Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Hi, I'm back - had to drive up there!

Zeus - awwww thank you so much! And welcome and huge good luck too btw!!

Thanks for the offer - I had to drive up there and luckily it was open as they were doing an ET!! The embyologist sorted me out, however she was quite angry at the nurse for not checking with me and has suggested I complain as they might not have been there today and I wouldve been stuck!!

If I was self funding I would kick up but I still will make a comment to make them aware of what they did to prevent it happening to someone else!

Thanks Lisa for the suggestion too xxx

Zues - how are you getting on in Bristol? My friend on another forum is going there for unexpained too. What other things have they tried for you?

Hope everyones doing okay? Xxxxx
Welcome back Ratma - glad you found a solution - but sheesh!! what a stress
Ratmagirl - I know how paranoid I am about doing everything right and know how I'd feel if that happened to me. I'm just glad they were there today for you.

I am getting on ok at Bristol, its all been a lot quicker than I expected. They did a laposcopy and dye and then did an hsg which showed everything was ok. They then gave us the option to do IUI but said that our best chance was IVF and recommended we skipped IUI and went straight for IVF so we did and here we are. I feel so much better now I feel we are doing something, the two and a half years TTC was sending me slightly mad!

Hope everyone is doing well x
Welcome Zeus - what a nice way to start off in the thread, with a solution to an SOS!
Ratma - glad you found a solution and give 'em hell - cos someone else on the NHS will run into the same problem and it's worse if they f..k up if the taxpayer is paying for it, I think! They should treat everybody the same.
Morning all. Suffering with the 2WW, glad to be going away for a few days tomorrow so I will just come back for the test on Thurs. xx
Hi Zeusnpickle :hi: Welcome to our fantastic thread!!! GREAT group of ladies on here :) You'll feel welcome in no time and I'm sure we'll make you laugh too :haha:

Ratma - glad you got the solution! When are you triggering?

Reb - how are you feeling?

Katrus has the BFP sunk in yet?! I'm still thinking two!!

Lisa - this forum is amazing for meeting people. I have become VERY close with a couple of girls in the US and one actually flew up to Toronto to meet my husband and I. Sucks that we go through this but if I can make new friends through this process it will all be worth it.

MrsMax - I think cramping is totally normal after all we have been through!

AFM ... feeling pretty good today. Just minor cramping and walking quickly hurts a bit so I am moving a bit slower than normal but overall pretty good considering what I had done yesterday :thumbup: now just waiting on the fertilization report ... tick tock, tick tock ... I want the phone to ring so dam badly!!! I was prepared that it would probably be the afternoon.
Huge hugs Springy, Reb and MrsMax xxx

Zeus - thank you so much again for coming to my SOS. If the clinic wernt doing an ET on someone today they wouldn't've been there!!! I think I wouldve seriously have taken you up on your offer! Are you on NHS or private? Whens your next scan? Eggciting!!

I'm glad you've come through to this thread - the ladies are wonderful support. Also, am glad you got to choose what treatment you wanted next. Huge good luck the ivf works for you first time xxx

Yes Springy I'm triggering tonight - my follicle measurements are a couple of pages back. I feel soooooooo full at the moment - can't wait for EC!!!

Did anyone elses boobs feel really tender before trigger? I feel pg already - how ironic!!

Yes Reb - bloody slap dash NHS, although I don't think being NHS has anything to do with slapdash nurse not leaving me with any solutions!! Hope your time away helps keep you sane during 2ww.

Hope you get a phonecall soon Springy!!
Ps thanks 42andready for your fish and chip rec - I shall take your advice tonight I think hehehehehe. Good luck for your cycle - my friend went to live near Toronto and she loves it out there!

Springy my follicle stats are on page 54 btw xxx
springy - can you bake a cake or watch a good film to make the time go quicker? :hug:
Must have missed that yesterday in my drowsy state :dohh:

Those look VERY similar to my measurements!! I think it will be an AWESOME retrieval for you!!!!

OMG will the phone ring already?!?!?! I am dying to know what is going on with my embryo's!!!!
Oh and Ratma .... my boobs were KILLING me up to retrieval! They seem to be ok today but between Monday and Friday they were ACHING and they were so full and swollen!!!!
Happy Saturday everyone,

Springy: congrats on your retrieval-o'-a-dozen! That's great. Hope you had a great snooze. …and that's crazy that you're with Hannam as well! I've probably seen you in the waiting room, then. Hannam is just fantastic. I had gone to two other clinics (Anthony Auyeung on Madison and TCART) before being referred to Hannam. I had not so great experiences at the other two and reckoned, well, if we're going to go the IVF route then it's be great to go somewhere where you feel comfy. The minute I sat down with Tom Hannam I felt that whereas I was nowhere close to feeling that with the other two. As for the betas, I just sent a note to our IVF nurse, Mel, and asked her if they ever do a day-10 test. As for the embryos, they do grade them. Well, I should say we underwent our retrieval two Wednesdays ago and they phoned us each day with a progress report. On the Saturday the nurse who called gave us quite a detailed report including the embryo grade. (We had 5 fertilized and on the Saturday, the final report day (as they ET was scheduled for Monday) we had 5 excellent embryos (grades 1 or 2).) So yes, they do definitely grade them. During the ET Hannam talking to us about how the 5 did and he noted that 4 were excellent and developed into blastocysts. Yep, we have one frosty as we transferred 3 and kept the one. I was thinking about it at Starbucks this morning: although the fifth didn't develop into a blastocyst, I wonder if it would have had they incubated it for another day. Re: the fert report, last weekend they called me at around 2pm. I was going mental! Anyway, overall, great to have a Hannam buddy here!

katrus78: that's fantastic re: your hCG result! Well done! All the best for some good doubling over the next couple of days.

Reb S: I'm with you on the fur babies: we have two Siamese brothers (named Stopit and Getoff) who are now 12. It's amazing to see how well they get on. My hubby noted a few weeks ago that, given their age, we might consider taking on two more. So we plonked and put our deposit on another set of Siamese brothers who will be born around May 1st. I'm so attached to my two furry bros that I can't imagine what it'd be like with some human sprigs!

Gwynth: good luck with your blood test results. That positive home test bodes well.

Ratmagirl: glad you managed to have all that sorted out. Egads! As for the boobs, holy crap! Mine started growing during the stimms and now they're humungous. In fact, a few days a go I noticed that the skin's so taut it's shiny. I look like I've newly had a boob job. Thankfully the aching has decreased a wee bit. As for your friend who moved over here, do you know where she is exactly?

mrsmax: thanks for the welcome. Great to find a chilled group of ladies all in the trenches together. :)

On this end, there has to be a good set of ideas for slogging through the 2ww. Thankfully I've got lots on the go so during the work week I'm up to the eyes and barely have a chance to think about things, but the weekends are decidedly different. I'm coming up with all sorts of home projects and aiming to tackle my to-do list but there has to be something else we can come up with! Symptom-wise, I had these teeny wee twangy cramp things that started 24 hours after the transfer. That lasted, on and off, for about 3 days. It's gone now. All I'm left with is the achy boobages. Hopefully that's a good sign that there was some mega-burrowing going on!

Have a great Saturday, all!
Springy: do you have AngryBirds on your phone? Or WordFeud? If not, download either and that might help take your mind off today's impending phone call! (If you're on WordFeud, invite me to a game--I'm Dr.K. We'll keep each other occupied!) Good vibes being sent down the street to Hannam's place for you!

Hey ladies, sorry, but this is a bit of a test post to see if my signature actually appears. Sorry to be a pain in the bum, but minimally you can see my background, if it does...!
Wow, lots going on and glad to hear things going well (disaster averted Ratma!). Welcome new people, this is a lovely thread - full of lovely ladies :) I've actually nearly lost track of where we're at - should we repost our dates? Think there's a few of us in the 2WW now...

Springy, had your call yet? Come on clinic!

I'm now officially in the 2WW with 2 x 4 cell embryos onboard. Couldn't believe it was happening watching on the ultrasound as two little specks of light flew into my uterus, seriously amazing stuff! Short post, hope everyone's good, sending you love and light xxx
Wow Lochy - congrats!!

Yes we need a new list - I can't remember everyone with my cotton wool brain LOL

42 - my friends in Orangville - don't know where the heckedy peck that is? She works for toronto cat rescue. She met a guy on the internet and moved out there to be with him!!

LOL @ the booby pain stories, am glad its normal. I'd love an increase please hehehehe

Come on phone - ring for Springy!!!

I'm off to the ILs later so I'm taking my trigger with me, can't take any chances after this morning! Hopefully I'll bring it back home with me to do, but just incase any other disaster strikes today it'll be in my handbag ready!

MM how are you faring today? Hope you're putting your feet up!!

Lots of egg growing, emby growing/sticking vibes to everyone xxxx
Hi everyone... sorry been MIA for a while. :hi: This week has not stopped and everytime I think I have a minute to catch up I have to go do something....:growlmad:

I cant believe how fast this thread is growing I am totally and utterly loosing track... Ive had to write it all down just to know who's who's:rofl:

Mrs Max - I had the same twinges and cramps after transfer so fingers crossed... when is your OTD... Your right a list would be good to keep track... Have you not been tempted to test yet... I am a complete addict, cant stop myself poas :wacko:

Lochbride - Congratulations on being PUPO with twins... may the 2ww go by super duper fast. How did you feel leaving the clinic... its such a sureal feeling knowing there are potential babies in there. x

Springy - You got a fantastic number of eggs, I only had 10 and 7 fertilised so you should have a good number, my fingers are crossed for you. cant wait to hear. xxxx

Ratmagirl- what a nightmare with the drugs... typical NHS bloody useless at times.... glad it was all sorted although looking at your measurements you probably didnt need it anyway as the trigger makes them grow a littel too. I could not walk fast at all even now if I over do it I can feel the stretching and twinging down below. Cant wait to here about the fert report. xx

Katrus - WOW HCG results are awesome... cant wait to hear what they are on Monday and Wednesday, and a scan on the 2nd May.... that would make you about 6 weeks.... In scotland they dont do scan till 7 weeks so I have to wait ages and I dont even get a blood test... I think that is why I have resorted to peeing on at least 2 sticks a day just to see if the lines are getting darker.... They are which is good, I did a digital one this morning but was up in the night desperate for a pee so it wasnt held as long as I would have hoped but still showed the 1-2 weeks..... pic below.

Reb s - Have a fantastic break, try to take your mind of things, relax and just think when you come back you will know. xxx fingers crossed for you. :hugs:

And so many new people..

bambine - I am so sorry it was not the news you had hoped :hugs: I cant imagine how you feel but you are a strong woman and just need to give yourself a little time. xxx

Gwnyth - Congratulations :happydance::happydance: Our 3rd :bfp: of the thread.... has it sunk in yet... It definately hasnt for me. I keep looking at the pink lines and thinking WOW thats my baby doing that. So when is your due date. x

42 and ready - :hi: so your day 6 into your 2ww, I know you have probably said in a previous thread but was it a 2/3 or 5 day transfer and are you going to test early. xx You sound like you have some good symptoms. x

Lisa 84 and Zeusnpickle HI this is a great thread but keeping up is now gettin pretty hard :winkwink::hi::hi:

Well this week at work has been really good, cant stop smiling... everyone in my office is so happy for me which makes me feel even better. I was nervous to get past yesterday because that was me 4 weeks and when I would normally get AF... thankfully its been and gone and now Im still worried about stopping the progesterone on Wed because alot of other US and english clinics keep you on it but the scottish ones dont, not even the private clinics, the dr said that the fetus will produce more than enough and there is no evidence that it is any benefit... but would have been nice to have that comfort blanket if you know what I mean but cant do anything about it so just going to pray everything is OK.

Im sorry if I have forgotten anybody and I feel really close to you all, what an amazing journey we are all on and one nobody else in my life understands, each and everyone of you is amazing and strong. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

On a funny note this is my husbands first experience of a pregnancy and I have been fallin asleep on the couch really early every night and last night he laughed at me and I said..... are you remembering I am pregnant... I might even need to start having naps through the day.... Needless to say he was totally shocked so I promptly went onto Amazon and bought him the blokes guide to pregnancy :rofl::rofl::rofl: He better bloody read it. xx

Well of out again, happy saturday everyone and just wanted to share my pic below seeing as I dont get a beta. xxx


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yay lochbride - that is great. I forgot to looki at the screen at my transfer - I was busy trying to feel calm!! Must have been amazing. I did see big pics of my embies though, which was awesome. They are emailing the to me this week :happy:
wishing - we posted at the same time. I only had my transfer on Thursday so would be too early for me - esp as was a 2day transfer. Honestly, I dont hold out much hope as the quality of my embies wasnt great - but I am going to fucus on chilling and getting free sick time from work :)

Sooo pleased it is going well for you. I wish we had betas in the UK - it does seems as if the US is much further ahead than us with IVF. However, those are good lines. What is the actual date of your scan? And when is you EDD? :hugs:
I wont get my scan date until I phone on Wed and my odd i think will be december 27th for 1 and dec 5th for 2. eeekkk cant wait to find out. I have been feeling sick for a couple of days now and sore boobs so all is looking good. xx

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