Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

We transferred one blastocyst and one morula. At day 5 they should be blastocysts. We have 7 other morula which they are going to let grow another day and then freeze ONLY if they go to blastocyst stage.

I am feeling pretty defeated that there was only one blastocyst.....trying hard to focus on the one that they did put back but it is very hard right now.QUOTE]

Hi Springy, so exciting about your transfer! It's great that you were able to wait until the blastocyst point. We waited and extra day to see if some of my eggs would turn into Blastocysts as well...and i think one or two did develop the next day.
Gwinth, are you getting any feeling about whether it's one or two? When is your third beta? Please let me know asap when you get results lol!

I don't know if it is one or two...I heard that if the beta jumps up high that could be an indicator of multiples...
I don't have a 3rd beta scheduled. The next step for me is the u/s--- I am hoping we find out then. Have you been reading up on the development of infants--- so cool to be on week 5!
Reb-- I am so sorry...

Wishing: Good luck on your u/s--- i can't wait to hear how it goes.

42andready: Fingers crossed for a positive test soon!

Ratma: I thought the ET was kinda funny. I was sooo focused on not peeing..My bladder was soo full! I also did acupuncture afterward and then relaxed the rest of the day.

Katrus: Congrats on your Beta! Looks good!

Springy: Congrats on the Blasts--- i should have completely caught up before responding :)
Hey there! I'm not cycling this month, but am set to cycle June 1st. I would love to hear your experience - and hope to hear a BFP! Best wishes!
Hey there! I'm not cycling this month, but am set to cycle June 1st. I would love to hear your experience - and hope to hear a BFP! Best wishes!

Sorry ... this appears to have posted in wrong conversation. Would love to hear anyone's stories!
Reb, my heart goes out to you - sending huge doses of light and love to you and Steve.

I've been a bit MIA the last week, totally miserable if I'm honest. The progesterone is evil! Killer moods at the beginning of the week, tears, doubts, massively ginormous boobs, crazy 'I'm going to be sick' nausea on 3dp2dt (didn't help that my MIL was here and DH was convinced I felt sick because I was pregnant and kept grinning at me whenever she turned her back!) Impossible at this stage I tell him but to no avail - he's def better at the positive thinking but then, with respect his body is still his own and I don't trust how I feel anymore at all!

Rubbish AF cramps yesterday (5dp2dt) and this morning which feel EXACTLY like the normal cramps I get at this exact moment every cycle. Could be the progesterone, could be AF, could be implantation - evil, evil, evil 2WW. I'm feeling pretty low as you can tell - my positive vibes to the little embies that I hope are still snuggled up are getting a bit less bright as each day passes - thank goodness it's Friday and no work for the weekend!

Springy, that great that you have frosties - I am pretty gutted that we don't, I can't believe we'll maybe have to go through it all again :(

Sorry, talk about bring the mood down!!

Hope you're all good :D
Lochbride - I could have written your post, althouhg my moods have been ok, but I have been at home. However, the progesterone is really playing with my mind. I have been feeling nauseous too and had cramps earlier in the week, although gone now. I'm not temping properly, but have taken my temperature a few times and it is sky high - but again, likely progesterone. I havent told DH about any of the symptoms, as like your DH, he is far more positive that me and I dont want him to come down too hard if we get our BFN.

We have no frosties either - have started saving for next round already!!!

I am lucky that I am still off work though :hug:

Sending you tons of :dust: - you are not alone.
I know no one replied to my question. but I found out the answers by reading the thread.

I had my week five ultrasound and my numbers prior were deceiving.

We currently have triplets on board with a day 11 second beta of 457 , frozen transfer. Good luck those of you with your positives . I've learned my lesson about beta numbers.
I know no one replied to my question. but I found out the answers by reading the thread.

I had my week five ultrasound and my numbers prior were deceiving.

We currently have triplets on board with a day 11 second beta of 457 , frozen transfer. Good luck those of you with your positives . I've learned my lesson about beta numbers.

YEAH Congratulations that is the best news I've heard all day.:baby::baby::baby: congratulations again and take care of yourself. YIPPEE
Congratulations CanAmFam!! :yay: sorry your post got overlooked!

Lochy and MM - hang in there my lovelies. I have everything crossed for you, but totally get the negative thoughts. I'm having them too and I've not even had ET yet - it must be hell :hugs:

Congtrats again Gwynth! :D

How are you doing Springy?

Hope everyone else is okay

Is it me for ET next - then Rozzi Lisa and Zuesnpickle?

I'm really panicking about my ET tomorrow - can anyone give me some tips to stay calm. Everytime I think about it my heart pounds!! Hope I have some embies ready to transfer!! Xxx
It is really quick and simple. Try listening to a hypnosis CD, but honestly is the least bad part of the whole IVF thing :) GL :dust:
Ratma - don't stress about the ET that was actually pretty cool because you can watch the whole thing. The hardest part of all of it is having a full bladder but watching it on the monitor is actually really exciting so don't fret about it.

I go back in for one more check tomorrow morning but the plan is to trigger me tomorrow night for an ER on Monday yippee!
I know no one replied to my question. but I found out the answers by reading the thread.

I had my week five ultrasound and my numbers prior were deceiving.

We currently have triplets on board with a day 11 second beta of 457 , frozen transfer. Good luck those of you with your positives . I've learned my lesson about beta numbers.

Its just shows you, wow triplets, was that the biggest shock in the world, or did you have an incling there was more than one in there. xx
Its just shows you, wow triplets, was that the biggest shock in the world, or did you have an incling there was more than one in there. xx

thought i actually had miscarried and was prepared for the worst. i had horrible cramping for the last week and bleeding (not lots but all day, every day spotting) . got an early positive at 4dpt, but they were much or faint than anyone here.

the blood test was high, but not high enough for me to expect 3. im convinced 2 stuck and one split ( picture looks to me that way, but im not trained. they just look eerily similar) . i think that my body produces less Hcg. my first positive test was with only 18.2 hcg (miscarried weeks afterward)

im not as excited as most other folks --- i know all the downsides to triplets, and expect them. my deal was wanting a healthy child. then again, it is very early. heart beat ultrasound is a week away. who knows how many will exist then. our doctor isnt happy - understandable. we chose him because he has only had 12 is sets of triplets in over 25 years of practice. we REALLY didnt expect this, so we threw all 3 in. it was a frozen try, we had amazing fresh ones that didnt stick at all the try before this. we werent willing to pay to re freeze the third blast and have it rot and not be used. our next needed ICSI was going to be fresh again in january '13.
it was against his (dr.) wishes, but the embryologist thought we made a wise decision. here's hoping for health, or for our minds to get made up for us in the coming weeks. so much can happen this early in the game. we went from being due 12/25/12 to 10/31/12

5 week ultrasound

home cheapy tests, (left side from miscarriage in june, right side from this attempt) you can see that the 5rd beta on my miscarriage wasnt even as dark as very early ones on this attempt.
Wow, Canamfam, I completely understand your reservations but huge congrats nonetheless. I do hope that nature does its thing and that how ever many babies you end up with, they are bouncing, happy and healthy x
Wow canamfam I know what you mean, you must be worried sick, but they say whats for ya wont go by ya, (scottish saying), try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know. If I were you and the fresh cycle hadnt worked and I had 3 frozen I would have put them all in too if I could. You made the right choice and now its just a waiting game. It does look like one has split though unless they are just right next to each other. I had similar lines right up to day 11 but mine havent gone as dark as day 12 and 13 yet. I am 5 weeks and 1 day and did another digi this morning and got 2-3, yey. I got 1-2 last saturday so im happy its moving along nicely. X

Plus its my 5 year anniversary today and my husband wrote the nicest paragraph ever in my card, made me cry. X. Currently sitting in bed feeling mild nausea with the joiner banging down stairs awaiting my tea and toast and its not even 9am. X x

Whats everyone got planned for the weekend. X

Goodluck today ratmagirl soon you will be pupo. X x x
canamfam - wow. triplets. Like the othetr ladies have said, I would ave put in 3 too if we were allowed in the UK. No one ever expects triplets. Stay calm (!) and take the doctors advice. I watched a youtube video recently where a couple had put in two and one split and ended up with happy healthy triplets. You might wanted to google it for reassurance :hug: And CONGRATS!!!

Ratma - Good luck today honey.

Wishing - your morning sounds perfect. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!! Glad all is going well so far with the pregnancy - but I would guess you can STOP POAS!!!! ;)
canamfam - wow. triplets. Like the othetr ladies have said, I would ave put in 3 too if we were allowed in the UK. No one ever expects triplets. Stay calm (!) and take the doctors advice. I watched a youtube video recently where a couple had put in two and one split and ended up with happy healthy triplets. You might wanted to google it for reassurance :hug: And CONGRATS!!!

Ratma - Good luck today honey.

Wishing - your morning sounds perfect. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!! Glad all is going well so far with the pregnancy - but I would guess you can STOP POAS!!!! ;)

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: my names Nikki and I am a poas addict. X x LOL
Hey lovelies! I'm now in club PUPO :D

One other is being frozen (top grade blasto) and there are 3 or 4 slightly behind that they'll decide to freeze if appropriate by tomorrow.

So glad we have at least one frosti back up!

Feeling fine and just resting up - shall go to acupuncture in a moment. Very odd feeling isn't it!!! Xxx
Happy Saturday everyone!

wishingalways: that's amazing that you got your second pink line so quickly! What a relief that must have been. What?!!! Your colleague had no line until 8 weeks?! That's insane! (But thanks for the optimism.) Nice going on your digis! That's heartening, eh? As for the phrase, "What's for ye…", I loved hearing that again. I'm from Glasgow originally (now living in Toronto) but my Aunt used to say that to me all the time and she always lifted my spirits with it.

Lisa84: I wasn't aware that PCOS ladies had to have a low does of stimming meds. Any idea why?

Springy: great news re: your 4 blasts!

Ratmagirl: all the best today! Try to chill--there's nothing to it. …and the calmer you are the stickier you will be.

Reb S: I'm totally with you re: the prosecco! If we get a BFN on Monday I'll already have the champagne a-chillin'! (There's an upside to everything!)

Gwynth: cheers for the positive vibes. All the best with your U/S. That's super exciting stuff.

lochbride: all the best for a turnaround in the way you feel. Here's hoping those wee crampies were, indeed, implantations! You're almost in the 1ww so hang in there!

CanAmFam: congrats! That's really terrific. I loved seeing your photos of your u/s (amazing!) and your stick history. I might start doing that for my next cycle (if there is to be one). So incredibly interesting. (I'm in the visuals field so I'm all over the images!!!) Looking forward to reading the results of your next u/s. All the best to you.

AFM: I'm really not feeling it and it's entirely because of POAS. All of them (including this morn's) have come back hugely negative so far (I'm now d12pd5t) and I've pretty much retired to the fact that this cycle didn't work. I'm okay with that, if so. In the interim, yesterday I emailed the IVF nurse in order to try to arrange a preemptory consult with our RE to discuss the next cycle (she didn't respond). Also, as of yesterday morn we started the ball rolling on the adoption process, i.e., registering for the course and contacting folks to do the home study. We're going to go through with that while trying another IVF cycle. Minimally there will be lots to keep me busy! …and if, in the interim Monday's hCG comes back positive then I'll have a whole host of different things to think of, i.e., thinking about being pregnant and undergoing the adoption process as well! Just call me Jolie-of-the north (I wish!).

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