Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Hello ladies - I had my ET today so am happy to have that over with now, it was a piece of cake which was great. I went to acupuncture before and after so I'm now in the dreaded 2ww. I hope yo all have a great day.
Yey, Rozzi, you're now PUPO!
Congrats! Hope your TWW will go fast!
Gwynth - how was the scan?

Rozzi - congrats :happydance: Try to enjoy being PUPO
Congratulations Rozzi!!! Welcome to the barmy 2ww :lol:

I had some small cramps all day yesterday which freaked me out slightly, and this morning there is a tiny amount of brown spotting in with the progesterone gunk. I really hope AF isn't on its way :( I'm 6dp5dt today - could AF turn up anytime or can the prog gel keep it at bay?

Hope everyones good? Xxx
Ps - isn't it your OTD Lochy? I remembered may the 4th be with you LOL

Good luck lovely - have everything crossed for you xxx
Congratulations Rozzi!!! Welcome to the barmy 2ww :lol:

I had some small cramps all day yesterday which freaked me out slightly, and this morning there is a tiny amount of brown spotting in with the progesterone gunk. I really hope AF isn't on its way :( I'm 6dp5dt today - could AF turn up anytime or can the prog gel keep it at bay?

Hope everyones good? Xxx

Progesterone is supposed to keep it at bay. Good luck! x
Scan day today and this one wasn't as good as Wednesday's. I now have 12 on my left and 9 on my right ranging from 10.5 to 13.5mm but i also have a lot of little tiddlers on my left so they have reduced my dose to try and stop the little ones having a growth spurt. I have to go for another scan tomorrow.

Happy Pupo rozzi :) xxx
Hello ladies, well not all great with me - blood test results due this afternoon but I am 99.9% sure it's over this time round. Insane night sweats last night and brown cm this morning which is classic AF is about to kick in for me. At least I'm prepared for the call in a few hours and have hopefully done all my crying this morning. This is just so damn hard, I wish to God things could work out the way we all want them to :(

However, if it is a no we are having a quiet weekend and I have two months to prepare to do it all over again. Don't you sometimes wonder how we just keep going? If I'd told me in 2008 that the next 3 and a half years would be this painful I would've crumbled but somehow because you just live from hope to hope, you keep going. Guess there's some more of that to come right? :(
Sorry Lisa - hope the follies start behaving themselves and grow properly now they've adjusted the dose x

Lochy - have you poased or are you just going by bloods? Hang in there sweetie, there's still a chance? Thank goodness we can't see into the future is all I can say! Take it easy lovely :hugs: xxx
Just had the call - a faint positive apparently with BETA HGC levels at 14. I've been told this is very unlikely to develop into a pregnancy but have to go in for a second blood test on Tuesday to confirm it's gone. Is this basically a chemical pregnancy? Grateful for anyone's advice on this.
Rozzi - congrat's on the transfer! Try to keep sane during the TWW - its awful!!!

Ratma - in theory the progesterone keeps AF at bay but I know a few ladies who got AF no matter whether they were on it or not. I am hoping it keeps her away at least through my brother wedding tomorrow. They told me not to panic about brown CM / spotting as it is very normal early in pregnancy.

Lisa - that isn't a bad scan at all - 12 + 9 = WAY more than you need!!! Chin up :hugs:

Loch - I am SO sorry!!!!! :hug: Take time this weekend to process the information and be angry, upset, disappointed etc. BFN do not get any easier with time. I actually think they get harder. On the positive side of things, take some comfort in the notion that you can get implantation and cling to that as you go into your next cycle. Huge :hugs: to you and DH.
It's the worry of the tiddlers having a growth spurt that is worrying me :wacko: xxx
The one thing I learned was to just trust the doctors ... they know what they are doing. Unless they are worried then you shouldn't worry.
So sorry Lochy - I don't know about beta results and chem pgs - perhaps someone else does? Take care of yourself lovely xxx

Thanks reb and springy re: prog keeping af away. Yes I guess it could go anyway - it was only the most tiniest amount mixed in with the gloop. Not much in the way of cramping today, just the odd twinge. Am getting fed up with crotch watch - another blinking week to go!!

How are you holding up Springster? Try and get through the wedding and not think about all this - its so hard though!! Hope you have a great time :yay: do you think you'll poas Sunday or wait for OTD? I'm going to be good I've decided as my OTD is quite auspicous for me and I don't want to jinx it by testing earlier.

Something odd happened yesterday - a bird of prey landed on my window sill at work, and I've been having feathers during this treatment turn up, so I'm taking that as a good omen. Yes - I know, I'm loopy!! :lol: xxx
I'm good ... not feeling much different than I did earlier in the week. I'm really bloated and retaining a lot of water, which is super normal around AF arrival. Did have a SLIGHT bit of cramping yesterday afternoon more like sharp pains here and there - could have just been gas :haha:

My official test date is 14 days post transfer so not till Wednesday which is REALLY far away still .... so I am going to POAS this weekend. I want to have Sunday to process the result before the work week. If its negative, I know I will be really upset, but not devastated as I do have 4 :cold: ones! I do FIRMLY believe that ONE of my 6 embryo's (2 in me plus 4 on ice) WILL result in a baby for DH and I. So if its not this round, the next one ....

I'm feeling more positive today but my mood changes rapidly so by lunch time I could be down in the dumps negative nellie again :rofl:

Ratma - remind me when your OTD is?
I'm 2 days behind you Springy so next friday. I can't believe I have a whole week of driving myself crackers!!

Yes I'm with you for wanting to test on a weekend - I wanted to do this but if I do get blessed with a BFP I shall need to get some more prog gel and my clinic isn't usually open the weekends, so I'll need to test on the friday.

I think I'll be quite down and upset if a BFN for a while, but I'm quite used to picking myself up so I'm sure I'll be okay with it after a good cry!

Like you, I have my 4 frosticles and its good to know they're there and not having to go through the whole debacle again!

Fingers firmly x'd we get our trans atlantic babies springy!!!!

Ps glad you feel positive (don't you almost beat yourself up for feeling pos, that you're somehow going to jinx things)? Wish I could switch my mind off :lol

So sorry Lochy, dont have any advice but just take time and process the info, cry, drink etc. xxxx Big Hugs,

Springy and Ratmagirl, my fingers are all crossed for you.

Hope you enjoy the weekend wedding and the weather is nice for you, hopefully it will take your mind of it and then Sunday you can POAS, I will be waiting with bated breath for the results. xx

Ratmagirl, I was told by a very very good psychic that when feathers keep appearing infront of you its a sign from your angel that they are watching over you. Appparently everyone has an angel and feathers is almost like their calling. You do have to ask them out loud for the help apparently which I did for the whole of the 2ww. Suppose it depends if you believe or not but it made me feel good. xx

Lisa those follicles sound great. I had I think at one point 1x19 1x18 2x16 2x15 and then another 4 at around 12 and then a good 4 little ones. I got 10 eggs at collection and 7 fertilised and now 1or 2 of those little ones are growing in my belly. Please dont worry, your report sounds really good. xxx

Hows is everyone else.

Hope everything is ok Gwynth, thinking of you.

I have been working till 9pm all week, and Im exhausted and up at 6.30am today to go to a training day but Im finished and its the weekend and Im looking forward to my non alcholic pear cider. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy. Im 6 weeks today and cant stop peeing, boobs gettin bigger and really cant wait for my scan. Im of on holiday Monday and tuesday I have my midwife booking in appointment and wed the scan so looking forward to next week. xxx

Hugs to all. xxxx
Lochy - I am so very sorry to hear your news and I do hope that you can take some time for yourself to regroup, rest up and face the next battle. I found this round was mentally much easier for me for some weird reason. I think the bit of time in between sort of recharges our batteries and then we feel more positive again. Hugs to you.

Ratma - I think each woman is different when it comes to AF, some friends of mine have gotten it and others did not so it sort of depends. I certainly think only a bit of spotting and then it going away is a great sign. Hang in there.
Rozzi: Congrats on the transfer!! Keeping busy should help with the wait...

Lochy: I am so sorry. Take care of yourself...

Ratma: I was asking about when you do the BETA-- here i was tested by getting a blood test. I see that it's next Friday, good luck! I also had one day with spotting and thought maybe it was implantation bleeding??

Springy: I was thinkin the same thing as you when i was waiting...I think it helped me get through the wait.

Lisa: I didn't really understand all the measurements, but the reason you are screened so often is so that they get the medication right, so you get the best number of follies possible. Try to trust the doctors -- you have a great number of follies so far :)

Wishing: good luck on your scan!

I got my scan done yesterday and it shows one black dot where the baby is. it is in the top of my uterus-- which is odd because my Dr didn't think the baby would implant there due to fluid that she saw collecting there. she almost didn't have me do the transfer because of it, but then changed her mind when the fluid started to go down with the progesterone. I go back in for another scan in 2 weeks. Now i am just hoping the baby stays.
My ovaries are still swollen although my left one went down a little, so no sex for me. Really weird to go from trying to get pregnant on your own where you try daily or every other day to cutting back for the IVF to now nothing.
Gwinth, mine are also at the top, but the u/s tech said it was th best place for them to implant, not sure why though.

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