Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Oooh good luck Rozzi - I'm pleased you got all 5 :yay:!! Shall be thinking of you tomorrow then you will join the 2ww nut train!! LOL
Wow! So much is happening!

CanAm: Congrats! Thanks for sharing the u/s image. I think the worrying is not going to stop throughout the pregnancy for me. I just keep thinking I need to make it to the next step, which will be my first u/s tomorrow :)

Lochy: Try not to worry about the cramping. I had a lot of cramping too.

42 and Ready: Your positivity is truely an inspiration. I think you have a great plan. That's what kept me going over the last few years- just coming up with what to do next.

Springy and Ratma: The waiting is soo difficult. I feel for you both. I didn't feel much of anything and still don't. Try to stay positive and baby dust to you both :)

Lisa: I'm not sure i can help with your question either. I don't remember much pain around the shots except for right after they gave them. I just felt really bloated.

Katrus: Congrats on twins!! That is amazing! I am so excited for you! I am also completely amazed at your generosity in thinking of donating your eggs. Definitely something to think about and talk through...I agree that you should take your time making a decision and wait until you don't need your frosties.

Springy: I also hated the blood draws. I opted to go to a lab instead of my dr's office beause they could not ever get my blood!

Ms. Max: Congrats! Worrying is normal. I didn't quite believe the home test either until i got confirmation from my Dr. and even now I want the proof in the u/s...

Wishing: I am bloated too, but didn't think it was due to the pregnancy...I thought it would be too early...I don't really feel much different at all except bathroom breaks and some sore boobs.

Ratma: I was scared to test too! I also only but one blastocyst back.

Rozzi: Congrats on the fertilization.

As for me I am anxiously awaiting my u/s tomorrow! I am looking forward to at some point stopping the progesterone. It is so messy. I also had the burning sensation a couple of times. I will do pretty much anything to keep this baby though :)
Best of luck for tomorrow Gwynth ((hugs)) I'm sure little mini gwyn is waiting to wave back at you :)

Thanks for the reassurance re: 1 blasto and lack of symptoms too - that's made me feel a lot better.

I think I'm starting to get on a downer after being so positive for ages. I'm trying my hardest not to overthink everything but its so difficult! Xxxx
Gwynth - great to hear from you. Masses of luck for the u/s. Looking forward to the results tomorrow :happydance:
Ratma - are we living the same life?!?! I was SUPER DUPER positive up until transfer day ... then it is like a bolt of negative nellie lightning hit me and now I can't help but think it didnt' work.

HOWEVER there are more and more ladies on here and coworkers telling me that they had NO clue they were pregnant at first and didn't feel anything. So I have to admit that as of today I am feeling a bit more positive and thinking again and telling myself "Hey, there is NO reason why this will NOT have worked!!!"

Have you heard of Zita West? I have her IVF Cds and my friend has her book and she says that it is TOTALLY normal to become more negative as the testing date gets closer .... so if ANYTHING at all Ratma ... we are normal :thumbup:
Hi girls! Congratulation to those of you who got your BFP and good luck and baby dust for those who are still waiting!
We finally have an appointment time for transfer ,tomorrow at 9:30.They didn't tell us how many embrios are left of the initial 4. They sure like to keep us in suspense.](*,)
Hey ladies, I'm still here - just catching up on the news and OMG! Mrs M you wonderful thing you - congratulations!!!!! :happydance: I am totally thrilled for you, really wonderful news to check back in this morning and hear that you got a BFP :D

And Gwynth, Katrus, Wishing - hope everything is behaving itself beautifully and 2WWer's - keep the faith!

42 - if you're still reading, I just wanted to send you lots of love and light - good vibes for a positive tomorrow xx

AFM, I have been MIA again because I just felt like I was going mad. Hormones have totally settled down now, cramping has pretty much stopped with is par for the course in a normal cycle. Except of course it's not normal - it's a BIG DEAL and I can't switch my brain off from thinking about it! I did go and see a lady that's been treating me with visceral manipulation for a slightly wonky uterus and while she didn't work on me she felt my stomach and said she thought there was definitely one little embryo buzzing away in there - no guarantees that it will stay of course but she said she couldn't feel any endometrium break up starting which I guess is a good sign at this stage 11dp2dt.... I took it as a positive thing and am not considering myself out even though it is so close to blood test day. Don't think we will test before so we're still holding on for the ride...

Argh! Isn't this mental? Sending you all good luck vibes and happy baby thoughts - loved reading back over the last few pages to get the news - MM I'm so chuffed for you :D
Good luck for your ET babyhopes!!

Not too much longer now Lochy - it all sounds good to me. Keeping everything x'd for you xxx

Springy - yes I think we are cross atlantic dopplegangers!! :lol:
Yep I have the Zita West CD and its helping tremendously with relaxing, unforch it doestn switch the old brain off!!

Urgh - I'm exhausted trying not to think of it all. The treatment was a piece of cake compared to the 2ww!

Let's hope the time hurries up and flies by for all of us!!
Ratma: Thanks! I am looking forward to finally going in for the u/s. The two week wait is really difficult, but just keep telling yourself it only takes one :)

Springy, Lochy, Ratma: Baby dust to you all!

BabyHopes: Good luck on the transfer-- so exciting :)
Hi there ladies!

It's great to read all of your news and to see some progress. All the best to those with upcoming betas and ultrasounds!!!

On this end, I had my follow-up with my RE today and it was really great. We digested plans for over an hour. So here's the dealio: we'll do the frozen embryo transfer this month to give the ovaries a chance to chill. If it works, then bravo! If not, then another fresh cycle. He did note that, in terms of ladies my age, I'm the perfect candidate, at 42, to become pregnant, that is, great ovarian reserve, great health and diagnosed male factor with excellent sperm DNA. He said, if anyone should get IVF-preggers, it should be us. So we'll keep going with 1 or 2 more fresh cycles (and possibly some frozen in between). I have a big fibroid that could be a problem so I've also snagged a referral to chat about having that removed. Additionally, we talked about genetic screening and given the greater chance of embryo failure (due to the sampling, freezing and then day-6 transfer) we're definitely going to hold off on that for the next fresh cycle, if we do a fresh cycle. In the interim, things are moving rapidly ahead on the adoption front, so all's good!

I hope everyone's have a superb week and I look forward to reading some more, great news from you all!
Wow, 42, what a great plan! Look how much you have accomplished! Good job!

I just wanted to share a link to a great article that talks about ovarian reserveand egg quality (not too helpful for male factor couples but still). Look at the explanation before and after the pictures with dots, I think it is eggcelent:

Ok - so I am finally ready to get a little excited!!!! My BETA was 359 :wohoo: Nurse said that was a really good level and I should be feeling confident about this pregnancy. They dont do follow up betas in the UK - so have to wait until my first scan. Yikes!!!

Very happy today :)

Katrus - that is a good (albeit slightly scary) article. I have low ovarian reserve - hoping I am growing a green dot not a red one ;)
Great number MrsMax!! And your scan will be here before you know it!!

Ratma - how you holding up today? I'm a mess .... I totally feel today like this cycle didn't work and that it is going to be a BFN. I feel NOTHING ... I am not even tired and my boobs aren't even as sore as they were before. I feel like the progesterone is just keeping AF at bay. This SUCKS ....
That's bloody bril news MM!! Whoohooo

Whens your scan? My clinic does one 3wks after the ODT I think?

Aww Springy - this is awful isn't it? I'm the opposite today and have somehow convinced myself that its worked and imagining symptoms. Then I keep reminding myself I shall be desperately let down next week if its a BFN.

Stay sane lovely - you've got the wedding to occupy you this weekend and then it'll be soon to test. I'm feeling good vibes from you if that's any help? Xxxxxx

Hope everyone else is good? How was the scan Gwynth?
yep - my scan is 3 weeks today. I'm glad you're feeling positive today Ratma - cant wait to get the final results from our thread - and hopefully with BFPS!
Thanks MM - trouble is, I'd rather not feel pos as it will be a bigger dissapointment if BFN IYSWIM!!

Urgh this is a total head f@*k!!!!!
Thanks MM - trouble is, I'd rather not feel pos as it will be a bigger dissapointment if BFN IYSWIM!!

Urgh this is a total head f@*k!!!!!

I think part of my feeling negative is self protection .... If I'm prepared for a BFN then maybe the let down will be less ya know?! :coffee:
Totally understand not POAS. I waited until 13DPO - and only tested then as I "knew" I wasnt pregnant and figured I was going to grieve anyway so might as well grieve once - not twice (once before POAS and once after). I say, enjoy being PUPO as loing as poss, as you will have 8 months to enjoy being pregnant ;)
42: That is fabulous news from your doctor! When the doctor is positive that is a really good sign. Sounds like you ahve a good plan :)

Ms. M: Congratulations! YAY!!!

Ratma: I'm going in for the scan in a couple of hours...I can't wait! When do you do the blood test?

Springy: When do you do the blood test?
Good luck Gwyn!!

Yes 42 that's an amazing plan of action you've got there - you sound such a positive person and you'll defo get a good outcome xxx

Gwyn - don't think I'll get a blood test?

Just did my relaxation CD again - must do some good as it makes me sleep for 30mins!!

Yes Springster - self-preservation that's the word I was trying to think of. Let's hope we both get +'s!!!

MM - I love your ticker!! Xxx

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