Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Ppl with PCOS have a tendacy to hyper stim and respond massively to the drugs so they start you on a low dose to prevent the hyper stim xxx
Happy Sunday everyone!

Seems to be pretty quiet around these parts today. Hopefully everyone's having a nice sleep-in today.

Here's my big update for the day: alas, another BFN from the POAS activities this morn. So my ratio of hope for a BFP/BFN has diminished a wee bit again, but there's still hope for tomorrow afternoon! If there BFN does come through then, given how relatively easy this inaugural cycle has been (well, except for the 2ww!) we're going to give another one a go. We have one frosty in the bank and we'll keep that for the next cycle, and if it's good on thawing, then we'll transfer that along with, hopefully, two fresh embies. I'm also going to chat with my RE about upping my Gonal-F for the next cycle in order to try to obtain a larger haul of eggs. The other thing that I've implored my DH to think about is a nice, wee getaway during our next 2ww. I've found that period to be, by far, the worst part of the cycle and, I reckon, a nice wee trip during the second week of the 2ww will be a great diversion. In the interim, we've now chosen our adoption practitioner and she's meeting us for our initial consultation in two weeks. During that time we're also heading to a seminar by an association that permits adoptions from S. Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Haiti. We're not hell-bent on adopting a baby and would be happy to adopt a toddler (after all, they can now sleep, talk a bit and are almost ready to pee like us!), and apparently, toddlers are considered to be "old" in terms of age for adoption from Africa. Additionally, much of the expense of international adoptions like this is the travel cost to the country (~2 trips are required). We've always wanted to travel to Africa together (I've been to Egypt and Uganda but not my DH) and this would be quite an excellent reason to do so. Lastly, given that tomorrow's going to be a bit of a wait-and-see day, I've packed it up with good things. A couple of weeks ago we hired a landscape architect to help us make our dream of an outdoor room on our rooftop terrace come true. They're coming to us at 4pm tomorrow with their initial plans so I can't wait. In addition, ~3 weeks ago we put a deposit on another two kitties (Siamese) to keep our current, older pair of lads (Siamese again) company. The kittens are to be born on May 1st (Tuesday). Lastly, tonight I'll be putting the champagne in the fridge so it's going to be consumed tomorrow evening by me and the DH or he alone, and if it's by both of us then we're certainly going to enjoy a good shag (finally) that night! So, overall, a great week to come!

Have a great Sunday, all!
42 - your post just made me :cry: I have been feeling glum as it really feels like AF is on the way - your positivity and strength is an inspiration. I hope your DH will be drinnking alone tomorrow night :hug:
Massive :hugs: 42 and MM - I wish I could wave a magic wand and make our dreams come true :(

I don't know how I feel - its only day 2 of being PUPO and the doubts are creeping in! I keep feeling tiny little cramps but not sure if they mean good or bad? Its so early!! Don't know how to get through the next 2 weeks!!

Hope everyone is doing okay? Xxx
MrsMax and 42 - lots of hugs xxx
Ratma - it's far too early to worry xxx
Mrs Max - hang in there! Lots of people swear they are out and then get their BFPs. Its not over till the :witch: shows up!

42 - I'm sorry to hear that this cycle may not have been "it" for you :hugs: Meet with Dr. H and have a cycle review and you have frosties :cold: so it could be that your potential kiddo is just chilling out till you put them back :thumbup: I do hope your hubby is drinking alone and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Ratma - this is SUCH an emotional time .... I have been super positive, to crying b/c I don't think it worked. I'm just clinging to the hope and belief that there are LOTS and LOTS of ladies who have zero symptoms before getting that BFP and there are LOTS of ladies who report every symptom in the book and get an BFN. Just need to try and keep ourselves in a really good mental place.

42 big hugs, but as springy say your not out yet. xxxx You seems to have a great plan in place that will definately keep you going Im sure. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger... Im sure thats a song, but so true. xxxx

Mrs Max i had feelings like Af was on her way too so that doesnt mean the worst. xx

Ratmagirl I have cramps and twinges after the first couple of days so I think thats all a good sign. xxxx

This is such an emotional time for you all. My best friend bought me a journal at the start of all of this and I thought i will never write in that but during the whole process whenever I pick it up I end up writing about 20 pages... its amazing how good it feels writing it all down on paper. xxx Maybe this will help you all too. xxx
Hiya ladies just got a quick question for you and im hoping u can ease my fears a bit. Ive been stimming for 3 days now and im getting twinges already. They arent unbearable but can be painful if i twist. Im worried because im only 3 days into stimming and with me havin PCOS im worried about the risk of hyper stimming. My question is when did u ladies start to get twinges that were verging on being painful? xx
Hi Lisa - sorry I can't help you as I never really had any pain or discomfort during stimming. The only thing I had was bloating. When is your first scan?
Thanks for replying spring xx

My first scan is on wednesday. Im sure ill be fine and im worrying for no reason xx
42, I am sorry for your bfn and really want you for things to change tomorrow! Very smart of you to line all the good stuff up, just in case.

I have met with the girl I met on a Russian IVF forum last weekend. As I mentioned, I gave her my left over meds nd stuff... But I just talked to her again, and we were discussing what to do with my left over embabies. There are 5 of them, and I am pretty sure there is at least two potential babies there. I was going to donate them to the clinic to give to whoever they chose as soon as I give birth, but... She said if her next attempts won't work, she would like to use donated embryos anyway, and we thought it would be great if she took mine. Not sure in this case, should I stop being friends with her, cause you know... It might be painful in the future if we meet with our kids... I know it sounds crazy, but I understand her! I did not want to use an anonymous sperm donor, and I was looking for a known donor for a while, so she probably would be more comfortable knowing the person who the embies came from? I really hope her next cycle works and she is not put in this situation though.
Lise - I had the same, infact I felt a twinge after the first stimming inj! I'm slightly pcos too and remember I had the same convo with you ref: clomid and painful ov? You'll be fine - I'm sure, they've taken the pcos into consideration haven't they? Xxx

Wow katrus - I totally admire you for even considering donating. What a wonderful thing to do. Perhaps you should all look into counselling before you make a desision and it would help you to look at the positives and pitfulls of the situation. I hope your friend is sucessful whatever happens xxx

42 - still keeping everything x'd for tomorrow :hugs:
O yh i remember that convo now. Thats eased my fear a bit thanks xx

I am on the lowest dose so should be fine xx
Katrus - you're an amazing person! Can I just issue a tiny word of warning tho - don't make any promises until you have your family in your arms. But then, of course, do the wonderful thing and it would be so nice to know the person who your embabies are going to, if it's legal etc. Just make sure you have all the boundries in place about if you have contact etc; I too, really hope her cycle works - I LOVE hearing the BFP's coming in! x
Thank you, Reb. I definitely will wait until the child is safely in my arms. In fact, if it is one child and it's a boy, I will use some of my snow embies to try again. We do have an option in my clinic to donate to a specific couple. Although I would probably withdraw myself completely from that couples life, just so they can raise their child with no looking back.

How are you doing, sweety?
Ratma - did you hear about your other embies that were still going strong? Were they able to freeze them?

Mrs Max - feeling any better today???
Springy - just called the clinic and they froze 3 more - so we have 4 frosties. Am chuffed with that!! Didn't get to ask what sort of grade they were though as she was quick to hang up :(

How are you feeling? Were just a few days apart - have you experinced anything yet? I know its very early days.

Reb - :hugs:

Hope you're doing okay MM

Hope everyone else is okay? Xxx
Happy Monday everyone!

mrsmax: oh no! No crying, please! Try not to feel blue if no AF has arrived because, as they say about the singing of the fat lady…! It ain't over! (…and thank you for your kind words.)

Ratmagirl: the doubting is almost inevitable but try to bar them from your mind. As for the tiny wee cramps they sound characteristic of implantation cramps. Here's hoping!!!! Incidentally, cheers for keeping everything crossed for me and the trio!

Springy: cheers for the nice words! How are you holding up? All the best for a fabulous BFP for you this cycle.

wishingalways: wow, that sounds like quite the tome that you're working on there. It'll be great, when you have babe in arms, to reread it all, eh?

Lisa84: has your clinic been testing your estrogen levels? Generally higher E2 levels signal hyperstimming as well as the symptoms. Are you drinking lots of Gatorade and downing high-salt foods? That should help.

katrus78: great to hear from you! Wow, that's quite the dilemma in re: the girl and your embies. I guess you have a wee bit to think about it but that could be a toughie. What does your DH think?

AFM: I had one of the easiest blood draws this morning, ever! The tech was amazing and I didn't end up with 2-3 separate bandages for all the exploratory pokes. Wahooo! So we're into the wait. Thankfully I have a physical at 11am and then some architects are coming over to check out our lounge to give us some quotes on re-doing it. That should help keep the rest of the 2ww relatively pain-free! I POAS this morn and, again, one pink line so I'll be uber-shocked if this test comes back with a BFP. What a nice shock that would be! If not, then what a nice sip that champagne will be!
Nope i don't have any bloods done just scans :( I have heard powerade can help but asked my Acu lady and she said it doesn't really make much difference. It can't hurt to try tho right so i'll buy some on my way home from Accu :)

Glad getting your bloods drawn was a doddle today :) Good luck sweetie :) xxxx

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