Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Hi lovelies - just checking in quickly to say they retreived 15 eggs this morning.

They are phoning tomorrow am to give the fert report.

I feel okay - just a bit sore and am going to have a snooze now - have made myself a nice bed on the couch!! Xxxxxx
Hello girls back again - has anybody had extreme nausea with progesterone and progyluton at the end of 2ww and after??? It is doing my head in . I have yet to see af after the bfn last fri .... Not poas yet but told to do so in two days as the meds clear the system and af could show... any advice is welcome. Lillyxx
Ratmagirl - that is great news, 15 eggs is wonderful. Rest up and take it easy and do let us know your report tomorrow.

Springy - thanks for the info on your friend too. I did notice the front of the box of the Gonal F this morning too also said 300 iu twice I day so that was my 3rd reassurance, ha ha. I feel totally fine and the same as last time too.

Reb - good luck to you with your Mum.

I hope everyone has a great week ahead.
Reb - good luck with your Mom! It will be a good distraction from the TWW.

Ratma - AWESOME retrieval report! I have all fingers and toes crossed for an awesome fertilization report!!!!:thumbup:

Katrus - can't wait to hear your second beta. I think its great that you gave someone your left over meds, tests etc. Very generous of you, BFNs are NO fun at all so hopefully she can bounce back and have luck with her second cycle. Did she have any frozen ones?

MrsMax - how are you feeling?
Ratma - that is amazing - no wonder you were feeling so bloated. Fingers crossed for a great fertilisation report tomorrow!!!!! :headspin: :headspin:

I am enjoying time off work - still in my PJ's and it is 2pm!! Need to go get dressed for my refelxology appointment. So nice not to be at work :) :happydance:
I am enjoying time off work - still in my PJ's and it is 2pm!! Need to go get dressed for my refelxology appointment. So nice not to be at work :) :happydance:

Me too - done nothing all day and it's fabulous :D - such a shame I have to go back tomorrow but will be keeping up the PMA. Are you off for much longer Mrs M?

Go Ratma! 15 eggies - you are rocking this!!

Had a total melt down last night after some foolish Google stat searching. I wanted to find evidence that great embryos could even possibly = great outcome and obviously I didn't (no kidding?!). Ended up miserably whining on the sofa with an exasperated DH at the end of his tether. Picked myself up this morning with a vow to step away from the Google. 2dpt and I'm already freaking out! Don't know how you are all coping so well but keep up the good work :D xx
Lochbride - I cried for the first two days after transfer. I am convinced this wont work for me as my embies werent great - funny, Google scared you with perfect embies and scared me with rubbish embies! I think you find what you look for on Google. So, my secret to coping is that I am 90% sure it hasnt worked this time, so instead am just enjoying some paid time off work. I have until next Wedesday!!!!

Keep the faith though - stats are much better for good quality embies. Trust me Dr google told me ;) :kiss:
Mad isn't it - the things we do to ourselves in the quest for our own little baby.

Great that you have so much time off, enjoy it you lucky thing. I totally understand your 90% attitude (I hear you because the 10% is just too amazing to let it in sometimes) but it will happen; it will happen one day - that's what I keep telling myself (sometimes I go whole days believing it!))

Have you ever listened to any hypno/ meditation things for conception? I downloaded Kathy Freston's visualising pregnancy last year and dug it out this morning - it's hippy-tastic but is relaxing. ITunes also had another audio book/ relaxation series of a woman called Rachael Meddows - I might try find that again to help with the chilling out.

I'll be back in the office tomorrow wishing I was very far away from it! xx
Good morning ladies;

wishingalways: whew! Thanks so much for the positive story re: the HPTs--I'm happy to hear that someone's done the due diligence re: BFP results! I have to say that I was disappointed yesterday but got over it once I thought it through.

Ratmagirl: any word on your embies? Do they provide you with an ongoing report of their progress at all?

rozzigirl: wow, that's quite a dose of Gonal-F. Bloody expensive, too! Did they tell you what the root of your infertility was? If it was sluggish ovaries then that would make sense to heap on the stimms. If we have to undergo another cycle then I think I might tell my RE to put me on that dose, too!

Reb S: 3 days to go 'til your beta--woot! Are you excited?! All the best in Dorset with your Ma and your POAS on Thursday.

Springy: thanks for the jab o' positivity and I love the wee smiley icon you posted. Definitely not giving up, it was just a wee jolt. I POAS again this morning and felt totally fine about it. (Despite the continued BFN.) Hopefully a wee, faint, second pink line arrives soon! How are you doing? How are the embies? Re: the dosages of Gonal-F, I'm not sure how high Hannam will go but one of the IVF nurses mentioned to me, mid-cycle, that rarely are regular doses above 300u given. I had to take a 450u dose on my triggering night but was at 300u for the other days of the cycle.

katrus: wow, a 9-day beta! That's great. Yes, great idea on using the same test every day. I'm going to go and snag some more of the same ones I used yesterday and today. Thanks for the tip! …and another great idea to give away your leftover meeds. That's one thing I was thinking: with my Gonal-F pen I had so many sterilized needles left over. I was thinking that they could be put to great use somewhere else. Throwing them out seems like such a colossal waste. All the best for your doubled beta today!

AFM: as mentioned before, DH and I went out and purchased a bunch of HPTs yesterday. I rushed upstairs when we returned home to do the first test and it was a BFN. I was definitely disappointed, but got over it in a wee bit after considering that I was only d6p5dt. That being said, the crestfallen feeling came from hearing others who were d4p5dt and d5p5dt having BFP HPTs. In any case, since I'm a scientist too, I'm viewing this as my wee, at-home science experiment. So this morning I got up, went to the loo and POAS again. Again, BFN but I wasn't too sussed. Each morning I'll give one a go and hope for something good on day 10 which is Thursday. I had sent an email to my IVF nurse on the weekend asking about embryo photos and day 10 BhCG testing. (Our clinic normally does day 14 testing.) No response yet but I'm sure she'll respond today. One very odd symptom this morn: increased sexiness! What's that all about?? It must be those Katrus' vibes rubbing off!

Have a smashing day, all!
That is absolutely true - you can find anything you are looking for on Google. So, although you can find many examples of 4dp5dt bfps, I personally think they are extremely rare, mostly with multiples. So 42, keep the PMA up and just shoot for a positive for 9 or 10dp5dt.

Ratma, so eggcited you got so many eggies!!!!!!!! And by now they are not eggies anymore but embabies!!!! Soo sooooooo cool. Rest well! Job well done.

Springy, any news for today's progress?

AFM, went to the clinic this morning, so just waiting patiently for my second beta. Tbh, I am starting to freak out. Some of my friends tease me one or both of my embabies will split. With one, I would be over the moon, like all of you. With two, I know it will be extremely hard, but I have faith that I will manage. With three, I am horrified. I am starting to doubt whether it was a good choice to put back two. I tell my good-wishing teaser-friends that I would do a reduction if one split, but in my heart I know I wouldn't. It scares the shit out of me. And what am I gonna do with the 5 frosties? They still have not called me for payment for those, but I am sure they will soon. I honestly wish I could donate them to someone I know. Oh, yeah, the girl I gave my meds to yesterday - no, her only 9-cell embaby did not make it to day 5, so she doesn't have any frosties left. I feel very very sad for her. Her eggs are perfect, but her DH's sperm is horrible, with very low count (under 1 mln) and very poor morphology (last time they couldn't find any good spermies, so they did ISCI with the best they got, but that was not good enough I guess). They are self-payng and now have only one fresh attempt left. They won't be able to afford any more attempts after that, unless they will have some frosties left. I feel they should not waste any more attempts with her hubby's sperm and go with donor sperm, and that's where she is leaning towards now. It great to see a live person behind a name on the forum, but now I am very upset for her, I really wanted her to get her bfp. Anyway, sorry for this long ramble. I just feel so torn for her.

BTW, still no symtoms. Symptoms, I want to spot you! where art thou?
Katrus, I know what you mean.... it would be so great if once your family is complete you could give your snow embies to someone who really doesnt have a chance by themselves, it would help so many couples out there. I know people might not see it as there baby but if they have carried it for nine months and it was there one and only chance to look after and love a child, I would be happy for someone to have mine. I know some would think it weird but I wouldnt mind it at all, as long as my family was complete. xx Cant wait to hear the beta results. xx

Reb, hope your doing ok with your mum, it cant be easy. I am a nurse and know how hard it can be. xx At least it gives you something to focus on other than you poas on thursday.. I am so rooting for you. xx

Mrs max please stay positive remember Katrus has no symptoms at all and she still got her BFP... I used to think for years that it was never going to happen and I went to a brilliant psychic lady who works for the police where I live helping find missing people and things and she told me to look up some writers work.... the basis of it was... If you constantly believe something will never happen... then it probably wont... I know its scary thinking that it might not work, but you need to tell your body... You can do this and wake up every morning imagining it growing inside you. xxxx I dont think a negative result will be any harder to take if you tell yourself it wont happen but maybe just maybe if you believe.... it will and make you feel better on the 2ww .xxxxx sorry for rambling but I really believe now in staying positive makes you feel better. xx

springy hoping those little embies are growing growing growing. xxx

Ratmagirl - 15 wow that is awesome news :headspin::headspin: fx for a good fertilitsation report. xx

Lochbride - OMG google is the devil but can also be the saviour... but mostly the devil.... I think i would rather be nieve and not know than know everything. I went to have a sneak peak at the first trimester threads and I just about scared myself silly....... It is sooooo negative had to come of it straight away.. still nip back there but only click on the good threads... cant bear to read all the scary stories. x

Hi Bambine sorry dont really have any advice but that must suck gettin those effects from the progesterone. :hugs:

Well after feeling pretty rubbish the whole weekend dont feel to bad today... still really worried that I am not really pregnant, keep thinking its a dream. Managed to get up and go to work without poas but by home time was chapping at the bit. Needless to say as soon as I got in poas.... and phew line still there. Only 2 days now until I can phone the hospital on my OTD and get my scan date... cant wait. xx
Hi lovelies!!

Am back in the land of living now!! Boy am I sore!!!

Hope everyones good?

Good luck for Beta Katrus - so lovely of you to give your test etc to your friend. Would you and your friend consider sharing embies at all or is that not allowed? You are so lovely to be so caring towards her - hope she has better luck if she tries again.

Glad your lines are still showing Wishing!!

Hope you get BFPs 42, Lochy, Reb and MM

Have you had your ET yet Springy? Sorry can't remember! *fog brain*

So sorry for your sickness Bambine - hope you're okay? Is there still a chance of a bfp for you? I bloody hope so!!

Hope your getting on okay Rozzi and Lisa? Zeusnpickle - hope you're doing okay?

Sorry if I've missed anyone out. Thanks for doing the list Springy xxx

I should get a fertilization report tomorrow am so will report back. Fingers x'd they're doing okay!! Eeeeeek xxxxx

No prune action required here yet - have it on standby just in case though LOL xxxxx
Finally the clinic called me just now with results.
So, my second beta at 12dp5dt is 871 !!
My progesterone is 51.4

Holy molly. Google, here I come lol!
I read all kinds of conflicting HCG stats on google (Yes, Google is evil!) regarding high HCG levels early on. Some resources say it doesn't mean anything, twins and triplets han make very low HCG and still be ok, and a singleton can make that much HCG and still be ok too... but most people on forums still say higher HCG means multiples. ok, gonna go have my freak out quietly, since I am at work.
Katrus & Wishing - it is interesting that you bring up donation of frozen embryo's. When DH and I first got our paperwork we thought one of the questions was about that and then we realized our options were "donate to research" or "destroy". While at first I was adamant that I wouldn't donate embryo's because that is essentially a full child of DH and mine out there the more we talked about and thought about I came to the same realization as you ladies. If my family is complete and the ONLY option for a young couple would be to have our embryo's then how could I prevent them from having the one thing that DH and I have tried so long to have .... but sadly it doesn't exist and I think there are a lot of ethical and financial issues around it - i.e. selling, price gauging etc. which would make it hard but maybe one day it will happen!

Ratma - nope I am a day 5 transfer so Wednesday :) I got my last update today from the clinic on my embabies ... all 11 are still growing! 3 at 5 cell, 2 at 6 cell, 5 at 8 cell and 1 at 9+ cell. We are hopeful with this many on day 3 that we will at least have a few to put on ice :cold:

Katrus - I also have to admit that anything more than 2 scares the SHIT out of me too! I know it would be a hard discussion and a hard decision but I don't think I would carry triplets or quads ....

Loch - STEP AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!!! I swear it only gives you bad news and/or only gives you what you're looking for.

For Loch & MrsMax - the clinic I am with doesn't generally grade embryos because they firmly feel that how an embryo is graded does not reflect how it is going to perform in the body. A perfect looking / graded embryo in a dish may not take yet one which is not great looking and poorly graded takes ... so DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE!
Eeeeeeeeeeeek Katrus!!! Let's quietly hope its just twinnies in there and try not to worry about becoming the next Octomom LOL

Springy - YEAH for your embies - they're doing so well whoooohooooooo
lol I think we posted the same time, Springy. You results are fabuloso!!! You will have some frosties for sure!!!
Katrus - that is so very exciting. Happy to hear that things are moving along in a positive note that is wonderful. When do you have your next check with the clinic?
Thank you guys. My next check is on Wednesday, and than its a stretch to May 2nd u/s appointment.
Katrus - wow. That is a great BETA!!! So excited for you.

I think there is such thing as embryo adoption - not sure it works but I am sure some clinics in the US do it. Would be an awesome thing to do - not sure I could do it, but I would certainly think about it.
:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: Katrus... thats fantastic, Definately think there is more than one in there.

OMG I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jealous..... I want a beta test too :cry: its so unfair.... I dont even have a scan date yet.... but I am still so happy and on :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: Just want the next 3 weeks to fly by so I can find out too.

:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: for you too. That many on day 3 is brilliant, Roll on Wednesday. xxxxx

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