Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Oh wow - that sounds amazing Katrus - come on our first two sets of twinnies - stick please!!!

Good luck at your scan Lochy let's hope you have some good folly action!! Glad you're feeling chipper - it can only help xxx

Is it too soon for me to feel ovary rumblings? Only had 1 injection hehehe perhaps its in my mind. I did respond well on the clomid and had mega painful OVs so perhaps its not unlikely?
Oh, and Reb - its EC day tomorrow isn't it? Mega mega good luck lovely, shall be thinking of you xxxx
Hello ! I have been reading all the posts as I also had transfer done yesterday at about the same time even as you ! I had 4 3 day embies put in and am really dreading the 2ww this time so hopefully I do not feel so awfully alone this time. Xx
By the way ratmagirl -the picture I'd with the cats in their bikinis is a scream. Soooo funny! Xx
Oh wow - that sounds amazing Katrus - come on our first two sets of twinnies - stick please!!!

Good luck at your scan Lochy let's hope you have some good folly action!! Glad you're feeling chipper - it can only help xxx

Is it too soon for me to feel ovary rumblings? Only had 1 injection hehehe perhaps its in my mind. I did respond well on the clomid and had mega painful OVs so perhaps its not unlikely?

I had really painful Ovulations on clomid too which really worried me for stimming. Im worried coz i only ever produced one egg and would be bent over in pain when ovulating so what am i goin to be like with loads of follicles :( xxx
Congrats to our PUPO's! Here's lots of love, luck and PATIENCE!!! in the 2ww.
AFM, EC tomorrow - feeling completely panicked as felt like I O'd days ago...so worried there'll be nothing to collect. All hormonal nonsense, I am sure.
And my dog is being snappy with all other dogs so I think he's figured out something's in the air! How crazy is that?!
Love to all x
Good luck for egg collection tommorow Reb s and welcome bambine, this 2ww is going to be hell on earth but worth every second. xxxx
Congrats to our PUPO's! Here's lots of love, luck and PATIENCE!!! in the 2ww.
AFM, EC tomorrow - feeling completely panicked as felt like I O'd days ago...so worried there'll be nothing to collect. All hormonal nonsense, I am sure.
And my dog is being snappy with all other dogs so I think he's figured out something's in the air! How crazy is that?!
Love to all x

I think animals have a sixth sense about these things. Yesterday was the first day of stabbing for us and our pooch Milly was being soooo fussy and wanted to sit on us and have attention constantly!! We joked that she has a fear of being replaced lol

Good luck with the EC :hugs: xxx
Urk. It's 4 am and I can't sleep a wink. I have been reading up about IVF failure due to premature ovulation and it does happen. I know my body and I'm sure I O'd about 36 hours ago. I HOPE I'M WRONG!!! End games are hard.
Everyone I know who did IVF even once is usually obsessed with reading EVERYTHING related to IVF. It can often drive us up the wall! I did read about premature ovulation during IVF as well. I asked my doc in fact if it has happened in his practice. He said it does happen but extremely rare. Reb, unfortunately, you won't know until you go in tomorrow. Do your ovaries hurt? It is also possible that you might have ovulated one egg, but not all since if they wouldn't be collecting your eggs, the eggs would not be released all at one time anyway. If your ovaries are uncomfortable now, most likely your eggs are still there. Please try to go to sleep. I am sending you my love and hugs.
Thanks Katrus - you're right, there could be some littlies left - and OH and I did very good timing this month, hee hee! I guess I've got so good at protecting myself from hope that I'm worrying about this too much. I'm reassured by your embabies growing snug inside you! x
Argh! So much for calm - it's half past 7 in the morning and I've just spent the last 15 minutes googling thrush and ER/ET, effects on fertility etc. I used to get thrush often, went on the candida diet in October and miraculously no thrush, athletes foot cleared up - itch free for 6 months! Until the day after I started Gonal F injections :( I took a canesten tablet on Friday and it seemed to work but this morning, thrush is back, and my feet are itching like mad - so annoyed!!

I want my insides to be perfectly candida free for the scan/ ER/ ET 2WW - I'm pretty sure that systemic candida has been one of the 'unexplained' things for us because we've never been pregnant in over 3 years of tying - the only hint of it was a 5 day late, very heavy period at New Year - possible chemical? And possibly only possible because my body was just about free of candida. I've got so much pinned on getting rid of the candida that I can't bear my body falling to it again because of the very drugs that are trying to help!! Horrible :(

Anyone know anything about thrush and NHS treatment? I'll just have to wait until the scan tomorrow to find out what their thoughts are but it's rubbish :( Grrrrrrrr.

Anyway, sorry to vent - just about to head to work which will at least be so busy my mind will be on that instead of all the wondering and worrying :(

Sending everyone lots of good luck wishes - hope your days are worry free! :D
Blimey oh riley, I did it again. There's too much life in the old girl - 21 blooming eggs. I just hope there's some quality in there, alongisde the quantity. No OHSS yet this time, but boy, I think they overcooked my Gonal F a bit! OH's sperm also up to scratch so IVF, no ICSI, which is great news. Feeling good and apologies for my middle of the night panic! (Thanks Katrus x)
Lochy - I hope your thrush clears up. I'm sure that people get pregnant all the time with candida on a natural cycle so fingers crossed it's not going to prevent anything. Let us know how you go x
Wowza 21 eggs is a fab number. FX for a good fertilisation report :thumbup: xxxx
Bloody eckedy peck Reb - that's amazing!! Let's hope you have some nice corkers in with that huge haul *yay* did you not feel mega-bloated with that many? I'm keeping everyghing crossed for you lovely xxx

Sorry don't know Lochy much about thrush - could you ring the nurse at the clinic? Try not to go google-mad. I'm steering clear of googling anything and remaining with my head in the sand LOL

Hope the 2ww is going well girlies ((hugs)) how is the brain coping?

Lisa - do you think the pcos causes painful oving? I only have it mildly but yep, boy did it hurt on clomid. I'm dreading getting egged up!!

Welcome Bambine - hope everything went well during your treatment? Where abouts are you? 4 embies - wowzers!!! I hope they are nice and sticky and you get your quads xxx

2nd injection today - Mr RB is a pro and doing it for me (I'm a wuss)!! Feel fine and dandy today. Naughtily had a glass of wine at lunch - felt good!! Xxxx
Reb, soo happy you were wrong lol!!!!! What a great result! Surely, out of 21 there will be many that will fertilize! I am so egg-cited for you, hun. Now can't wait to hear the fert. report and date of transfer. Hugs.
Lisa - do you think the pcos causes painful oving? I only have it mildly but yep, boy did it hurt on clomid. I'm dreading getting egged up!!

2nd injection today - Mr RB is a pro and doing it for me (I'm a wuss)!! Feel fine and dandy today. Naughtily had a glass of wine at lunch - felt good!! Xxxx

Dunno whether it has anything to do with the PCOS but im guessing it must effect it somehow because of the increased risk of hyper stimming.

Ooo i dont know how u let OH do your injections. I have to feel in control so there is no way i could have let david do mine! He wouldnt anyway coz he nearly goes green just watching me do it lol xx
Reb - that is EGG-cellent!!!!!!!! :happydance: This is setting you up for a perfect cycle.

Ratma - I'm with Lisa, not sure how you let DH near you with the needles. I like to be in control and like Lisa, my DH (ironically also named David!) almost passed out the first night watching me so I have merrily sent him away every night since so that I am on my own doing it!

Loch - I am not familiar with Thrush or its affects on a natural cycle or an IVF cycle, definitely would ring your clinic to ask them about it. Fx'd you can continue!

Lisa - when is your first scan? Whereabouts are you geographically located?

MrsMax - how are you doing today?

AFM - I had another scan today and got a call this afternoon that I am moving to daily scans / monitoring now. So that means a 5:30am wake up call everyday to be at the clinic before work for monitoring. Bloody hell the one lady who does blood work at my clinic is a pesky lady and has NO bedside manner!!! Other than that I have what is looking like 7 dominant follicles right now - but these dominant ones are still only 0.9 to 1.0 in measurement. So my "smaller" ones may catch up and they have lots of time as I probably have another 5 days of drugs left to do!
Just found out today that they were able to freeze 5 embabies. So I have to pay tomorrow a whooping $850 for the first year of storage. Also, today is the 8th day after my ovidrel trigger shot, and I did a test to see if the HCG hormone from that shot is out of my system. The test was negative, so I assume, it is safe to start testing and if I will see a second line, it will be the beginning of a true bfp. I won't test though for a couple of days. It kind of felt bad for the first test to be a bfn...
Katrus - I paid $800 upfront for freezing and storage for a year .... it gets refunded if I dont have anything to freeze! Congrat's on 5 :cold: ones.

Also good to know that the trigger is out of your system. I take it that you're a POAS addict if you're testing the trigger out?

I will not be POAS till the day of or day before beta - which for me is a WHOPPING 14 days post TRANSFER, yep so 19 days post retrieval!!!!!

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