Lisa, you know it's weird but I tested mine out 5 days after trigger and it was negative... I thought it was strange as what I've heard from everyone that it should stay in your system up to 10-12 days. Not sure.
Wishing, congrats to finally seeing your bean!! So exciting! What kind of scan was it, transvaginal or abdominal? I always do tv, and it really helps to make the pic better if you yourself push below, where they tell you. I pushed rather hard last time, so we could have a better view.
I was a little sneaky and got myself checked in with a new obgyn at the hospital I picked. So the only opening they had this month was next week, on Thursday, and than I also supposed to come for u/s in two weeks for the last time at the IVF clinic. So there - I will get two the next two weeks! Yey! Not sure if the obgyn will give me one, but I hope so!