Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

We transferred one blastocyst and one morula. At day 5 they should be blastocysts. We have 7 other morula which they are going to let grow another day and then freeze ONLY if they go to blastocyst stage.

I am feeling pretty defeated that there was only one blastocyst.....trying hard to focus on the one that they did put back but it is very hard right now.

I am having an acupuncture session then going home to relax on the couch and watch comedies hopefully the laughing will help!
gwnyth, thats great stats on the beta tests, bet you cant wait for your u/s thats only next week.

That means Me, you and Katrus are all due on the exactly the same day.... Yey bump buddies. xxx

Springy thats awesome your PUPO... please dont worry about the eggs... I read on a post that one woman had two morulas put in and now has twins... so stay positive. xx I totally believe that eggs grow at different rates just like children so now that they are in there they have just as much chance as anything to grow. xxx We had 2 embies left after transfer that did not meet there freeze criteria but we asked them to freeze them anyway... Im so glad we did becasue Im sure they would have been fine give them time. xx

WELL its official, we dont get Betas in the UK but I had to phone the hospital this morning to say IM pregnant and they gave me my scan date.. 9th May two weeks today... I really cant wait. My mums coming up this weekend and we are going to do some window shopping I am sure....

Hope everyone else is having a good day. xxxx
Springy :hugs: Have posted in th other thread.

Wishing - when did you test originally? Have you only just told the clinic about your BFP? exciting to window shop with mum.
Springy, one did make it though, and one is all you need to make one baby! It will be fine, I have seen several cases on different forums where they transferred a blast and a morula and BOTH made it into beautiful babies. Try to relax and take it easy for the next few days. Hugs.

Wishing - how exciting! Have a good time with your mom, what a happy time for your family!

Gwinth, are you getting any feeling about whether it's one or two? When is your third beta? Please let me know asap when you get results lol!
Good morning all!

Springy: between you and me, Melanie's going to wring our necks with these queries! As for the HPTs, so far I've not been able to find any of the First Response Early Response tests. I'll try a different Shoppers today. Have you had any luck finding them? Oooooh, morulas are great! They're such attractive wee balls of cells. Good for you! Don't worry that there was only one blastocyst. There's still time. Chin up goil!!!

zeusnpickle: all the best for today's scan!

katrus78: great to hear that you're back in the "swing" o' things!

wishingalways: congrats on your upcoming scan date. That's not very far away at all. Woot!

AFM: I'm a total knucklehead. Yesterday I went to the drugstore and to its HPT aisle. There were quite a few HPTs to select from. After perusing them all, I found one First Response 9-pack. I was thrilled! I snagged those, headed home and, of course, POAS as soon as I arrived home--BFN. Again, later in the day, I repeated the test. BFN. Then, just before going to bed, you guessed it, another BFN. Before the bedtime POAS, and while waiting the 3 minutes for the test to develop, I had a look at the box to see if it mentioned on what day the test was optimal. That's when I noticed that these tests were for ovu-freaking-lation! Gads!!!! What a moron I am. As my hubby noted, "Thank god it didn't show that you were ovulating"!!! Good point. So there's the chuckle of the day. (That being said, I did have a digital test on hand for this morn and still, BFN. Mind you, this is day 9 so here's hoping. Still PUPO!!!) On another note, this ex-needlephobe tried acupuncture by a fertility specialist for the first time yesterday. Heaven! I'm returning tomorrow.

Have a grandiose day, all!
42, thats hilarious. xxxx At least you can see the funny side. xxx digitals take a while to come up positive so I wouldnt expect a result on them so soon. Mine only just came up 1-2 weeks on saturday. xx

Mrs max, I originally tested on the 16th April but my OTD was today and I was not allowed to phone the clinic before hand. There is no way I could have waited that long. lol. I have over 10 sticks with lines now.... think I need to stop soon. LOL. xx
wow - you tested more than a week early!!!! I dont feel that tempted yet...

42 :rofl: that is hilarious. Baby brain perhaps...?
42 - lol, I was laughing from the beginning of your story cause I know they FRERs don't come in 9-packs, only ovulation ones :)
Congratulations on being PUPO Springy!! Try not to worry about the stages they are at - my friends LO was behind the others at day 3 and turned out to be her son!!!

Wishing - congratulations for being officially preggo!! :yay:

42 - your story cracked me up!!

MM - hope you're holding out okay?

Katrus and Gwyneth (and Wishing) - hope you're baking nicely :D

Hope everyone else is okay?

AFM - no news is good news right re: the 10 embs? Going back to work tomorrow as I'm feeling quite blue sat here by myself all day. ET Saturday - any tips on how to relax? They said I can have a CD playing but I can't think what I'd like or maybe I'd just like it quiet. What's it like? Is it stressful? Eek!

Lots of love to everyone xxx
Hi Ratma - my Et was stressful but only as I had drunk too much prune juice that morning :blush: It turned out ok though - but I was like "OK, hurry up...!" Seriously I listened to a hypnosis CD in the car (on my ipod - DH driving) on the way home. You could do that in the ET room, but most people find it exciting and relaxing... :hug:
Ratmagirl, the et was really quick. I was in and out the room in about 10 minutes, really is just like a smear but you get to see the ultrasound and watch your little baby being put back in. X was actually really nice and totally stress free..... biggest problem was the full bladder and holding it in was pretty hard. X x. Being back at work should hopefully make the rest of the week go quick. X x

So I came home from work at 4.30, the joiners arrived to do all my skirting down stairs and fit new doors. We camped out in my sons room because downstairs is still a bomb sight, ate tea in there and played with lego, by 6.30 I had accidentally fallen asleep on his bed, just woke up after an hour nap and my son had left me in peace and gone in my bedroom to play.... god the napping has started already. X
Thanks MM and Wishing :hug:

That's a good idea MM - I shall listen to my Zita West cd after and try to relax.

Don't know why but I'm feeling really negative today even though I have no real cause to be. I guess its all catching up with me - am actually looking forward to work to get some normality back! Xxxxxxx
you're welcome. :hugs: Negivity is normal I think on and off.
Hi everyone,

42 - thanks for sharing, that was hilarious, I have come close to doing that before, thought I'd got a real bargain until the cashier checked. If she hadn't I would have been oblivious cause I've poas so much over the last 3 years that I stopped reading the instructions a long time ago.

I had my scan today and have 14x9-10mm (7 on each side so at least I'm symmetrical!), it's such a relief to know it's all working. The bloating is a lot better today too after reflexology yesterday. Thanks for all the advice, I am drinking at least 3 litres a day, anymore and I'll never leave the loo!

Thinking of you all x
Ok, so I just got my numbers from today's blood results.
I will just put it in a summary (P4 is the progesterone level, just in case anyone's interested):

14dpo - First Beta
HCG = 288
P4 = 39

17dpo - Second Beta
HCG = 871
P4 = 51.4

Today is the 19dpo and this is my 3rd and last beta.
HCG = 1739
P4 = 60

Hooray, ultrasound - here I come!
Great numbers Katrus!

I've been away in the land of no wi-fi and haven't really got the nerve to do much BnB tonight before POAS tomorrow so here's love and luck to you all and I'll update in the morning x
Good luck tomorrow Reb! I will be eagerly stalking tomorrow :)

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