Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

I gotta say that even between the IVF girls there are still some divisions. On some forums, it just so happens that most girls have severe infertility issues and if some random IVF chicks, like me, try to join the club, I can see and feel that they are treated like the outsiders who don't understand. I get it though, and I am not offended. I agree, as a first timer IVFer, I may not understand them fully, so I prefer to stay away. On this site, it doesn't happen, or at least I don't notice it, maybe cause its so big with a huge variety of problems often in the same threads.

Wishing, whatever decision you make, I wish you have plenty of embabies on the day of transfer to put back and to freeze. Think about it - tomorrow may be you last unpregnant day before a long trip to become a mommy again. I'll be thinking of you at my transfer. GL and keep your tail up!
For those deciding 1 or 2, I decided on the day. I was all set for 1, then at the last minute we changed our minds - I only had 2 blasts anyway, so we thought may as well. If you're young and you bounced through your IVF cycle, I would suggest 1 - if not and you can't face it again, then go fo 2. But you will probalby know what's right when faced with it.
Katrus - I'm sorry you've been made to feel unwelcome on any other forums - as someone said so beautifully yesterday - we're all in this together whatever our issues are. x
Morning ladies :hi:

I had my app this morning to start IVF and have done my first injection. I can finally say my journey has started :happydance: im now downreggin injecting 300 units of buserelin (sp?) daily for 16 days :) :)

On the 1 or 2 debate our PCT operates a SET policy but we have decided that we are goin to fight for 2 because we only get one shot at this xxxx
With one shot, putting 2 back is a wise choice. I think it also depends how many mature eggs in total you were able to produce. My friend only had 3, and worried sick if they would even survive to day 3. They did, and by that point, she was asking to put back all three, but they did two, and now trying to grow the third one to day 5 to freeze it.

Congrats, Lisa!
Hello ladies - I am back from my trip so I have been MIA for about a week. I am happy to hear that your ER's went so well and that you were able to retrieve so many follies that is awesome news. I am going for baseline next Tuesday (the 17th) now so until then I'm in a holding pattern. I'm looking forward to hearing wonderful news from all of you though.
Thank you so much Katrus and Springy, your so right I am worrying for absolutely no reason and just because we have two transferred does not mean we are going to have twins anyway right.

I litterly went down stairs the now after speaking to my friend and told him I only want one as I didnt know if I could cope with a lose better than coping with it if it didnt work but that it would still depend how many we have to freeze.

I think i am just going to have to wait and see what happens tomorrow and how i feel tomorrow.
Great news Lisa!!

Welcome home Rozzi

Katrus and Wishing - I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow - huge good luck lovelies and wishing I hope you make the decision xxx

Well girlies - I'm joining the stimming brigade tomorrow eeeek! I'll be doing my first injection and am bricking it. Must read over the instructions and maybe watch the video if I still don't understand!!

Had a mild panic when the nurse had to check my bmi as the NHS only fund you if you're under 30 and I have been majorly comfort eating. Luckily it was 29 so I got the go ahead + phew!! Don't know what they wouldve done if I was over 30? Made me pay or abandon I should imagine - yikes!!

So I'm on 150 iui of Menopur - is that a normal dosage? Xxxxx
Ratma - congrats on starting the injections don't worry it will all go great. The websites are great and really helpful with showing you what to do. Yes that sounds like a good dosage to start off, they typically will start you off lower to see how you respond and then will either increase it as you get adjusted. Best of luck to you! I will be a little over a week behind you if all goes well!
Hi Ratma - I am on 150 IU Gonal F so same type of idea. You only generally start out on a higher dose if you a) have not responded well to meds in the past or b) you have low AMH. If you're like me and you have no "known" female issues then 150IU is the standard dose.

As an update - my estrogen is now at 357 and I have 12 on the right and 14 on the left all of them still being small largest on one side is 0.8 and on the other side is 0.9 so all still very small. I've been told to do the same dosages tonight and tomorrow, back on Thursday for more bloodwork and another scan. I assume on Thursday I will pick up the Certrotide to add it into the mix!
Spring - happy to hear that things are progressing along nicely for you. It is nice to go for the u/s sometimes to get the reassurance that the meds are doing what they are supposed to. I hope it all continues to go well for you.
So I left a message for the embryology lab with some bullshit question, just to get them to call me and try to find out how my embabies are doing :blush: They called me back, and said that yes, they do indeed check on the embryos daily cause they change their water (or whatever liquid they are in) and see progress, but they don't report to the IVF nurses every day. I asked to please please tell me, and they did, hooray! So all 8 are still alive! Out of 8, 1 is ahead of everyone, already half-way hatched on its own, 6 are great quality, grade 1A, and 1 is behind everyone, only an 8-cell still, but still going (it is equivalent to a 3-day embryo, and today is day 4). I am very happy about that. Sure hope to transfer two and to freeze the rest. Asked them if they could tell if any were girls lol. Of course they couldn't. [-X Oh well, I'll take my chances. I know though that if it will be two boys, or one boy, my baby journey is not over :wohoo:
Oh, and tomorrow's transfer is at 8:30am!
Good luck Katrus that is fantastic news, I will be thinking of you. I am hoping for 2 and any more will be a bonus. xx
Katrus - YEAH that is awesome news, you must be so excited, that is wonderful that they are all still doing so great. What great news today. Tomorrow will be a piece of cake for you. I found the resting after the transfer was the hardest because I felt totally fine but best to do whatever the staff says. Very exciting, so happy for you.
Thank you guys!

Wishing, I hope you will get the best two and they will make a nice home inside you!
Good luck for tomorrow, Katrus - I've a really good feeling -that's such good gradies for all your embies.
AFM - just triggered. I feel like I ovulated already - I know my cycle so well and this is longer than a usual one - just hope I'm wrong. Oh well, it's all out of my hands now!
Springy - sounds good!!! x
GOOD LUCK tomorrow Katrus!

Reb - it is VERY VERY VERY rare to ovulate on your own while taking drugs to prevent ovulation - I actually think its darn near impossible. Were you taking one of the drugs like Certrotide / Orgalutran? If so those drugs bind to the receptors of LH in your body preventing the LH surge from triggering ovulation. Trust your doctors and believe that they know what they are doing for your cycle. :hugs:
Reb, don't worry they won't miss it. Can't believe you already triggered! What an exciting time! Sending you my hugs.
Thanks girls - Springy, yes I took my last Naraferlin spray yesterday, with Gonal F 3 hours before the trigger. I just had such a normal cycle, with CM and OH getting excited at the right times (!) and everything that I have been worried I wasn't properly suppressed, but what you say makes sense. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Katrus - thanks for the hugs and have a good transfer today! Re-united with your embabies! x

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