the movie though - sounds too gory for me - if I'm reading about it at least I don't have to see it and my imagination isn't up to the kind of gore I think it shows...! Squeamish!
Ratma - good luck for tomorrow, here's hoping for stimming x
Wishing - Progesterone is shit - prune juice and plenty of water all around!
AFM - things going faster than expected, scan this morning has put my EC back to Thursday which is great as it avoids need to lie to work. Also better for OH and his lying...!
Girls, I'm almost at the end of my journey now and feeling a bit like an old auntie compared to you youngies! I've been trying for a babbie for over 4 years now, since OH and I broke a condom and thought - what a good idea! -and if this doesn't work, I am now prepared to be childless. It has taken me a long time to get to this point. My 1st IVF and MC were disastrous and it's so good to hear you lot coping so well - I think the technology has improved even in two years - my cycle is incomparable compared 1st. I'm also really enjoying your company as you all still seem to have time on your sides and that makes me feel better. Keep up the positive vibes and love to you all x
Sorry for the essay - must be the hormones!!!
Well girls, thats it having only 1 day left before egg transfer, I need you all. This BnB silence is shit... I give in, hold my hands up. My best friend is begging me to stay of it as sometimes i get upset but she isnt there for me right now, and could cry just thinking about it. She has a gorgeous son connor who is 7 months old and she drives me crazy. Does she realise this is the most important most stressfull emotional thing in my whole life.

I dont know if its the hormones but everything she does is annoying me but she is all I have. God im rambling.

I have put my foot down and I will be chatting on here everyday for the next week, and I will just keep it our little secret.

Reb - I went to see the Hunger games when it first came out and it was really good. Its a 12A so not gory at all, the very cleverly make the battle scenes if you like to music so it doesnt seem so sadistic and you dont actually see anything really.

Springy hope the scan goes well tomorrow. xxxx

Mrs max, how are things going, managing the injections OK.

Hope everyone else is doing ok too. xxx
Also having a major dilema about 1 or 2 embryos.

One minute Im sure 1, then the next 2 and the next 1 and then the next 2, then 1 again... you get the picture

I had ec on friday, 7 have fertilised and we were told on sat that our transfer will be on wed at 11am. They are trying to take as many to 5 days as possible.

Other than knowing they have fertilised the day after ec, I have no idea as of tonight how many are still there and we wont get to know until wed when we arrive at the clinic.

THe embryologist said that if we get some to a 5 day blast they will highly recommend transferring 1. I am 32 and have an 8 year old son with a previous partner so they say the chances of success are high. He told me to go and read the cochrane report which gives conscise evidence into studies carried out and it clearly states that there are the same chances of success for a single transfer to a double when you take into account a fresh single transfer along with a frozen one.

The trouble is we are paying for this privately and he also said if they get them to 5 day it is better chance of success but also lowers the chance of having some to freeze.

I am thinking right now that if they have some to freeze i will go with one, but if not 2, but then i change my mind and want the best chance of success this time around.

What is everyone elses opinion.

I also would not know if I could forgive myself if I fell with twins but there was something wrong with one of them, or both, I would blame myself. But if it didnt work I would kick myself for not having 2 put back in.

This has been a very long 7 year journey and I dont know if I can go through the IVF process again, although I know i will force myself to.
Oh gosh Wishing - perhaps wait and see what stage they're at when you go in - or is that too short notice? Such a responsibility deciding - I like to think fate will take its course and you won't have to decide. Sorry not much help!! Go with your gut feeling chicker xxx

Springy - yes hunger games in out here, I saw it and loved it! Haven't read the books as I'm not into reading hehehe. My friend relocated to Ontario 5 years ago and she loves it out there - she works for Toronoto cat rescue now.

Awwww Reb - what you said has really touched me and made me feel for you - I'm really really wishing my hardest this finally works for you. As you said things have greatly improved in the last few years - you bloody deserve this to work for you as you sound so lovely xxxx oh and ps - excellent news for your ER being put forward - surely that's a good sign - I'm so excited for you and am wishing my hardest for you xxx

I've re-read my form and I'm defo being left to it for the first 10 days of stimming so that's good that I don't have to keep bunking off work - just hope that being unmonitored is okay - ill make sure I drink lots!

Group hug lovely ladies - we can do this!!! xxxxx
ps - good luck with the scan tomorrow Springy. Weird (but good) that you have one so early. I think the average is 6 days after stimming (mine being 7) :kiss:

I had the first check after 3 days and thought it was standard :)

Also having a major dilema about 1 or 2 embryos.

One minute Im sure 1, then the next 2 and the next 1 and then the next 2, then 1 again... you get the picture

I had ec on friday, 7 have fertilised and we were told on sat that our transfer will be on wed at 11am. They are trying to take as many to 5 days as possible.

Other than knowing they have fertilised the day after ec, I have no idea as of tonight how many are still there and we wont get to know until wed when we arrive at the clinic.

THe embryologist said that if we get some to a 5 day blast they will highly recommend transferring 1. I am 32 and have an 8 year old son with a previous partner so they say the chances of success are high. He told me to go and read the cochrane report which gives conscise evidence into studies carried out and it clearly states that there are the same chances of success for a single transfer to a double when you take into account a fresh single transfer along with a frozen one.

The trouble is we are paying for this privately and he also said if they get them to 5 day it is better chance of success but also lowers the chance of having some to freeze.

I am thinking right now that if they have some to freeze i will go with one, but if not 2, but then i change my mind and want the best chance of success this time around.

What is everyone elses opinion.

I also would not know if I could forgive myself if I fell with twins but there was something wrong with one of them, or both, I would blame myself. But if it didnt work I would kick myself for not having 2 put back in.

This has been a very long 7 year journey and I dont know if I can go through the IVF process again, although I know i will force myself to.

Wishing, my story is very very similar to yours, only I am 33 and have a 9 year old son Erik from a previous relationship. My EC was also on Friday, and ET will be on Wednesday, and i also have no idea how many there are left now. My doc gave me all the same reasoning for transferring one embaby, but he said the choice is mine. I firmly choose two anyway. Why would you think there would be something wrong with twins? All the stories I hear, it is very rare that something is wrong. Very often they are born prematurely, but from what I read, it most often turns out ok. I have had a C-Section with my son, but as I read the stats, it's not even that bad. I soooooo want it to work from the first time around, that I will take all the help. I don't know why the docs are saying that putting in two doesn't improve your chances, I think it does, as I see A LOT of girles on other forums who had two or three transferred and only one stuck! This is just my opinion though... Of course if you can stretch yourself for another try if you have a frozen one, it's not so bad, as the next try would be right next cycle.

Reb - you don't sound like an auntie at all, in fact I think on these forums everyone kinda blends in into one uncertain age, where it seems like everyone is within ten years of you. I really hope this is going to work out for you, keep your chin up, hun! :hugs:
Reb - you are NOT an old Auntie at all! Age doesn't matter on this forum as we're all after the same thing whether we are 20, 30, 40 or 45! Its just a number and we should all be able to realize our dream. DH and I have been TTC for coming on 3 years so I feel like its been a LONG time for us too. THIS WILL WORK!

Wishing - I find it VERY hard to talk to my friends who are pregnant, just had babies etc. they just do NOT understand what we are going through. Their experiences are just SO different than any of ours. There is NO way I could stay away from BnB during this time - the ladies on here are the ONLY ones who truly "get" what you are going through. The wait between ER and ET is so stressful and so emotional and then the TWW is just as hard once those embies are back inside you. Its not like a normal TWW, there is SO much more invested in our TWWs than normal TWW. I have to admit that I struggle even now listening to women who are going through their first IUI as I feel like the jump to IVF puts you in such a different ballgame!

As for the 1 vs 2 debate ... I know that in the UK they really really push a SET (single embryo transfer) and the original clinic I was at told me if we made it to day 5 we should really consider an SET due to my age - I am 33 right now. When we went to this new clinic they just said "are you doing 1 or 2?" and we discussed it, we debated it, we argued about it .... and we have settled on 2. We think that the chances of twins outweighs the regret of "what if we had put 2 in and it worked" if god forbid we were to only put one in and have it fail. I know there are risks, I know that a twin pregnancy comes with complications but those are things I am willing to risk to realize my dream - and between you and me if I ended up with twins we would be done and we would never ever have to think about TTC ever again!!!

Ratma - I live in Toronto! So she must not be very far from me!! Have you ever come to visit?

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