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Looking for a buddy - CD1 1st Cycle TTC#1

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! :)
Stress doesn't help ttc, that's what's keeping me sane! Xx
Serious fed up!!!!

The fs said I need clomid to ov, BUT they didn't process my OH's sa as his dr didn't put his name on the form. He has to do it again and the next appointment isn't until 19 April. Then I need to have a HSG (I have to wait to see if he's sa is ok first). He also did a chlamydia test and made me get a rubella blood test. Argh!!!

I have to wait 8 weeks for our next appointment just to be prescribed clomid which the fs I saw privately said he'd do if my oh sa came back okay.

I have PCOS and don't ov. Why all the pointless tests!!!!!!! Rubella?? I've been imunised against it!

Sorry rant over x
Oh for gods sake that's ridiculous!!!! So when do you think you'll get the clomid!

This just seems ridiculous, I can't believe they tested you for rubella!!!
Just read that your tested for rubella as part of the antennal checks. He's being overly cautious bearing in mind I'm not pregnant.

He said he'd prescribe clomid in 8 weeks if everything's okay.

More annoyed about the sa they had everything and processed the form without his dr's name but not the results.

Can't even go private as they'll need a sa x
Question... Do I try soy and take it not on cd1 or just wait?
What's the worst that could happen if you take soy? Is it meant to bring on ovulation? I'm still uninformed when it comes to supplements!

Can you complain about the doctor to try and get them to rush it through? X
The one who does the analysis is on holiday in April and you can't bd for 5 days before. Just bad timing.

You're meant to take soy on the same days as clomid to bring on ov. Some say you can take even if you haven't had your af. My OH thinks I've messed around enough with herbal meds and just to wait, but I already have them and am so tempted!
Oh gosh I don't know what's best to do but I'd probably be thinking the same as you!!!!
Ok I need your help.....

I have a cold which I'm not sure if that causes temps to fluctuate but I've had a dark opk this morning but a really faint one at about 6pm yesterday. My chart looks like I already o'd though. What do you think?


I'd say you def ov'd perhaps overnight??

Yay, great news!

My OH put some perspective on the 8 weeks gap yesterday. He basically said 'do you want a baby so badly that you can't wait 8 weeks as I thought we were seeing how things go...'.

In reality it's nor so bad gives us extra time to finish the house.
Woo looks like my cycles are getting back to normal. This will be a 38 day cycle which isn't bad :)

Yeah that is so true, I guess it was just hard at the time when you build yourself up for something to happen at a certain time it can be upsetting but actually it's not that long in the grand scheme of things xx
I have fx for another inc tomorrow x

You're exactly right. I had it in my head we'd come away with clomid. On the plus side we'll find out if my tubes are ok and at least I know now I don't have a nasty STD although James be serious trouble if I did, lol.
Lol I'm sure you will be STD free :) I'd love to know if my tubes were OK, that's my big worry!

I'm even more confused now, when did I ovulate?


The opk was with SMU because I forgot so I ran back to the loo and tried to pee some more out haha!
Any ideas what's going on? I'm feeling a bit rubbish, I wish we dtd on Wednesday and Thursday to have the best chance but we didn't! I was feeling really ill :( damn!!!

It's got darker since I uploaded, looks like yday was the start of my lh surge.
I just haven't a clue when I will ovulate or if I have already!

It looks really positive now, but your temps suggested you 1dpo. Get bding!!!

That's great news if you having a good strong ov. Have you had any pain?

I think you were spot on with the bding. Oh please be your cycle I want more buddies with bumps!
I think maybe my temps are out of whack with my cold and I'll ovulate today or tomorrow in which case the timing is good woop! I've used looooads of conceive plus, I hope it works!
I've had no pains or cramps really so maybe it's not happened yet.
DH's best mate found my opk wrappers on top of the bin in the bathroom last night haha we had some explaining to do :) xx
Conceive plus is great. I have my fx for you x

I bet that took some explaining, lol!
Morning, please can you have a look at my chart and let me know what you think?

It's the highest for ages, bit I've had negative opks for the last few days! X
It looks to me like you could be 12dpo? Cd60 could be ovulation day, you deffo have the temp increases to suggest that! Did your cm tie in with that? I say test!!!

Any ideas what mine means? My cold is pretty bad now so that could have pushed my temp up the previous 2 days.

I'm really not sure when I ov'd. Hope didn't ov cd60 as we were on a bding ban for OH's sa.

I'd hold out and see what you'd temps do as I've seen big dips after ov early on x.

I wish it was staightfoward! X

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