Quick stop in from me to say I'm still in Beta limbo. Insanely my levels rose on my second Beta test today so were 14 @ 13dp2dt and were 143 today @ 19dpo2dt. I'm back in on Sat and then Monday for checking but the nurse is still saying this is not going to be viable - they seem to be prepping me for ectopic and the whole thing is just a massive nightmare
first im sorry for how things are going atm.
i understand your limbo, our first transfer was like this for weeks and weeks. it is gut wrenching.it is like a never ending TWW feeling that drags on forever. i actually was hoping for a final call of negative so i could just move on. horrific experience, so youre feeling all the things you should.
my first beta was 18.2, doubled, then didnt. i DO think your last beta was higher than mine at that point , however.
mine was not ectopic. i prepared myself for a miscarriage, but the office never gave up hope. they had as low as an 8 first beta turn into a wonderful baby.
i went through the exact things as you and it was painful. im sorry. when i went in for my week 5 ultrasound, they found the sac, no problem, and even a yolk (he didnt expect since i had low numbers) , i said but my beta was bad, but im bleeding ( etc etc etc) he said to basically be quiet, look on the screen, that was all that mattered.
6 week ultrasound popped up a baby, he told me over and over to ignore numbers, look at the screen and if i saw a baby on the screen, screw the numbers.
so i say hang on until your ultrasound and ill cross my fingers that you find a black bubble.
MINE didnt pan out, but i had horrific situations in life happening along with it, and obviously im not YOU. if it worked for someone with 8 it CAN WORK FOR YOU! i personally know someone that started with a 5 on first beta and had a healthy girl. it can happen.
good luck, and hang in there. when you get your answer, either way, i think you will feel some relief.
i personally had never felt so good for a negative once i finally was told to throw in the towel on looking for a heart beat. RE hung in there for days and days trying to give that slow baby a chance and felt bad calling it a day. He hung in as long as he did only because some babies are just slow starters. they cant call a miss carriage until a fetal pole presents at a certain size (think 5mm) with no cardiac activity visible. i just was thrilled to be out of limbo.