Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Wishing, I can't wait for your scan too!At lease a date! I really really wish I knew your betas! Although I am sure everything is cooking great inside you but still itwould be awesome to compare numbers. Can you demand a scan date lol?
No in the uk they arevery strict, although im paying the ivf was done in a nhs hospital so theres no point in phoning till wed. Might chance my arm tomorrow though and say im in meetings all day wed so thought I would phone today, see what they say. Lol. X
Thanks Wishing :)

And yep Katrus looks like we posted at the same time! That beta is high, but they often say that hCG levels don't necessarily correspond to the number ... I am "friends" with a girl from BnB and she was in the singleton range and went for her first scan ... boom TWINKIES!

May 2nd will be here before you know it!!!
Hi lovelies

Just got a call - 10 fertilized!! Whoohoo

We're booked in for a 5 day transfer this Sat morning.

They don't grade them so have no clue what they're like but if its a 5DT they must be good right?

If I don't hear anything else then its good news. Wish they would update me a bit more though!!

So good news here!

Springy - could you update the front page to 15 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized and 5DT 28 Apr 12

Hope everyones okay? Xxxxx
Ratma - :headspin: That is WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeee - yes, and no news is good news! :hug:
How awesome! Now you have 10 little guys competing to be chosen :) Congrats! Very good news!
Hi lovelies

Just got a call - 10 fertilized!! Whoohoo

We're booked in for a 5 day transfer this Sat morning.

They don't grade them so have no clue what they're like but if its a 5DT they must be good right?

If I don't hear anything else then its good news. Wish they would update me a bit more though!!

So good news here!

Springy - could you update the front page to 15 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized and 5DT 28 Apr 12

Hope everyones okay? Xxxxx

Awesome news!!!! My clinic doesn't grade them either this early, just tells me how many cells they are ... I'm kinda sad that today is the first day I don't get an update on my embies :cry: Hope they are doing ok!!!! Guess I'll find out tomorrow morning when I go in for the transfer :thumbup: Just praying that I get some :cold: ones out of this! I really don't want to have to do a full fresh cycle again if god forbid this one doesn't work!!!!

I'll update page 1 for you now :)
Hello ladies - I just got in from my appointment at the clinic.

Right ovary:

Left ovary

So, we'll see what they say later on today when they call.

Ratma - that is great news what a relief for you, you must be so excited!!!
Eggcellent Roz! :yay:

Thanks guys - I guess I'll find out the grades when I go in for transfer - they seem so cagey to give out info at my clinic!!

I've named all the embies George - as yesterday was St Georges day :lol: I texted Mr RG and said we had 10 Georges today LOL

Thanks Springy - can't believe tomorrow's the big day for you - eeeeekk!!! Xxxxxx
Good morning everyone!

katrus78: how did beta 2 go from yesterday? Ah, I just read your latest post--fantastic news re: the 871! That's really great. Can you have your daily O now, to celebrate? ;) As for the May 2nd u/s, that's just over a week away, so no worries!

wishingalways: hope you're still feeling grand after the crapula weekend. Nice work on the good POAS outcomes!

Ratmagirl: how are your embies doing? Have you received your report as yet? Good vibes being sent across the ocean to you! Just read your latest update and--WELL DONE!!! 10 fertilized is great. Yep, if you're going in for a 5dt then the embies must be doing well.

springy: we had to sign the same "donate to research/destroy" forms as you. We decided to allow any extra embryos to go to research but I didn't see any option for allowing another couple to use them. Did you? Your embie report sounds great. Nice work!

AFM: last night, while making yet another curry dinner (I'm craving spicy food these days), I started having some lower abdo twinges--the sort that tend to appear pre-AF. I was quietly worried and a titch agitated, i.e., was stirring a little more furiously than normal! However, zero, nada, no AF. Phew! In the interim, our IVF nurse called yesterday to say that our clinic would be happy to perform a day-10 hCG test. Which means, this Thursday. Eeep! I might head in on Friday instead. I'll wait and see what my wee sticks tell me and hopefully they'll give me the pluck to head in. Also, they let us know that the embryology clinic can take photos of the embryos but only for those who ask. Good to know. Otherwise, still chugging along with the same, swollen boobages and trying to keep busy and away from peeing on sticks 24/7! (This morn's (day 8) HPT was still a BFN. Here's hoping!!! I'm off to the chemist to pick up more sticks. Look at all the extra customer points I'm accruing!)
42 - thanks for the information about the photos! I sent a note to Melanie asking if we could get photos of our embryo's before our transfer tomorrow.

Sorry to hear that its still showing up as BFNs - what brands are you using? The First Response Early Response ones are the best & most reliable ones out there.
Fab news, when's your transfer?!

Good luck for tomorrow Springy - I know how you feel about getting some frosties - I really hope you do. I'm told the NHS will only freeze grade 7 and 8 in the UK and none of mine made that (apart from the two inside!). The thought of going through it again is beyond depressing so keeping everything crossed.

Feeling pretty twingy today in the left hand side - I have no idea what counts as ovulation (retrieval) so not sure when to expect or no expect the usual AF cramps. And anyway, nothing is normal this time round - the progesterone has turned me into a moody crybaby!

Keep going everyone :D
Hi everyone,

Never been on message boards before and am struggling to keep up so I am not going to try to mention everyone cause I'm sure I will get it wrong but my thoughts are with all of you.

I am on day 7 of stims and feeling very bloated, I am hoping thats a good sign. Have a scan tomorrow so will see how many eggs I have, am paranoid I won't have any! Did anyone else have constant headaches through this? x
Thanks Lochy!! I'm having a 5dt on Sat am. Thanks for letting me know about NHS and grading for frosties - I'm really hoping to get some frozen babies too as I just don't think I can face all those drugs again so soon!

Good luck for your transfer tomorrow Springy!!

Zeus - :hi: bloating is a good sign, well not so good for you having to feel it - but I felt like a fat chicken at your stage and look at all the follies I had!! Good luck at your scan.

I know this forum moves really fast - I find my brain doesn't work as well as it used to :lol:

And yes headaches are normal - just keep drinking, that helped get rid of mine.

Lochy - I'm glad you said you were a bit moody on the progesterone as this evening I'm starting to feel quite down and gloomy. Probably a mixture of so much going on, sedation earing off and progesterone!

Lots of sticking and egg growing vibes to you all xxx

Ps I think I might go to work tomorrow as I'm a bit fed up at home on my own. I had booked the whole week off but feel a day back at work would help break things up. Am taking next Mon off to relax after transfer! Xxx
katrus78: how did beta 2 go from yesterday? Ah, I just read your latest post--fantastic news re: the 871! That's really great. Can you have your daily O now, to celebrate? ;) As for the May 2nd u/s, that's just over a week away, so no worries!
lol, had two big Os today, what a releif :)

Zeus, don't worry, mentioning everyone isn't an obligation in order to participate lol :) About headaches - I didn't have any, but I thing mostly cause as Ratma said, I drank a lot to prevent them. Pure water, tons of it. Bloating is great - that means lots of eggies cooking there. And don't worry, you will have even more maturing after the trigger! Hang in there.
Hi Everyone! I am way late with getting back on here.

Here are my stats:
Unexplained infertility. tried IUI with medication 2 times.
IVF #1: 1/2 ICSI; 1/2 natural
meds used: Follistim, Menopur, Ganirelix, and Ovidrel
ER on 4/6/12 = 17 follicles, 16 fertilized
Day 5 Transfer on 4/11/12 with 1 blastocyst; 4 frozen blatocysts
HPT and Beta test on 4/20/12 confirmed pregnant

Katrus: My first Beta was around 245 ish (should have written it down) and did another Beta on 4/22/12 was 814. I completely agree with the fear of multiples. When do we find out about twins? I am scheduled to see my doctor and have ultrasound on 5/3/12. Please let me know what they do in your appt.

Wishing: Retrieval on 4/6 transfer on 4/11. I have a picture of my hpt, but i'm not sure how to upload it...

Loch: I didn't know about brazil nuts or pinapple, so i never ate it.

Reb: Congrats on your engagement :)

Someone was mentioning sex: I'm not having any because my ovaries were big and i dont want them to twist. No sex and i think i'm not allowed to have orgasms either. So i am really looking forward to my next appt. I can actually see my ovaries now--- really weird.

Bambine: No nausea w/progesterone with me.... i did have one day of nausea, but that happens to me if i dont eat regularly.

Springy: Good luck on the transfer

Ratma: Great news on the fertilized eggs

The symptoms that i noticed was sometime after the transfer my nipples were got darker. I have been having a lot of cramps and feeling tight in my abdomen. I also have sharp pain sometimes when i laugh--- all this probably due to the larger ovaries. I have also had some lower back pain.

Anyone get any pregnancy applications for your phone?

Baby dust to all!
Gwynth that is fantastic news, congratulations so very happy for you! Very exciting news I hope you continue to feel fantastic throughout your entire pregnancy. Keep us posted on your next appointment, I know it seems far away but think of how far you have come and it will be here before you know it.
Katrus: My first Beta was around 245 ish (should have written it down) and did another Beta on 4/22/12 was 814. I completely agree with the fear of multiples. When do we find out about twins? I am scheduled to see my doctor and have ultrasound on 5/3/12. Please let me know what they do in your appt.

My ultrasound is on 5/2/12, so I believe we will find out than. Very nervous.

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