Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Got a call today already - nice and early today!

All 11 are still growing :thumbup:

2 @ 2 cell
7 @ 3 - 4 cell
2 @ 5+ cells

I assume that's decent as the nurse didn't give me any reason to think otherwise!

Oh - and I started our list in my post on the first page.
Went out for lunch with some friends and tried hard not to feel like I should be sitting with my feet up! Light walking won't hurt I keep telling myself - now back on the sofa with my fresh pineapple and brazil nuts :)

Can you tell I have time on my hands?! Here's the list to date for easy copy and paste:

IVF #1 with ICSI - Follistim, Ganirelix and Ovidrel
ER April 6 - 9 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized
Day 5 transfer 2 blasts, 5 :cold:
Official test date: April 20
Result: :bfp:

IVF #1 - burselin spray and Gonal F 225iu
ER 6th april 2012 - 10 eggs retrieved, 7 eggs fertilised
Day 5 transfer 2 blasts and 2
Official test date - 25th April
Result - :bfp: 16th April 5dp5dt.

Dx: primarily male factor (acrosomal teratozoospermia); secondary female (fibroids-submucosal & subserosal).
IUI 1: 2010; no embryo formed.
IVF cycle 1: April '12; stimmed Mar. 31-Apr. 9: Gonal-F (300u), Luveris, Cetrotide, Ovidrel. ER: Apr. 11: 8 oocytes collected; 5 fertilized; 5 embryos w/excellent quality at day 3; 4 blastocysts at day 5.
ET: Apr. 16; 3 embryos transferred; 1 frozen.
Beta: Mon. Apr. 30th. Result: ?????!!!!!

ICSI #1 - Prostap, Gonal F (225)
ER 19th April - 11 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilised, no frozen
Two day transfer 2 x embies
Official test date: 4th May
Result: ?????

IVF #1 with ICSI - gonal f, luveris, cetrotide and ovidrel
ER April 20 - 12 eggs retrieved, 11 fertilized
Day 5 transfer X blasts, X :cold:
Official test date: May 9
Result: ?????
I am pretty clueless where thats concerned springy but i think thats good isnt it? xxx
Haha! Springy, think we posted at the same time. Loving those BFP's leading the pack :D

Fab cell news :D
hi all,

Those that just got their positive betas this last week , im wondering what your stats were (what number it was- didnt see it posted in your sigs other than positive) . Our beta was 9DP5DT. (frozen) . obviously the beta number will be very different depending when you were tested. most offices do 8dp, 9dp, or 10dp as a first beta.

Im trying to collect as much data as i can about the betas with 2-3 emby or blast Xfers.

My husband is continuing to have a heart attack about our situation (a happy one of course) since some of you had 5dp5dt positives at home (ours was 4dp5dt positive), i thought they might be on par.

Our first ivf was positive (miscarriage afterward) and had a super low first beta, which then doubled, but then failed to double on third beta. With our first this time being so much higher than our other positive try, he is some what panicking. im trying to let him know that it is still a good number, even for a singleton. hah. (ill take whatever stuck as long as it stays stuck. health is all i care about, not # of babies.)

curious! ( and hello, sorry for crashing your thread, i didn't see it until this morning)
Wishing as allways - thank you very much , I haven't unravelled this time so I guess acceptance gets esier with each try.... Wishing you lots of good results with the pregnancy !! Lillyxx
Just dropping in quickly as about to watch a film with DH. Springy - they sound good to me. You can google what they are supposed to be - I lie Dr Mapalini (sp) site. You have so many that I am sure you will get a choice of fab embies.

:rofl: I amm banning :sex: too - but havent explained why just siad I dont feel like it after being prodded and poked by th doctors - which is actulaly true. Katrus - O every day - wow! That is quite something.

Lochbride - I felt guilty going to the local theatre last night - but I am sure a little bit pf out and about cant be bas. Would go crazy if sat on the sofa the whole weekend.

Reb - yay for the wedding!!!! Did you just get engaged?

Happy Sunday peeps. Anyone off work tomorrow? I am - cant wait for another lie in :happy:
WOW - I haven't been able to log on since Thursday and I feel like I have missed so much. Congrats to everyone on the BFP's such wonderful news. I hope for things to continue moving along positively for everyone.

I started on my Gonal F 300 iu twice a day on Friday and I go back in on Tuesday to check on my progress. Getting excited to get moving along again.

Happy Sunday everyone, dreary day here in Boston so an easy day to veg out.
Hi Rozz - dreary in the UK too. Are you doing 600 gonal f a day? That seems a lot!! How you finding the jabs?
Hi Rozz - dreary in the UK too. Are you doing 600 gonal f a day? That seems a lot!! How you finding the jabs?

Yes 600 a day, I don't mind the jabs at all so that has been good. I think last time I did 225 units twice a day so a little increase this time I was sort of a slow responder last time so we shall see. I go back on Tuesday and then they are hoping to add in the other two meds.
Hey there ladies;

katrus78: what a ratty stick! Gads. Re: the FRER you're fortunate as I just went shopping for sticks and that one wasn't available. Our pharmacy carries on the 5 day sticks and less. All the best this aft!

wishingalways: I'm totally with you now in the not-so-strong club as I bought a collection of sticks today and gave one a go. What did you use to determine your BFP on the 5dp5dt? All the best with your stickiness!!!

Springy: well done on the growth. That's great!

rozzigirl: congrats on starting the stimms but I'm with mrsmax--are you doing 600u per day? That does seem like quite a bit. I was on 300u and my clinic noted they rarely prescribe above that.

AFM: I caved and bought a bevy of pee sticks. The DH and I talked today over lunch about the pros and cons of trying them and we ended up reasoning: why not? So we stopped off at the local drug store and bought a bunch of different types including the 5-days-in-advance ones with the two lines and some digital versions. Anyway, the first go was a negatron and we'll keep trying, i.e., tomorrow, and hopefully see a second pink line then or beyond. That being said, I've just read a bunch of posts where folks who also did the 5dt got the BFP-on-a-stick at 4 and 5 dp5dt so I'm feeling just a titch crestfallen. Hopefully the three lads are doing okay...
42 - I bought some 10iu cheapy tests on amazon and it was super faint but there on day 5, but everyone one is different, I read a whole 80 page thread of ivf successes and I think the average was a
+ at 8/9 dpt so there is loads of time. X stay positive. X

Springy thats a great report, exactly where they should be and better, you got some strong ones there. X x

Hi rozzigirl, how are ya. Yey for starting stimms. X x did you respond at all to 225, 600 does seem high but im sure if thats what the dr say its all good, fx you respond nicely and get some lovelybig follies. X

Mrs max dont feel bad about going out, I went for long walks on the beach 4 days after transfer, I had to get out of house and was back at work day 5. x x drs told us to act normal and not worry about things. X x
Yo ladies!

Here's my contribution to the list:

Slight PCOS and male factor
ICSI #1 - Syranel, Menopur 150, Ovridrille
ER 23rd April, ?? fertilised, ?? frozen
Transfer: ????
Official test date: ??????
Result: ?????
I just re-listened to the voicemail message from the nurse from before (since I got nervous) and she definitely said 300 units twice a day in the message and then I talked to her last week after my appointment and that is what she said so definitely two different conversations with the same instructions. I responded eventually but I also only ended up with 3 follies. I go back in on Tuesday morning so only 4 days of this.
Here's me, girls
Reb S - ttc 4 years, unexplained infertility; poss minor PCOS, poss minor male factor;
IVF no. 1 August 10; MMC October:angel:
IVF no. 2 April 12;
EC 12th April
ET 2 blasts 17th April
Test day, 26th April.

Hope all are doing well. x
Hey there ladies;

katrus78: what a ratty stick! Gads. Re: the FRER you're fortunate as I just went shopping for sticks and that one wasn't available. Our pharmacy carries on the 5 day sticks and less. All the best this aft!

wishingalways: I'm totally with you now in the not-so-strong club as I bought a collection of sticks today and gave one a go. What did you use to determine your BFP on the 5dp5dt? All the best with your stickiness!!!

Springy: well done on the growth. That's great!

rozzigirl: congrats on starting the stimms but I'm with mrsmax--are you doing 600u per day? That does seem like quite a bit. I was on 300u and my clinic noted they rarely prescribe above that.

AFM: I caved and bought a bevy of pee sticks. The DH and I talked today over lunch about the pros and cons of trying them and we ended up reasoning: why not? So we stopped off at the local drug store and bought a bunch of different types including the 5-days-in-advance ones with the two lines and some digital versions. Anyway, the first go was a negatron and we'll keep trying, i.e., tomorrow, and hopefully see a second pink line then or beyond. That being said, I've just read a bunch of posts where folks who also did the 5dt got the BFP-on-a-stick at 4 and 5 dp5dt so I'm feeling just a titch crestfallen. Hopefully the three lads are doing okay...

42 it is still very early!!!! No giving up the hope yet ok!!! :hugs:
Ratma - GOOD LUCK with the collection tomorrow. Can't wait for an update :happydance:

Rozzi - if you were a slow responder on 225IU then I'm not suprised you're using 300IU x 2. My friend used 450IU Follistim and 150IU Menopur on her's due to low AMH and poor response. I think that's normal here in North America :thumbup:
hi all,

Those that just got their positive betas this last week , im wondering what your stats were (what number it was- didnt see it posted in your sigs other than positive) . Our beta was 9DP5DT. (frozen) . obviously the beta number will be very different depending when you were tested. most offices do 8dp, 9dp, or 10dp as a first beta.

Im trying to collect as much data as i can about the betas with 2-3 emby or blast Xfers.

My husband is continuing to have a heart attack about our situation (a happy one of course) since some of you had 5dp5dt positives at home (ours was 4dp5dt positive), i thought they might be on par.

Our first ivf was positive (miscarriage afterward) and had a super low first beta, which then doubled, but then failed to double on third beta. With our first this time being so much higher than our other positive try, he is some what panicking. im trying to let him know that it is still a good number, even for a singleton. hah. (ill take whatever stuck as long as it stays stuck. health is all i care about, not # of babies.)

curious! ( and hello, sorry for crashing your thread, i didn't see it until this morning)

Sorry I used to have a very detailed siggy but anyway, my first beta at 9dp5dt was 288. Tomorrow is my second beta at 12dp5dt. My progesteron was 39. And welcome to the thread!

Springy, great results! you got some leaders now, awesome!

Ratma, let us know asap how many are retreived! Good luck to you, sister!

42 - my line at 5dp5dt was faint, but Wishing is right, from all my research most people didnt get a line until around 8-9dp5dt. So let's just wait a couple more days and give it another go! It also depends on how sensitive the test is I only use FRERs, just so it's consistent.

Didn't test today as I decided to give all my left over meds and tests to a girl I met in person today from a Russian IVF forum. She was doing everything the same days as me and I so wanted her to get a bfp, but it was bfn for her. We met today and talked for like 4 hours over lunch. She is going to give it another go in two month and she is paying out of pocket for everything so I hope my meds will save her some money. We go to the same clinic too.

I still feel no symptoms, but glad to be having a second beta tomorrow, hope it more than doubled nicely. Big hug to everyone holding on POASing.
:flower: CamAmFam, and congrats on your BFP! xxx
Ladies, I'm off to Dorset to see how my Mum's getting on (mild dementia, should definitely keep my mind off things!!!) back Wednesday night, POAS Thursday morning. There isn't usually any internet access down there so I may not keep in touch. Good luck everyone, with collections, poasing and betas xxx
Reb - sorry to hear that. Hope she is Ok - I'm in Dorset and I have internet access - so you might get lucky X

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