Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

I changed my first beta appointment for Friday instead of Monday!yey! I will be happy with anything over 100.

Sal, finally! Can't believe how fast time flew! You will have the eggies in and out in no time!
Springy - you're completely right, i forgot about the gatorade; I had to measure my wee in a jug!!!
Katrus - yey for Friday! x
Hi everyone just a quick hello before going to work.

Keeping all my fingers crossed for you bambine, cant wait to hear. X

Any news mrs max. X

Ratmagirl I felt pretty bloated still do, and tender...... gas is a problem for me right now.

Wish you could get bloods here but the lines are getting darker so hopefully thats a good sign.... didnt even feel the need to poas this morning but now I wish I had, lol. X x
Thanks ladies - ill just keeping drinking as I am and throw in a bit of salty food just in case xxx

Whoohoo for darker line Wishing!!! :D

Yay for moving your appt Katrus :D

Yay for drug-free-ness Stringy - huge good luck for your ER

Hope it goes well Lochy and MM and Rozzi

Huge good luck for testing Bambine and Gwynth

Hope you're doing well Lisa?

Sorry if I've missed anyone out!
Lots of love and baby dust everyone xxxxx
:wave: Hi everyone - was hoping to post more, but have been feeling terrible for teh last 24 hours. Lots of bloating and pain in my tummy - think it was trapped wind as soooo constipated. Feeling slightly better today, although still sore. ET at 2pm - soooo scared they have all died overnight!! PMA, PMA,PMA!!

Ratma - I got 2 scans with NHS (although am paying the clinic is NHS) - one on day 7 and one day 9. Worried me a little, I think in the US they moniter you a lot more. All to do with cost I'm sure. Hoope you are brewing some lovely eggs.

Springy - yay for shot free day :yipee: for EC tomorrow. You feeling nice and positive? According to your scans I think you will haveatruck load of wonderful eggies.

Katrus - yay for moving your blood test. I amsure you are wonderfully, safely preggo.

Wishing - how are you? I would be a POAS addict too if I had a positive.

:wave: everyone else.

Will report back in after appointment. So praying I have to lovely embies to put back in. Here's wishing and hoping and a praying!!! :dust:
Huge good luck MrsMax xxxxxxxxx shall be thinking of you and wishing my hardest for your embies!!!
MM, good luck, sweety! I am sure they didn't die, but on the opposite, all doing really well! Sending you lots of good vibes!

Springy, just one more day, yey!

AFM, went to pee just now, and noticed pink spotting on my pantiliner, and than when I wiped also. Kinda scary. Why would there be bleeding? I hope I am not loosing one of them.
Katrus - please don't worry. Some people bleed right through 3rd tri; or maybe it could still be an implantation bleed? Worrying won't do anything to help so keep calm and carry on xxxxx lots of hugs
MrsMax - fingers crossed for your happy healthy embies tomorrow, waiting to be reunited with Mummy x
Katrus - I agree with Reb S, some do bleed right through so try to stay calm I know it is easier said than done but hang in there and do what you can to keep your stress level down, it probably is just a weird coincidence.

MM good luck today, can't wait to hear how things go for you today.
((Hugs)) Katrus - try not to worry, it could be implanation like Reb said? I'm hoping my hardest its nothing bad lovely.

Hope you're doing well Reb?

Gosh its a bloody rollercoaster this malarky isn't it? PMA vibes to everyone xxxx
Katrus - spotting in the first tri is very very normal so no negative thoughts!

MrsMax - good luck with the transfer! Can't wait to hear your report. Funny you mention the gas and constipation, page 2 that I was given today at the clinic of my post-retrieval instructions, talked all about how gas and constipation is so common and what you can do to fix it - you can take Gas X and then it said for constipation the number one thing to try ... PRUNE JUICE!!!!!!! :rofl:

Ratma - can't wait to see how the scan goes tomorrow! I'm sure if you're feeling full and uncomfortable you have a ton brewing! I didn't start to get uncomfortable till the past 2 days or so!!

Wishing - You can always POAS when you get home!

Loch - how are you holding up? Any news to report to us?

Reb - are you just relaxing or are you back at work??
well everyone - still retaining my sanity - but showed up for the beta blood test 1 day early this afternoon - .... did someone say blond moment??!! I will chalk it up to the hormones and the sle lupus which has shot out my memory.. so tomorrow is dday. i have been feeling really full like in my uterus - really wierd and never felt this before, along with twinges and super light cramps and slightnausea - which is impossible as the hormones would not have given this symptom yet . maybe my mind i playing tricks on me (whats left of it!!)

lots of babydust to you all

well everyone - still retaining my sanity - but showed up for the beta blood test 1 day early this afternoon - .... did someone say blond moment??!! I will chalk it up to the hormones and the sle lupus which has shot out my memory.. so tomorrow is dday. i have been feeling really full like in my uterus - really wierd and never felt this before, along with twinges and super light cramps and slightnausea - which is impossible as the hormones would not have given this symptom yet . maybe my mind i playing tricks on me (whats left of it!!)

lots of babydust to you all


So funny you made me giggle but am happy to hear that you are feeling some symptoms and now tomorrow you will receive the confirmed good news!!!:thumbup:
Hi ladies - just a qucik report from me. Not great. 2 embies were fragmented and useles and two were better but still not great. I think they were 4 cells and 3 cells (from what I oculd count on the screen), but it is only a 2day transfer. Trying to think positively, but honestly I feel miserable :cry: will come back when I have more PMA - in the meantime - tons of :dust: to you all :hugs:
MM, :hugs: It is really early though, two days embies... aren't they only supposed to have 4 cells? In any case, I hope they are just slow starters, and do better inside you than in a lab dish.
Mrs Max 2day is VERY early so stay positive!!!
Stay positive for sure, the best place for them is inside so keep thinking good thoughts. My clinic leans more towards 2dt now they do that the majority of the time. Hang in there get some sleep and think good thoughts.
Katrus: I put 1 back in because it made it to the blastocyst stage and I think my doctor was worried about the possibilities of multiples (3-4 babies) if she put in more than one. How many did you put in? Was this your first IVF? I'm glad you got your blood test moved up! I am sure everything is fine, try not to worry, you have a stong positive test from really early on :)

Ratma: Thanks! I lost to courage to do the test, but will test tomorrow before my blood test....

Springy: Congrats! It's so exciting to be done with the shots! Wishing you a good and healthy retrieval.

MM: Sometimes it takes time to divide-- try to stay positive. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

Wishing: Yay for a darker line! Do you do the blood test tomorrow as well?

Bambine: Good luck on your test!
Awww MM - stay positive chickles, like the others said - they're better off inside of you ((hugs)) you've been through so much in a short space of time, its no wonder you feel all over the place!

Bambine - you cracked me up with your blonde behaviour LOL good luck for tomorrow x

Good luck tomorrow too Springy xx

Hope everyones doing good? Xxxx
Hello ladies! Lots going on here today by the looks - MM just keep that PMA going, I'm sending major good vibes to you for to get through this horrible waiting game.

Springy, how was drug-less day? Sending some positive vibes for your retrieval tomorrow :D
Ratma - still in the fat jeans? That was me yesterday too - so bloated :( Still as DH kept saying, that because something is happening in there - something busy and fantastic!

Reb - hope those little pruney raisins are doing good today!

Any more news with you guys Katrus and Wishing?

Bambine, Rozzi, Lisa, Gwyneth - how's it going ladies? :D

AFM - ER done, wow, I was kind of nervous and HATED the drip in my arm but the drugs were fab and I'm not in any real pain. So..... 11 eggs! Is that good? I'm pleased just have to hope a great number fertilises over night - I have to call the clinic tomorrow at 10:15 to get the latest and find out if I'm back for transfer on Saturday. Please, please last little embies! It's ICSI so that improves the chances right? This is the first time my eggs have had any scrutiny and I hope they stand up to the test!

I've spent the afternoon snoozing on the sofa, not back in work until Tuesday when I hope to have 2 embies on board. I'm so nervous about calling in the morning - please, please they grow!!!

Sending you all lots of PMA and taking my own advice too - positive, happy outcomes all round :D xx

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