Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

OMG girls, I am in such shock, I mean I kinda thought there might be two in there, but to see them with my own eyes... I almost fell of the chair! And the funniest thing was that the u/s tech ran out of paper to print pics from the scan, so she asked me to hold the stick inside my hoohoo, and I was holding it for like 3 minutes, trying to move it around to find the kiddos again lol, but couldn't :) When she was showing them to me, they looked way rounder and clearer than on this picture.

Wishing, I secretly am convinced you have two in there as well :)
My only symptom is getting up to pee at night, only once a night though, and the tiredness maybe. Sore boobs - yeah, but I think it's from the progesterone I am taking...
I know I keep thinking two but then think naaaaaaaa theres just one but im not on progesterone support anymore so this boob sore and bloating is all baby. X x. The sickness has gone though so think that was the progesterone.... still plenty time for that to appear though. X
Katrus, that is so freaking amazing! I LOVED seeing your u/s image (and even more so because I'm a radiologist-in-training)! That's so great. All the best!!!!
Katrus - YEAH, Congratulations on the twins that is so very exciting. I'm very happy for you guys.
Katrus - how fun you cant to try and find the Lo's yourself!!

Wishing - wow. You could have two!!!!!! Would you be ok with that?

I am loving this thread.

42 - interesting career :)

Is anyone else testing soon? I want the good news to keep coming in please!

ps took a clearblue digi test with indicator and it said 2-3 weeks :cloud9: Making me a little more confident ahead of blood test tomorrow.
Mrs max, maybe its you who has twins. I only got a 1-2 on the digi at 4w 1d, if your getting 2-3 already I bet your beta tomorrow will be HIGH. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I would be totally fine with twins, probably a lot more worried throughout the pregnancy but also really happy too. I'm totally fine either way, just really want to know now. xx
Thanks Wishing - that is good to know (although slightly scary. Ha ha. Dh would love twins - I will just be happy to have a long healthy pregnancy whether there is one or two babies in there!

Cant wait until you find out whether you have one or two!!!!! So much waiting in this game.
Hiya ladies :hi:

I'm loving all the bfps in here at the mo :) :)

Just got back from my first follie check scan and my left ovary was high so she couldn't get exact numbers and measurements but said there was about 8 there all measuring about the same. She measured one and it was 10mm. My right ovary was easier and i have 8 on there too and they are all measuring more or less the same size. One was slightly small at 7.3 and one slightly bigger at 11.3 but the rest are all around the 10mm (10.3, 10.4......etc)

She said the fact that they are all roughly the same size is a good sign :) :)

I'm sooo relieved it's working i could actually cry!!! :) :) xxx
Sounds eggcellent Lisa!! :D :D when is your next folli scan?

Whoohoo for 2-3 wks MM :yay: oooh wonder if it is twinnies??

Hope your scan date comes round quickly Wishing - why is time going extra slow at the moment? :D

How are you doing Springy? Katrus? Rozzi - where abouts are you in this now, I forget? Lochy?

Hope everyones doing okay?

I'm finding work hard to concentrate on today - I just want to know if its worked NOW!!!!!

Had a bit of a panic last night in the shower as some old progesterone gel must be working itself out of me *tmi* like cottage cheese and it had some old looking blood in it. Thinking about it now it was probably left over from EC maybe?

No cramps or anything new here - just very zitty, a bit tired and still needing to wee in the night. I can't believe I still have 9 days til I test - I going to go nutty!!! Xxxx
MM, wow, digi said 2-3 weeks? As Wishing said, your HCG must be through the roof now! Can't wait to find out! How many dpt will you be on Thursday?

Lisa, follies measuring all about the same as great, because than they can retrieve more of them with most of them being mature, not post mature or under mature. Looks great, keep em cooking evenly, girl!

Ratma, I can't wait til I can stop the vaginal progesteron! Hate the cottage cheese too! It has a burning sensation too sometimes, nasty.
My next scan is on Friday. The nurse said i would probably have one on saturday too to maybe trigger saturday night for collection Monday :happydance:

Are you gonna wait to the official date to test? xxx
MM, wow, digi said 2-3 weeks? As Wishing said, your HCG must be through the roof now! Can't wait to find out! How many dpt will you be on Thursday?

Lisa, follies measuring all about the same as great, because than they can retrieve more of them with most of them being mature, not post mature or under mature. Looks great, keep em cooking evenly, girl!

Congratulations on the twinny scan hun :happydance:

I'm eating and drinking soo much protein that it must be helping. If i never see a boiled egg again in my life i would be happy lol xx
Lisa - That is a great scan result. Like you say, it is SUCH a relief to know that all those injections are actually working :flower:

Ratma - I think I was lucky, my TWW seemed to go quite quickly - strange, but not working during it I think made it go quicker cause I just lost myself in One Tree Hill boxsets (!) and cooking programmes and BNB....least the bank hliday is just around the corner.

Katrus - on Thursday I will be 16 days since retrieval (14 days post 2DT). Fingers crossed. Cramps have gone today - hope that isnt a bad sign :wacko:
Yes I think I'll wait until the official test day - am too scared to test before then, unless I get some symptoms. I'm dreading it :( and seeing a BFN

Yes that prog gel is nasty - if I get a BFP I'll be using it until 8 weeks!! If it helps though I don't care! Xxx
Thanks MM - hopefully your cramps were just the embie/twins :D snuggling in!!

Yes I was hoping work would distract me but as I have internet access its not been great at doing that!!

Lisa - will you have 1 or 2 embies put back?

Am I the only one with 1 on board?
They have a SET policy but i am gonna fight for 2 put back. My friend had IVF at CARE and she said she fought on the day of transfer to have 2 put back. She said it took a while but in the end they just caved. I want 2 put back because i don't want any what ifs and if i had 1 put back and it didn't work i would always be thinking what if xxx
Good morning lovely ladies!

Today is hump day .... middle of the week and brings me one day closer to testing!!!!!

Katrus - makes me feel really good that you are pregnant with twins and have no symptoms as I feel nothing!

MrsMax - how are you feeling today? Can't wait for your blood draw tomorrow! If your digi is reading 2 - 3 weeks already then my money is with the other ladies on TWO!!! Its weird that you say DH is ok with twins and you're on the fence, its opposite for us! I would be ok with twins DH is afraid of them!!!! He is afraid I think more of me and how I will be a complete :growlmad: with no sleep :haha:

Rozzi / Loch - how are you ladies!

Lisa - that is a great scan!!! I was told the same thing as you - as long as they are growing at the same rate that is the important thing :thumbup:

Ratma - I'm going stir crazy not testing, you??? I want to know but I don't. I really only want to know if its positive!!!!

AFM as I mentioned no real symptoms. Would love to pop on and say I have cramping or nausea or stuff like that but nothing. My boobs are gigantic which DH is loving but that's the progesterone .... and I'm tired and bloated ... again progesterone and perhaps the bloating wasn't helped by my dinner selection of popcorn at the movie theater last night :haha:
Hello ladies - so very happy to hear that everyone is doing so great and that there have been such wonderful results lately.

AFM - I had my ER on Monday and they got 5 and yesterday I got my fertilization report that all 5 fertilized so I am over the moon so happy. Since I'm almost 41 I was very happy with the fact that they got 5 this time. My ET is scheduled for tomorrow morning so I'm excited for that also. Things are moving right along, let's hope the good news continues for everyone.
Yes Springy - going mad not knowing too!! But as you said, want to know but don't either!!

Went into the pharmacy and eyed up the tests - even though I have a load of normal pink dye ones at home, plus the one the clinic gave us! I think I'll wait as don't want to jinx things.

Lisa - I didn't really think of querying or arguing only having 1 put back so just went along with it. We'll just have to see what happens.

Right - I really MUST do some work!!!
hahaha me too. I'm sat at my desk constantly checking BnB lol xxx

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