Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Hi All,

I just found this website yesterday, so I'm a bit late on the discussion.
I did the retrieval on 4/6 and got 17 follies. Of those 16 fertilized and 5
made it to Blastocyst stage. They did the transfer on 4/11 and now I'm
anxiously waiting to test on Friday.

My ovaries haven't shrunk back down yet. Anyone else having that issue?
I agree that the progesterone is a mess. I had constipation and now am
having more frequent BMs.
Hello and Welcome, Gwynth!! Wishing and I did the retrieval and transfer on the same days as you, how exciting!!! Have you tested at all yet? My official blood beta test is on Monday, I wish they changed it for Friday but they don't want to. You are so patient if you haven't tested yet!
Hello all! What a busy time it is for us on this thread!
Thanks for all your kind words for Prune and Raisin! I am feeling great, just applied to join the UK Olympic team for farting. (the prune juice worked!)
Mrsmax - 4 EMBIES!!! That's great news. It's quality, not quantity you need x
Lochbridey and Springy, good luck for tomorrow - it's a breeze you'll be fine. Hoping for lots of eggs x
Springy - the pessaries are fine, I get up 20 minutes early and then go back to bed so it doesn't leak out and I use pantyliners too. Last time I IVF'd I used the back passage, but with the inevitable wind and constipation that lovely progesterone causes, that's just too much trouble!
Wishing - thanks for your words about egg and blast quality x It seems like it's always been one of my problems, but hopefully this time, I've found the golden egg.
Gwyneth - welcome! I'm sorry your ovaries are still sore - make sure you drink LOADS of water - I had OHSS last time so my ovaries were enormous and that was the advice I had x
Katrus - loving your ticker!!! I don't get a Beta at my clinic unless I ask and pay, so I just PAOS and then call them if I want the bloods done.
Katrus: Wow! That's really cool that we have the same transfer date! TTC has been a long process for me over 2 1/2 years...probably 3 by now. I have been so disapointed about testing negative that I am scared to test and get a negative. I was thinking I would test on Friday before the blood test...Have you tested and what was the result?

Reb S: Thanks I will totally try drinking water. My doctor said they are still really big in my exam yesterday, which sounds scary because of the risk of the ovaries twisting.

To everyone else, It only takes one! That's what i keep telling myself :)
Welcome gwynth ! I also joined late and had the same transfer day 11th mine were fet though. Getting confused now as you both say Monday test date so I will be calling my clinic tomorrow to dbl check... Is this you first try?
Reb - you needn't join the olympics -I already have the gold medal!!!!

Having twinges today -not sure to rejoice or lament as I have yet to poas -just cannot face the result yet. New camera and my kitties keeping me distracted in addition to buying half the garden centre to stay busy ..

Hello all! What a busy time it is for us on this thread!
Thanks for all your kind words for Prune and Raisin! I am feeling great, just applied to join the UK Olympic team for farting. (the prune juice worked!)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Gwinth, yes, I tested first at 5dp5dt, so basically this past Monday morning, and gotten a faint positive (ok, well, not the kinda faint where you have to squint, but kinda light, I posted the test on this thread, page 42). Have been testing yesterday and today too. Today's line is way darker, but not yet as dark as the control line.
Katrus - so happy to hear that the line keeps on getting darker each day, that is so great!
Hi Gwynth - huge good luck lovely, glad you found this place even if it is late on.

Good luck tomorrow Lochy and Fri Springy!!

Hope R & P are doing well Reb

Hope your embies are doing great MM

Hope you're busy baking Katrus and Wishing and Bambine

Hope everyone else is good *mushy brain* can't remember where everyones at!!

Day 8 stimming for me - is it okay to feel so full like trapped wind - is it the large follies d'you reckon? I've not had any scans yet - hope its okay? No other symptoms or anything, just quite tired and feel bloated. Xxx
Ratma - when do you have your first scan? I am assuming you must be having one soon? Yes you do feel very bloated inside as everything grows, I had trouble with my work dress pants they didn't feel very comfortable at all.
Thanks Rozzi - its Fri first thing. I'm glad to hear someone else had this - really paranoid I have OHSS!! I always did have painful OV on clomid so expected some uncomfortable-ness - I've also had to dig out my fat jeans as can't do up my usual ones LOL

The FS put me on the normal stim dose as he couldn't see any sign of pcos when he scanned me - although I think I do have it as present with all the symptoms! I just hope I'm not over reacting to that dose. Prob being too worried about it all seeing as I've never been through this before! Xxx
Ramagirl - definitely let me know how you make out on Friday morning. It is a bit different here in the States , my doctor has me go in sooner but he also puts me on a pretty high dose of meds too. It is amazing how different everyone does things. It is easy to worry and over analyze everything too.
Will do Rozzi - thanks for the reassurance. Yes weird how clinics do things so differently - I've just been given the stimms and sent off for 10 days to get on with it!!! Xxx
Bambine: I'm not sure what FET stands for...My doctor has me testing on Friday. This is my first IVF cycle. Good Luck!

Katrus: That is wonderful! Congratulations! I think I may test tomorrow...I just hope this works and sticks...
FET = frozen embryo transfer

Gwinth, did they put one or two back?
Ratma - that's typical of NHS, I'm afraid, they don't monitor the cycles that closely due to cost I think. But I'm sure you're fine - just KEEP DRINKING WATER! I sound like a broken record. I felt quite shit with OHSS so I think you'd know if you had it. Roll on Friday - almost there! x
Gwyneth, good luck for your test! FX'd for you x
I was actually told not to consume more than 2L of fluids if OHSS was suspected and to add in V8 juice & chicken noodle soup. i.e. increase salty foods ... and to ensure that your intake of fluid does not exceed your output ... you can also drink gatorade too instead of water as it has the electrolytes.

AFM - Ovidrel trigger shot is done ... :wohoo: last self injection!!!!! Blood tomorrow and I pick up my progesterone and estrogen suppositories. Then back Friday for retrieval!

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