Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Good luck today Wishing and Katrus xxx

Springy and MM - hope you're both growing lots of nice follies! Springy no I've never visited my friend but would love to some day. She lives in Orangeville - have no idea if that's very close to Toronto?

Reb - well done on the trigger - can't believe how fast that came round. Good luck for your ER, I'm sure the follies won't have ovd by themselves xxx

Lisa - how you feeling?

Hope I haven't forgotton anyone - my brain is totaly mush now!

I did my first injection this morning (with the help of DH) and it was fine!

Feeling a bit odd about everything and just want it all to be over ASAP!!! Xxxx
Well done on overcoming the first injection nerves. I take it you had a nasal spray to DR? I'm injecting to DR and have found them not too scary. I don't have a problem with needles. Well done for OH helping you out. We had the training yesterday i did my first injection and OH was nearly green in the corner just watching me. There would be no way he would ever do it for me.

I'm feeling fine and have no side effects so far other than my mood seems to have changed almost instantly. I'm at work today and have stressed on the guy who sits next to me twice. We really get on well and have a kinda brother sister relationship where we annoy and poke fun at each other but my tolerance for it this morning is Zero!!! I hope i don't get much worse or i may lock myself in a room for the next 5 weeks lol xxx
Ratma - great news on NHS funding! What a relief and well done for first injection. I think I am the only wimp on here :blush:

Springy - glad you are progressing well - keep it up!

Well, I had my first scan today and the nurses were very, very pleased and therefore so am I. I have 13 follies and 7 of those are over 10(mm?). They couldnt see one of my ovaries very well so they think some more oculd be hiding, but I am happy as with a low AMH I was expectinhg the worst! My dream is to get 8 eggs so with 7 good follies, hopefully that will come true. A few already measure about 14. My lining is already 8.7. She said it is possible some of the small 6 follies will grow between now and EC on Tuesday. My dose wasnt changed. I am very happy :happydance:

Wishing - did you go for 1 or 2 today? Have everything crossed hon.
Great news that the scan went well MM :happydance: I have everything crossed you get the 8 good quality eggs you hope for :) :) xxx
MM, with this count and measurements, I bet you will have what you are looking for.
Thanks Lisa - yes not as bad as I thought! Yep I had nasal spray for d/r and its a doddle! Your poor OH LOL!!! Defo know where you're coming from on the moodswing front!

Ahh MM that's eggcellent news!!!! Loads of time for some more to grow - I'm so pleased for you x

Katrus!!!! Have you been in yet? Perhaps you're in there now (can't work out the time difference as we're in the future) hehehe xxxxx
MrsMax that scan sounds to me to be absolutely PERFECT!!!! :happydance: With 7 follicles already I think you will for sure end up with more than 8 as you have several days left for stimulating. Do you have another scan between now and the collection?

Wishing & Katrus - Sending you loads and loads of sticky :dust: for those embabies!!! Let us know how many you decide to put back.

Lisa - I had two maybe three crying fits yesterday for NO reason!! I was sitting at my computer working away and then I just started to cry .... these drugs sure do mess up our systems! I am also having wicked headaches. I describe it as if you were to pull on your ear and tug at it .... well that is how it feels behind my eyes like someone is tugging/pulling at them!!!

Ratma - how did the injection go today? I'm finding the actual injections the easiest part of this process. The mental battle, the headaches and the exhaustion for me is way worse than the actual tiny little needles.
I'm a bit post happy today - just cannot concentrate at work. My mind is awful, I just cannot seem to remember anything!!

Yes it was the actual pressing of the pen that I couldn't do, once I'd put it next to my skin my legs just turned to jelly.

Am feeling very odd today - not depressed as such, just feeling very odd! Slight headache and am still quite hot from d/regging - am hoping that will subside soon!

Not too much longer now Springy and MM and you'll be drug free (apart from the progesterone)? I just want to get back to normal but I don't think it will happen? If it works and I'm pg then I'm not going to feel normal again am I? If it doesn't work then I don't think I'm going to feel normal emotionally!!!

Sorry for the waffle - I just feel very alone right now and quite scared about dealing with what's round the corner :(

Come and update us Katrus and Wishing!!! Xxxxx
I agree with you .... I just either want this all to go away and feel like myself again or to be pregnant and feel crappy!!! I'm voting for the latter though :haha:

And I am with you ... I should be doing school work & work work but I just can't focus! I honestly think everyone going through this should get 4 weeks off work!!!!
I am sitting at the clinic right now waiting for my name to be called. I am so anxious that I even feel nauseous, but maybe it's due to progesterone I take. By the way, I really don't like it cause it leaks out a lot (not willing to trade it for needles though). I feel your support girls and am very grateful to have it. My oh is not here with me, so being alone with all these feelings is hard. Thanks to technology though I am glad I can be on bnb anytime :)
Katrus - are you a front or back progesterone girl? I'd recommend back - much less messy.... sorry if TMI!!!
Good luck x
I'm glad i don't have pens and actually have needle for stimming because i like the control of the needle (i'm a bit of a control freak)

I wasn't expecting the side effects of the buserelin to effect me as quickly as they have. I'm having really dazed periods where i feel a bit woozy if that makes sense. I can't seem to concentrate. Is that normal with the DRin? I'm hoping my body gets used to it and it passes quickly xxx
Well ladies, Im back with TWO little embies on board YEY...

I had one really good embie and 4 that werent quite up to grade for their freezing criteria but it didnt mean they wouldnt be by tonightf so we opted for 2 transferred and 2 frozen with a very hard and long discussion with the embryrologist.

Cant quite believe it. The hardest part of today was having a full bladder for about 1.5 hours, eventually i had to let a little out in the toilet but when they scanned me it was still bulging... painfull but worth it.

Well here goes the TWW but of course Im not waiting that long. Tested to see if trigger was still in system last night and it was so going to test again friday night to see if its still there and that will give me a clear idea for when I do finally see the lines. Going to try and wait as long as I can but its not going to be easy.

Have had my acupuncture afterwards and now sitting at home about to have a cup of tea.

Katrus hope everything goes well today.

Mrs Max WOOOOWWEEEE thats fantastic news sounds like your body is reacting really well, you will have loads by next tuesday. xxxxxxx Happy happy happy. xx
Happy Pupo with Twins Wishing :happydance: xxx
Happy PUPO with twins Wishing!!!!

Katrus - hope you got on alright on your own, you sounded so scared my chicken, I'm defo taking Mr RG along for that part xxx

Not long until hometime - what a drag today has been, roll on 2 weeks please, and then another 2 weeks please, I can't take the suspense!!!

Take care little embabies and stick stick stick please xxx
Here!! It happenned!!!!!!! They put two awesome embabies back where they belong! I don't know what to think as I don't feel anything different. Its just so weird. I was scared in that waiting room. But everyone was so nice to me there and they said it should work as the uterus looked great and the embabies were top quality. They only had three to choose from, that were ready to go and showed signs of hatching through the shell, the rest need to grow one more day to be frozen tomorrow. But one of the best three is gonna be frozen today. I guess they have very high standards for freezing, so they will let me know tomorrow how many made it to freezing. I should also receive the photo of the two that are now inside me soon. I will post it here as its kinda cool. And oh, they didn't do assisted hatching as it wasn't necessary.

Thank you girls for all the support!
Wow, everyone's winning at the moment - all good news from everyone I think :) Katrus, how was your appointment? Springy? Any news? Mrs Max, Reb? Ratma? Lisa? Lots of us and all at such similar points - lucky Easter cycles I hope :D

I'm on day 8 of stims - my first scan is Friday morning at 8:15 and I'm keeping everything crossed for some fab follicle news. Been feeling a few tell-tale ovulation gearing up signs so hopeful that I'm responding well to the drugs. We're also having the 1 or 2 embies debate in our house - I think we've both decided two although I know they'll try and talk us out of it because I'm 32 and it's our first IVF/ ICSI.

I'm amazed that I've felt so calm about everything at the moment, a few tearful moments but generally ok in the last few days - if I stop and think about how much we have riding on this working though I think I'll lose my mind entirely so prob best not to right?!

Sending everyone good luck and positive vibes xxx
Wishing and Katrus - such great news for both of you. I hope that the dreaded TWW goes quickly for you both and that there is fantastic news at the end of that. So very exciting.
Last post was a bit behind the times - for some reason missed a page when catching up! Katrus, Wishing - that's SO awesome. Will be joining you in the 2ww ASAP :) xx

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