Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Wow, thanks, Springy! Excellent site! And I guess wishing's date is correct, it's Dec 27th and Dec 05 for twins. Thank you!
I am preggars! I am totally shocked and don't quite believe it...I get another blood test tomorrow and then see my fertility doctor on May 3rd.

Lochy: Congrats on the transfer! It is cool to see it go in :)

Wishing: Congrats on your pregnancy as well! I'm not quite sure when the due date is. A friend said 12/30/12; however i looked it up earlier and had an earlier date based on the IVF retrieval date. Who knows? I think we had the same transfer date...

Springy: Congrats on the fertilization-- so exciting!!
Congrats, hun!!! I knew it! Good job! Will you have an u/s as well on May 03? Cause mine is on May 02. And get that ticker to add to our smoothie!
It's too bad Louise1980 isn't active cause I would like to have a list of everyone on the first page to keep track of everyone and to add bfps!
Gwyneth - fantastic news!!!! Wow, BFP's flying thick and fast.
AFM - must be pregnant, I have got 6 pairs of odd socks in this weeks wash...
Springy, that is an excellent calculation site! Love it :)

Gwyneth - congrats!!! Great news :)

Sounds like everyone in the 2WW is feeling unpregnant but those lines are fingers crossed telling us otherwise.

Katrus, I tried starting the list again but this thread moves pretty quickly:D Springy has a first page post I think, maybe that can get updated?

Just having a quiet Sunday today - anyone doing any dietary changes through the 2WW? I've bought fresh pineapple to have a bit of each day and brazil nuts too - anything anyone else is doing?
Congratulations Gwynth!!

Thanks for that site Springy - I entered my ER date for tomorrow and it says I'm already pg!!! LOLOLOL that made me chuckle!

Katrus - Springy posted on the first page so perhaps she could have the list on her post?

Lochy - I've been eating loads of nuts all the way through this as they're supposed to be good for the old eggages!

Hope everyones doing good?

Drug free day today for me whohooooooooo! Xxxx
Gwyneth - fantastic news!!!! Wow, BFP's flying thick and fast.
AFM - must be pregnant, I have got 6 pairs of odd socks in this weeks wash...

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Thats a good sign reb. I took a dress that I had bought from sainsburys back to tesco yersterday.... the worst thing was it was in a sainsburys bag...:blush::blush::blush::blush::blush: I have read loads of people with no symptoms getting a positive so stay positive. xxxxx No Af is a good sign. xx

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Congratulations Gwynth do you have any pics of poas, I am a complete addict, might even go into the loft to retrieve my 8 year old sons test that I kept to compare it to, I think i am going :wacko::wacko::wacko: What day did you have your egg collection. x

Not long now ratmagirl, have a nice relaxing day. x

Lochbride, I am a pretty fussy eater and hate brazil nuts and can eat a bit of pineapple but not much so havent really made any changes.... apart from the prune juice :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: I force myself to drink that every morning.

Well went round to my friends for her sharwoods party, we had to make the wraps and then take photos of us eating them, it was a good laugh. Feeling extremelly tired today, wish i could go back to bed.

My DH is hinting when can we :sex: but im too scared, I know they say its totally fine but I have told him next week :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Even the clinic said it was okay but i dont know it just seems like i dont want to risk doing anything that will hurt them. x
Lisa - we did IVF. DH's sperm are tip top so didnt even consider ICSI. OUr fertilisation was about 70% which I think is fine (I just didnt have a lot of eggs). They dont recommend ICSO at my clinic unless it is very neccesary as it can have some complications apparently...

Springy - awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reb - well done on the PMA. I cant feel any since transfer at all, but trying...

Gwynth - congrats.
I can start a list on my first page post. I won't get to it till this afternoon so maybe of we could all start one on this page and use the reply quote option so I can copy and paste that would be helpful, cause Im kinda lazy :haha: here is an example format for us to use

IVF #1 with ICSI - gonal f, luveris, cetrotide and ovidrel
ER April 20 - 12 eggs retrieved, 11 fertilized
Day 5 transfer X blasts, X :cold:
Official test date: May 9
Result: ?????
Just having a quiet Sunday today - anyone doing any dietary changes through the 2WW? I've bought fresh pineapple to have a bit of each day and brazil nuts too - anything anyone else is doing?

Yep, I am eating brazil nuts since retrieval, I read a lot about them helping with implantation.i am beyond implantation, but I still eat them every day just in case. I did the pineapple too. I had the pineapple core divided in 5 pieces for 5 day after retrieval.

42andready, your dogs names are awesome!

Reb, Loch, MM - hang in there, I have everything crossed for you that you will get your bfps soon!
IVF #1 with ICSI - Follistim, Ganirelix and Ovidrel
ER April 6 - 9 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized
Day 5 transfer 2 blasts, 5 :cold:
Official test date: April 20
Result: :bfp:
Good Sunday morning ladies!

Ratmagirl: great going on the trigger and sniffers being done. You made me LOL with the vadge pellets comment. Love that!

Springy: congrats again on your fertilization stats. That's amazing! You'll get another call today with their progress and hopefully it's still as fantastic. Cheers for the date calculator--that's really fantastic. I just gave it a go and my due date is one day off from what I calculated--New Year's Day 2013!!! I love all the stats that it gives you, too. That's really cool. It's interesting because it notes that my implantation should have started on Apr. 18th and completed today. We had our transfer on Apr. 16th and I started feeling twinges 24 hours later. Cool! I just had a look at your stats and we were on identical protocols. What dose of Gonal-F were you on? For me, 300u per day except for trigger day when I had a full 450u jag.

Reb S: I'm with you on the compulsive knicker-checking but let me extend that to loo-paper-checking, too. So far, all I've seen is robin's egg blue streaks (I'm on those wee, blue Estrace suppositories). Good call on the 6 pairs of odd socks--you're definitely preggers!

katrus78: do you have another beta blood that the clinic will do? Is that why you're having to POAS for reassurance? Actually, katrus78, I should clarify, they're a pair of Siamese cats. I'd love dogs but we travel so much that it would be impossible. Cats, on the other hand, don't seem to care too much when you're gone!

Gwynth: congratulations! That's fabbo news. You must be over the moon.

lochbride: the only dietary changes that I've made is upping the intake of red meat and oily fish. Apparently the extra iron and the omegas are all good. I've heard about the pineapple dealio. How's that going?

Ratmagirl: way to be on the complete lack of drugs today. Isn't it a flippin' relief?

wishingalways: re: the bonking, our clinic said none until after the 2ww. In addition, no Os for me. Bugger! Doesn't mean that the hubby can't have some, though!

AFM: not much has changed except that we're now, officially in the 1ww! Roll on Apr. 30th! Seven days until the beta and potentially, five days until I cave and POAS. In the interim, I'm chugging along, trying to keep busy. Last night my hubby and I spent 2 hours in the kitchen (again, me with no vino--mega-ouch!!!) and made a new set of recipes: Vietnamese shrimp curry (with the curry paste from scratch) and Indian quinoa salad. Was great fun. Given some of the things I've been reading on the board, I sent an email to my IVF nurse yesterday asking: 1) if they ever test the BhCG on day 10; 2) if they take photos of the embryos. I'll receive those responses tomorrow. Quick question, what does "OH" mean? Something-hubby?

Have a fabbo Sunday, all!
Re bonking - last time we didn't, I think on Zeta West book advice. This time, let's just say there's a strict no-entry sign up, but I'm taking care of OH...hee hee. xx

OH = Other Half. H2B is what my OH is now - September 29th wedding!!!
I can start a list on my first page post. I won't get to it till this afternoon so maybe of we could all start one on this page and use the reply quote option so I can copy and paste that would be helpful, cause Im kinda lazy :haha: here is an example format for us to use

IVF #1 with ICSI - gonal f, luveris, cetrotide and ovidrel
ER April 20 - 12 eggs retrieved, 11 fertilized
Day 5 transfer X blasts, X :cold:
Official test date: May 9
Result: ?????

Dx: primarily male factor (acrosomal teratozoospermia); secondary female (fibroids-submucosal & subserosal).
IUI 1: 2010; no embryo formed.
IVF cycle 1: April '12; stimmed Mar. 31-Apr. 9: Gonal-F (300u), Luveris, Cetrotide, Ovidrel. ER: Apr. 11: 8 oocytes collected; 5 fertilized; 5 embryos w/excellent quality at day 3; 4 blastocysts at day 5.
ET: Apr. 16; 3 embryos transferred; 1 frozen.
Beta: Mon. Apr. 30th. Result: ?????!!!!!
42 - yep, I get a new beta on Monday and then Wednesday again! I poased today on the CB Digi but the damn thing just turned off and didn't show any result! Just a blank screen. And that's after a terrible dream about me getting a beta of 450 and than on th next beta it was 150 and the doc saying sorry. Now I am going to poas in the afternoon on a FRER. I just wanted to finally see the actual word on a cb digi. Stupid thing, it was probably too old :(

And yeah, I am on a strict no sex no orgasm plane, and also taking care of OH. Not fair. I think they should suffer too lol. Tmi, but I am used to have big o daily and this is by far the longest stretch for me in ages. really struggle without it :(
And yeah, I am on a strict no sex no orgasm plane, and also taking care of OH. Not fair. I think they should suffer too lol. Tmi, but I am used to have big o daily and this is by far the longest stretch for me in ages. really struggle without it :(

Re bonking - last time we didn't, I think on Zeta West book advice. This time, let's just say there's a strict no-entry sign up, but I'm taking care of OH...hee hee. xx

OH = Other Half. H2B is what my OH is now - September 29th wedding!!!

Congrats on the wedding Reb.... that must be really excititng too. Its our anniversary in 6 days... 5 years and its going to be the best anniversary ever. x I promised my dh some :sex: for then so he's pretty excited too. :haha::haha::haha:

42 yey for the 1ww, your very strong not testing early... I thought i was but turned out not so much. :haha:
My stats

IVF #1 - burselin spray and Gonal F 225iu
ER 6th april 2012 - 10 eggs retrieved, 7 eggs fertilised
Day 5 transfer 2 blasts and 2 :cold:
Official test date - 25th April
Result - :bfp: 16th April 5dp5dt.


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