Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Lochbride - YEAH 11 is awesome that is so great, you must be thrilled for sure. I think the phone call is so stressful when you find out what fertilized but it will all be worth it and you'll be back from the ET in no time at all. Very exciting. Continue napping and keep the positive energy flowing.
Wow 11 is amazing Lochy!!! Glad it wasn't too bad - I'm not looking forward to it but you ladies seem to have breezed through ER so that's setting my mind at ease.

Yes it must be so nerve wracking waiting for the results - fingers xd you'll get loads of embies out of that crop!

I did one better than fat jeans today - I got the elasticated waisted leisure pants out - I don't mess around hehehehehe it was so comfy at work I felt like I was wearing my pjs!! :D :D

Yes here's hoping this bloated-ness is a good sign. I feel like an egg-bound hen at the moment waddling around hehehehe

Springy - you made me chuckle earlier when you said it mentioned prune juice on your instructions :D :D I've added that to my shopping list in preparation!

Our babies are all going to love prunes at this rate :D:D :D

PMA to my April-lovelies xxxxx
Lochbride, good job! 11 is an awesome number! I hope all of them fertilize and you will get the best news tomorrow. Trust me, after tomorrow, the wait is even more intense as you worry for your embies like they are actuall babies. I grew to love all eight of my embies, and one did not make it to freezing, the slowest one, so I felt so bad for him. And now that I have 5 frosties, I feel like I can never destroy them as they are from the same "batch" as the two insode me :)

Gwinth, I put back two as I am not sure that my oh will go through it again with me :( And I really hope both stick, just in case I won't have anymore kids after that.
I did one better than fat jeans today - I got the elasticated waisted leisure pants out - I don't mess around hehehehehe it was so comfy at work I felt like I was wearing my pjs!! :D :D

Springy - you made me chuckle earlier when you said it mentioned prune juice on your instructions :D :D I've added that to my shopping list in preparation!

Our babies are all going to love prunes at this rate :D:D :D

PMA to my April-lovelies xxxxx

:rofl: :rofl: I am laughing SO hard as I am wearing Lululemon yoga pants at work today!!! There was NO and I mean NO way I was putting on dress pants today :nope:

What has this life come to?! Yoga pants to the office and home to drink my prune juice!!!??? :rofl: I need to book a ticket to the seniors home now!!!!

Loch - that is an AWESOME number! My goal is 10 to 12 so you're smack in that! Way to go :thumbup:

I feel like the wait on Saturday for them to call me with my embie report is going to take FOREVER!!!!!!!
lochy - 11 is perefct. Normal (!) is 10-12 so you are bang in the middle and with low AMH that is awesome. :happydance:
Haha, yoga pants and fat jeans - what have we been reduced to?! Thank you all for you lovely messages. I have a some super good feelings about this ride we're all on :D
Hi all again - having a giggle about the yoga pants and prune juice- if you add in my loopy brain we can all happily scoot off to the sectioned ward at a seniors home for sure!
Lochy 11 is really good! You will for sure have a few wee embies on board. I have stimmed 3 times with 28(!) round one 4 years ago, 12 last round and this one 15. Every time I have had a few to gamble with a few to put in the freeze. ( god, sounds like I am talking margeritas not embies.....!).
I was successful first round 4 years ago with my daughter, then, 3 failed attempts so you really never know!
Baby dust to all from the wacky fairy

I am a manager of a senior housing building, and I have a few openings lol, so come on over :)

Bambine, have you been using your frosties at all? what are you planning to do with them? I have 5 now, and I feel like I will be stuck paying for them for life...
Hi there Springy, and everyone else!

I'm in Toronto and would love to be in touch with anyone else doing IVF this month. I had my retrieval last Wednesday and my transfer this past Monday. I'm now in the 2ww and trying to stay occupied!

All the best!

I am hoping to start in April as well. Can everyone share their cycles, FSH, AMH, AFC, E2, HSG results???? age and more...................

Me: 39 TTC #1
blocked right tube
FSH 10.3 and 7
AMH 0.43 and 0.39
E2 94 and 106
AFC was only 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez
regular cycles, regular ovulation, no PCOS or anything else
Borderline ovarian reserve.

Me: 33 DH: 35
Unexplained infertility
FSH always under 10
AMH was "extremely high" and I am at risk for hyper stimulation
Didn't ask my E2
AFC was 32 - 18 on one side and 14 on the other

On BCP for 4 weeks then start stims April 5th
Welcome 42andready! I thought I was the only old auntie round here so it's nice to have some company my own age- keep those young whippersnappers in their place :haha::winkwink::haha: I am also in the 2ww, and testing next Thursday, if the old bitch/witch doesn't get me first
Lochy - 11 is PERFECT! Not too many not too few. Good luck for tomorrow's phone call, keep us posted x
MrsMax - don't worry, you never never know what grows. I was reading a forum today about poor quality blastocysts and one lady had had a day 2 transfer and got twins, so there xxx
Bambine - I didn't realise you had SLE - I had drug-induced lupus about 10 years ago and that was tough enough. In fact it's what finally induced me to get immunes testing this time round and sure enough my immune system is still overactive and my ANA still positive 10 years later. How do you cope with it? Does it get affected by pregnancy?
Springy - if this doesn't work out I am actually investing in a prune farm. Anyone want to join me?! xxx
Katrus and Wishing - how're your sticky beans? xxxxx
love to all x
Welcome 42! What clinic are you with?

How are you feeling? Are you going to test early?
Hi everyone! I just started IVF try#2 (after a cancelled cycle in Feb.). I'm on my 3rd day of stims (450IU follistim /day :wacko:) and tomorrow is my first scan after starting meds! I'm so anxious!
Katrus -you would think that I had the freezer full but no , there was a rule brought in fro. The !?85£(&;£&£:;), religious guys here I. The UAE last year so we were forced to thaw all and try with the best if the batch -so I lost all of the 12 embies I had from my dd round in 2008. Then I tried again a year later and the quality had by then gone down so although I got 12 only 5 were suitable and 4 put in and again a bfn. I was devastated. So this was orpine three of stims and left with 5 that fert and thawed and 4 ok to go in. Long story sorry!

Reb - I was diagnosed with sle in 2005 after the birth of my first dd now nearly 8. I could not even pick her up the joints were so bad. I have been in and out of hospital since, I near death 2 months after my ivf dd nr 2 due to phuemonia in 2008 ( we had unexplained infertility and then a severe male infertility shows up - we have no idea how we managed t conceive our first child!! Anyway, I guess I am being greedy, but I just would like to have a last third child and my doctors say this is fine even with the sle as I did very well throughout the pregnancy last time around. They do of course not let me haves a natural birth and take the baby early as the biggest risk is at the end of the pregnancy. I guess also that because so much of my days are not that good, I simply refuse to let the sle hinder me from at least having the 3 kiddies I always wanted. Sorry everyone for the sidetracking. Lol
Baby dust to all. Xxxx
? [COLOR="Red" said:
Springy[/COLOR] - if this doesn't work out I am actually investing in a prune farm. Anyone want to join me?! xxx
Katrus and Wishing - how're your sticky beans? xxxxx
love to all x

:rofl: Just a little hint - you have to get the right quality prune juice. Dh got the supermarket brand first time - did nothing. Then bought thegod stuff and boy did it work.

Hows the TWW going hon?
Gosh Bambine - I do admire you. I had the joints thing for 3 months and it was crippling. I was very lucky - with drug-induced (blooming minocycline for acne!) there is no actual damage to joints so after steroids and a few months I was fine. Dealing with it every day is very admirable and your fight to have the kids you want even more so. Huge luck to you xxx
MrsMax - yep, it's gotta be the good stuff! I seem to be over the worst now so I allowed OH to have a slurp yesterday. Suffice it to say he was lifting the duvet this morning hee hee!!! x Love to your little two x
Bambine - just read your post. Am I right in thinking they forced you to defrost uour frosties cause they passed a law to say you werent allowed them anymore? That must have been traumatic :hug:
Morning! Welcome new ladies - lots of luck to you xxx

Wow Bambine - you've been through so much ((hugs))

Springy - good luck for today

AFM - just had my first and only scan:

Here are my follicle stats:

Right ovary:
1 x 19mm
2 x 17mm
1 x 16mm
1 x 15mm
1 x 14mm
1 x 13mm
2 x 8mm
Plus some other hidden!

Left ovary:
1 x 19mm
1 x 17mm
1 x 15mm
2 x 14mm
2 x 13mm
1 x 12mm
1 x 7mm
Plus some other smaller hidden

Don't have lining measurements but she said it was fine.

So ER for me Monday morning!!

Trigger tomorrow evening whoop whopp whoop!!! Xxxx
Wow i'm no expert but that looks like a good response :) xx
:happydance: Just got the nerve to call the embryologist and out of the 11 eggs retrieved, 7 were suitable for icsi and guess how many fertilised? Yup SEVEN! I was so pleased I just hung up in tears and forgot to ask any questions! Once I told a v. happy DH sitting at his work, I called them back and found out that all 7 are still at single cell stage but that we are scheduled for 2 to be transferred back tomorrow morning. Don't know much about cell division and timescales but I have everything crossed.

The NHS will only freeze super amazing grade embryos so I'm not nec. holding out any hope for that - just hope they keep dividing and growing today ready to come back to me tomorrow. I'm in shock, my acupuncturist told me to live from one stage at a time to avoid going completely mad and she was right, next step is transfer then just one day at a time I think.

Sorry to write such a massive post I'm just really excited and sitting on my own at home! :happydance:

Springy - today is the day! How did you get on for retrieval? Sending you mega love Mrs :)

Hope everyone else is super dooper xx

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