Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Springy - just called the clinic and they froze 3 more - so we have 4 frosties. Am chuffed with that!! Didn't get to ask what sort of grade they were though as she was quick to hang up :(

How are you feeling? Were just a few days apart - have you experinced anything yet? I know its very early days.

That's awesome! I don't know the grade of any of mine and that is because they don't believe in issuing a "grade" to patients because they could put back an absolutely perfect embryo and it won't take and they put back one that is of lower "quality" and it takes .... so our clinic feels that the grade of an embryo is not indicative of how it will perform in the body. Just know if it was good enough to freeze then it will be good enough for implantation :thumbup:

AFM - no symptoms to report at all ... no cramps nothing. I know several people who have zero symptoms and are pregnant and several who report every symptom under the sun and are not pregnant so I'm not reading into it. I know lots of people report horrible progesterone side effects and I'm on 600 mg a day and no real symptoms so maybe I will be a symptomless BFP!

Happy Monday everyone!
Springy: cheers for the nice words! How are you holding up? All the best for a fabulous BFP for you this cycle.

AFM: I had one of the easiest blood draws this morning, ever! The tech was amazing and I didn't end up with 2-3 separate bandages for all the exploratory pokes. Wahooo! So we're into the wait. Thankfully I have a physical at 11am and then some architects are coming over to check out our lounge to give us some quotes on re-doing it. That should help keep the rest of the 2ww relatively pain-free! I POAS this morn and, again, one pink line so I'll be uber-shocked if this test comes back with a BFP. What a nice shock that would be! If not, then what a nice sip that champagne will be!

42 - thanks! At least one of us is being positive about my cycle ;)

I don't think I ever told you this but I have ONE complaint about Hannam ... the blood-work lady!!! She was very unsympathetic to the fact I wanted to lie down to have blood drawn, she was not very good at finding a vein in my arm - I think partly because she was putting the tourniquet way to low and it needed to be higher and she would then stick me and dig around before finding a vein - hello don't stick me till you KNOW you'll have a vein!!! And she bruised me every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry that this AM wasn't two pink lines but I think you're holding up way better than I would :thumbup: Enjoy that glass (or bottle!!) of champagne tonight. Let me know what Mel says this afternoon when she calls. Do you think you'll do an FET with your one embaby or will you do another fresh cycle??:hugs:
Thanks Springy - yes there were no mention of grades at ET, so perhaps its the same at our clinic. I think no symptoms is normal at this stage - I'm feeling + for you!!

42 - you sound like such a positive lady that if it really is a BFN this time, then you will suceed at this again. I'm really keeping everything x'd for you (and everyone)!!

Lisa - try not to worry about overstimming - they will be keeping their beady eyes on you I'm sure! How often are you being scanned? I was bricking it about the same as I was not being monitored - only 1 scan on day 10!!! Try the drink - t'won't do no harm.
Ratma - we'll be positive for one another ok?! Sound like a deal???:happydance:
Hi ladies - lots going on on this thread as usual

42 - good luck with your BETA today, anything coudl happen :dust: and if this one is the winner, the next one will be with your little frostie :hugs:

Springy - it seems like everyone is different. Marie had no symptoms and was pregnant with twins and some people swear you cant get symptoms before 6 weeks - so you are defo not out.

Ratma - how you doing?

Katrus - I agree with everything everyone else has said. I think you should take it slow and think carefully before making any promises. I love the fact that yoou have a heart big enough to want to do that though :smile:

Lisa - I dont know much about over stimming as I was an under stimmer - but i am sure the clinic knows what it is doing!

Wishful - how ya?
Ok - me again.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I didnt want to annouce until DH got home and I told him. I got a :bfp: this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in TOTAL shock as was convinced I was out

However (and how I hated it when people did this when they got their BFP) I am terrified that this will be a chemical like we had last June. I have my blood test Thursday, so that will be good. Dont get me wrong, when I tested this morning and saw the line (almost straight away) I laughed, I cried, I paced around the house in shock and shaking with happiness, I just cant believe we could be one of the lucky ones who get an IVF BFP 1st try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did anyone else with a bfp feel this worried that it will be all over before it has even started?
Ok - me again.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I didnt want to annouce until DH got home and I told him. I got a this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in TOTAL shock as was convinced I was out

However (and how I hated it when people did this when they got their BFP) I am terrified that this will be a chemical like we had last June. I have my blood test Thursday, so that will be good. Dont get me wrong, when I tested this morning and saw the line (almost straight away) I laughed, I cried, I paced around the house in shock and shaking with happiness, I just cant believe we could be one of the lucky ones who get an IVF BFP 1st try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did anyone else with a bfp feel this worried that it will be all over before it has even started?



and yes I still feel like this is not real, it is totally natural what you are feeling, I felt EXACTLY THE SAME. I kept thinking well my AF is due so maybe its a chemical or it wont stay...... but Im fine... and you will be too.


I could cry right now....... OMG you are PREGNANT. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you Wishing :cloud9: Your post made me :cry: is it too early too blame it on the hormones ;) :hug: :hug:
NO hun you blame away..... I am so happy for you. So how many weeks and days are you. By the way.................. YOUR PREGNANT.:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: just doesnt put it into words does it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
according to the link Springy sent a while back - I am 3 weeks and 6 days. :cloud9: sooo wonderful to share this with you guys
Wow I am loving this thread and so many great bump buddies to share the experience with. xx

I am starting to need the loo constantly. I was in M&S with my mum yesterday and in the space of about 40 minutes I had visited the loo 3 times and I am feeling very moody right now too, snapping at everyone but it will all be worth it in the end.

Congratulations again. xxxxxxx
OMG WOW MM!!!!!!! Congratulations lovely - feel so emotional for you :D :D :D :D :D :D

I think its totally normal to have the worries you have. Try and stay positive - welcome little baby maxx :yay: xxxxxxxxx
Hi there ladies!

So, after my other pal got the call today at 1pm (she underwent IUI at the same clinic and received a BFN call), I finally got the call at 2:50pm. Negatron. I'm happy to report that all those funds spent on the POAS obsession has paid off insofar as I really feel fine with the result. It really helped to break the impact as there wasn't really much impact at all. So, in retrospect, for me, it was a great idea to be let down slowly via the sticks. On to the next set o' plans! For one, we passed the initial screen for the Children's Aid Society adoption process (woo!). Two, I have my RE follow-up at the end of this month to fine-tune our new game plan. I can't wait! Our tentative plan is to try another fresh cycle, keep our frosty and then transfer the frosty and any others with the new cycle. The aim is to get the eggs out while they're relatively young! I'll be going in later this week (after my new day 1) for an ovary assessment to see if there are any cysts growing. (How common is that, post-IVF--anyone know??)

So the upsides to a BFN for anyone who needs them: 1) your boobs WILL stop being sore and WILL return to a size that fits in your bras; 2) you can finally enjoy a wee bit o' vino with dinner; 3) look at all that bonking that can now, feasibly, take place!

I'll be checking in to see how everyone is doing but, in the meantime, thank you so much, all of you, for your support over the past weeks. You've really helped buoy me when I was flagging. I'm looking forward to reading some really great news from you all soon! K
Oh, MM! MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:
:headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin:

The worry goes on from one appt to the next,but at some point you will start believing that this is it and there is really nothin to worry about. I think my worry should end tomorrow, at the first u/s.

It's so awesome to have so many bump buddies! Love you guys!
I'm so sorry 42 :hugs:

I really admire your attitude though and you sound like you're going to bounce straight on to round 2. Thanks for all of the support you've given us and it'd be great to 'see you' now and again. Best of luck for the future xxxxxx
Mrsmax - FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42 - hugs x
Mrs max this is amazing news and proves my theory that grading of embryos means nothing!!!! It's all about how they snuggle in. I am so pleased for you and DH!!

All of your concerns are valid but try and relax and enjoy the fact that you are PREGNANT!!

:wohoo: :wohoo:

How are you feeling physically??
42 - sending you a huge :hug: enjoy your wine tonight and take time to grieve the BFN.
Thanks everyone - your support means a lot!!! I feel a bit more relaxed today - just waiting to fully celebrate until the blood test on Thursday.

Springy - I feel less crampy today, but have been feeling crampy and nauseous since last Wednesday. It hasnt got any worse - yet! However, if it means I am preggers, I am happy to be as :sick: as a dog ;0 Have you had any symptoms yet?

42 :hugs:

Who is next to test?
42, so sorry for your bfn, but wow what an inspiration you are. Such a strong lady. Hope you enjoyed your wine last night and well done for getting back on the horse as they say. X x x

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