Hello ladies! Lots going on here today by the looks - MM just keep that PMA going, I'm sending major good vibes to you for to get through this horrible waiting game.
Springy, how was drug-less day? Sending some positive vibes for your retrieval tomorrow
Ratma - still in the fat jeans? That was me yesterday too - so bloated
Still as DH kept saying, that because something is happening in there - something busy and fantastic!
Reb - hope those little pruney raisins are doing good today!
Any more news with you guys Katrus and Wishing?
Bambine, Rozzi, Lisa, Gwyneth - how's it going ladies?
AFM - ER done, wow, I was kind of nervous and HATED the drip in my arm but the drugs were fab and I'm not in any real pain. So..... 11 eggs! Is that good? I'm pleased just have to hope a great number fertilises over night - I have to call the clinic tomorrow at 10:15 to get the latest and find out if I'm back for transfer on Saturday. Please, please last little embies! It's ICSI so that improves the chances right? This is the first time my eggs have had any scrutiny and I hope they stand up to the test!
I've spent the afternoon snoozing on the sofa, not back in work until Tuesday when I hope to have 2 embies on board. I'm so nervous about calling in the morning - please, please they grow!!!
Sending you all lots of PMA and taking my own advice too - positive, happy outcomes all round