Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Katrus: Thanks! That makes me feel good. I was expecting my doctor to be a little more happy. I guess doctors are just cautious by nature? I think the baby is sticking so I am going to stay positive. Are you still taking the progesterone? It sounds like i will need to go and get another refill.
Lol same here, I only have enough left for 3-4 more days, meant to call in to refill but keep forgetting... I hear stories of girls going off of it after 14 days past transfer though! How ca it be so different in terms of what docs believe in. I will be taking in at least to 10 weeks, although I don't like it and can't wait to stop :)
Many times the progesterone suppository causes spotting because it irritated the cervix!! so it will come out with the progesterone the next day. You could also be experiencing implantation bleeding
Just had the call - a faint positive apparently with BETA HGC levels at 14. I've been told this is very unlikely to develop into a pregnancy but have to go in for a second blood test on Tuesday to confirm it's gone. Is this basically a chemical pregnancy? Grateful for anyone's advice on this.

This can be a viable pregnancy... don't let any one stress you out. pray and talk to your baby to keep growing. Anyways. You never know if your little bean implanted late, therefore it was on the lower side. I have heard of people having low BETAS and then it doubling all that matters is that it doubles. Why are they making you wait till tuesday and not monday... or have you go into a lab on a saturday?
Wow - tons going on.

Loch - I dont know. I did a lot of research on BETAs and from what I read it is still possible for a low BETA to develop into a viable pregnancy, but it is very rare. I am sure you have gone to Dr Google and read the same stuff I have. As the other girls have said, take time to process your emotions - and remember we are all here for you.

Spingy - you are soooo not out yet lady!!!

Ratma - if OTD isnt until test date then my money is on implantation bleeding.

Wishing - :happydance: what an exciting week for you. Keep us updated.

Hapy Saturday everyone. It is a holiday weekend in the UK -3 days off - yay!! I am seeing my mum today but not telling her our results until the first scan. Is going to be hard!!
Morning ladies, the sun is out what a beautiful day. X x

Just to put your ladies mind at rest I stopped taking the progesterone 11 days ago and all is good the nausea went away for a week which must have been down to the progesterone but is on its way back to me now, boobs are growing and sore and yesterday had my first proper crying session because I really didnt know why just felt a bit down. Feelin a bit better today just need to get to wed to lift my spirits again and see baba. X

Mrs max how you feelin, my god you must have some will power I would never be able to hold that in, does she know about the ivf. X

Springy enjoy the wedding, tomorrow will be a good day for im sure. X x

Gwynth, I have read stuff that says that is nothing to worry about, how many weeks are you. X I think sometimes the drs forgot that this is a huge thing for you and say things without thinking. X keeping everything crossed for you. X x

Need to rush out, we are going to view a care home that my, mum and dad are thinking of buying svery exciting.

Love and hugs to everyone else. X x x
Thank you all for your lovely words, reduced me to tears but nice tears that someone out there gets how you are feeling :)

Yes Mrs M I spent quite a bit of time in Dr Google's surgery yesterday and found that yes in rare cases the numbers can double - the nurse was so very negative about it but I guess they are managing my expectations. The amount of tears cried yesterday will possibly have convinced my tiny clingy on embie that her mother is insane ;)
Godpromised, I think they really hold out no hope for the blood test -they aren't open on Sunday which would be 48 hrs from first BETA so pushed it to Tuesday. Sadly I have to fly down to London for a work meeting on Tues forgot that in the rush yesterday) so phoned them back and they've said I can just come in on Thursday. I get the distinct impression they consider this a 'clean-up operation. She mentioned the possibility the numbers could imply ectopic but again I think she was just covering their bases.

Still, Springy is right, one of my little embies implanted so we can do this - just need to hold on til the next round. Fingers crossed round 2 goes swimmingly :D

Just wanted to say thanks to the April crew, you've all been lovely to chat to through this daunting experience. Good luck ladies! xx
Had another scan this morning and my little ones have stop growing and the big ones are growing nicely. I still have 21 follies the largest being 16.8mm and the others ranging within 2mm of that. Im stimming one more day have a scan tomorrow and ill probably be triggering tomorrow night :happydance: xx
Just had the call - a faint positive apparently with BETA HGC levels at 14. I've been told this is very unlikely to develop into a pregnancy but have to go in for a second blood test on Tuesday to confirm it's gone. Is this basically a chemical pregnancy? Grateful for anyone's advice on this.

Dont count yourself out yet. The lowest my clinic has seen develop into a healthy baby born was 8.2 on the first beta (day 29 of a cycle date does matter when looking at a beta result, further after an expected period,t he higher the beta should be) Doubling is more key, and even then you can still luck out.

my first beta was 18.2 it did double 2 days later but the third test, two days after that, it failed to double -- but did go up. we dont do betas after the first 2 ( third is only if it doesnt double or is slow) proof is on the screen after the first few betas

surprisingly a week later they found a healthy sac, and yolk, and a week after that found the fetal poles... and they were growing. we checked every other day on ultrasound to track it. We never did find a heart for that baby, but it did develop. Some babies start out slower, and some people just produce less hCG when they are pregnant, some double later than 48 hours. I think they inform you of a possible miscarriage to somewhat prepare you. i was never told that when i got my results, but it was the first thing i told myself. It helped me worry less - and im a HUGE worrier.

i was always pleasantly surprised to see development on the ultrasound after that since anything positive was fantastic.

i wish your 14hcg a happy doubling and hope it turns into a fabulous little one. dont count yourself out just yet. positive is positive. Youre still pupo.

a family friend of ours that did a beta serum on herself at work on day 29 because she thought she was pregnant, and hers was 5 exactly. 8 months later she had a healthy girl. crossing fingers for you.

hoping for the best for you and your family.
we found 2 strong hearts and big babies on the ultrasound yesterday , and still a growing sac with large yolk on the third. i go back on tuesday to see if the third has appeared or deteriorated. the doctor took the image with the third sac not on screen, just in case. he said he didnt want to upset us.

unfortunately, unless the 3rd has shrunk in size, there will be no way of knowing if the third is indeed a baby. some fetal poles lag and arent found until much later in the pregnancy - some people get diagnosed as having a miscarriage, and refuse D&Cs... weeks later they find a big ole baby.

So for now, still triplets, but only seeing 2 wonderful little ones. Seeing 2 was a stress reliever to be honest. It is the preferred healthier result and best for the remaining babies. i was just happy that the hearts were so easy to spot and clear. we saw the hearts before our doctor even began to speak. we are officially further along progress wise (not week wise) than ever with a pregnancy, so we are over the moon. Still very worried about a possible 3rd baby that will compromise health and face us with big decisions, but for now, we are going to celebrate a wonderful 7th wedding anniversary today.

hopefully only two more weeks of my progesterone shots. im so tired of my grumpy husband getting pissy every morning when he has to wake up and give me the injections. Poor him!

I had some small cramps all day yesterday which freaked me out slightly, and this morning there is a tiny amount of brown spotting in with the progesterone gunk. I really hope AF isn't on its way :( I'm 6dp5dt today - could AF turn up anytime or can the prog gel keep it at bay?

the progesterone usually keeps it back, but sometimes not. with all 4 xfers i had bleeding. some flat out periods.

first i started bleeding when id have expected a few days after intended implanting. it was the brown stuff, so i didnt worry too much, but then it got more and a whole array of colours to say the least. that pregnancy was a miscarriage many weeks later. i did end up having clots etc, then too, but it was managable. not really a period until the very end when i knew i was done for.

second i got a plain BFN. 1 day after Xfer i started spotting, which then turned to bleeding. i knew immediately that it was going to be negative so much that i actually scheduled a surgery on my first beta day... it was quite heavy, despite the progesterone injections. my period hit as soon as i stopped the injections

i asked the dr about the bleeding and he said there really shouldnt be much, but spotting there could/ should be.

3rd xfer again, 1 day after Xfer bleeding started. always as pink streaks when wiping then red, then everything in between. stopped for a few days then back again. i had huge hopes for my 3rd xfer but got a big negative. period that time around i actually considered my Day 1 during that cycle, 3 days prior to the beta. that was how we started counting off for this FET cycle.

4th, bleeding again 1 day after xfer. i was SO angry. after 2 days of depression i convinced myself to 'stop looking' . i went to the bathroom and refused to look at my clothes, the toilet paper, in the toilet, everything. all it did was worry me. i had severe cramping this time, i want sure if it was due to my metformin, or regular cramps, but i did have 3 days prior to my ultrasound what i called 'period cramps'. i get a certain feeling where it feels like my uterus is on hydrolics, or shaking fast. i only ever get that before a period. it is a very strange sensation. i had that for 3 days and again thought the worst -- which was why i expected to see a miscarriage on the ultrasound for gestational sacs.

the blood this time was never, ever brown (which i found brown more comforting) . it was pink, with red clots. actual clots, although not large. we got out first strong positive. ive continued the 'dont look' method for most of the time since. i was wearing liners just in case i needed to alert the nurses of anything but have been able to stop the liners the last 5 days, so basically at 6 weeks prg.

if we ever go through this again, i think ill finally be laid back about bleeding/ spotting. only took 4 transfers to get that way ><

hang in there!
camam - congrats on the 2 healthy heartbeats. I totally understand you wanting to celebrate - 2 is more likely to have an easier outcome for all - although maybe a happy 3rd one will surprise you at the next scan. :dust: how many dpo was your second beta?
I didn't ovulate but if I did, ovulation day ideally would have been April 3rd (cycle day 14). First beta was the 18th(cycle day 29), second the 20th (cycle day 31)

So first beta was 15dpo (or 9dpt)
Second beta was 17dpo (or 11dpt)
Good luck with poas'ing today Springy. Have all my bits and bobs crossed for you lovely xxx
Hi Ladies ... not good news for me. A definitive :bfn: DH and I are absolutely gutted.

I need some time to myself to figure out how to move forward and to grieve for this BFN.

I'll quietly watch but I don't think I'll be posting much.

Sorry Springy, lots of love and hugs x

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