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Looking for a buddy - CD1 1st Cycle TTC#1

Do you think there's a chance I could be ovulating today? I'm feeling a bit bloated, I have watery cm, my opk was positive yesterday morning and my temp has dipped when can happen at ovulation?
Which days were you banned from bd'ing?
It would make sense if you were. It hope you get a temp increase tomorrow x

Couldn't get the time off work so managed to get an appointment in 6 weeks. I just hope that we can fit it all in in time now. The other option was over 9 weeks!!!

Tempted just to get the hsg done. I will if my af starts anytime soon.

We were banned from the Weds to Monday last week. Typical.

I really hope I get a temp rise tomorrow, I'm a gradual riser so any rise will do!! lol

I hope you fit it all in in 6 weeks. just think, this time in 6 weeks you will be excited and fx'd will get a regular cycle and AF won't show for another 9 months :) xxxx
I'm really excited! I hope it all works out and clomid is the answer! Hope I don't get any of the nasty side effects though... Actually I'd probably take them if I ov.

Fx for you tomorrow x
What are the side effects of clomid? Hope they're not too nasty!!
Just checked my temp like a loser and it's down another .2, I hope that's not a bad sign! I had a few cramps earlier though but not definite one side cramps just like a slight barely there af cramp!
Could be due to ov?

Clomid can make you feel sick and give you headaches.

Had my second reading back... 2 boys, first with the date around 27 June for first and two years later for the second. The only thing I would say is it's likely if I do have children they'll be two of them!

I've been told 2 girls, girl and a boy and now 2 boys, lol. Good thing I don't take it seriously x
Deffo does look like you'll be having two!!!

I've had a slight temp increase!!


Tempted to discount sat and sun due to my cold!!
Yay! Fx you've ov'd.

Getting af type lower back pains and cramps. Could just be my imagination though. Tested this morning bfn, lol.
Ooo do you get back pain when AF is due?
Have you still been using opks?
Yep, I get lower back pain. It could be anything though as I've been doing quite a bit of driving.

Did a couple of ic opks both negative so might do a cb smiley later.

Starting to worry about my hsg. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I'm also worried as you have to have it within 10 days from cd1. My af stays 6-8 days. I have in the past had it for 2 weeks. If I can't get an appointment in time or af sticks around too long I'll have to re-schedule the next fs appointment.

Really tempted to take it sooner than 20 April, when we get my OH sa results x
I've just read up on the hsg test and I'm pretty sure my sister had it done a few years ago and she was really worried about it but she said it's wasn't as bad as she thought so maybe it won't be that bad.. Just think of the results, you'll know if there's anything wrong or if it's just hormonal changes.

Wow your period lasts ages, I hope it's a small one this time.
I know your right. Some say it's just like a smear, so I guess it's more uncomfortable and undignified.

I'm so confused .2 temp increase to my norm post ov level. When did I ov I've had negative opks for the last 5 or 6 days when I started them again. I did have cramping yesterday though. There's about zero chance of having caught it we've not bd at the right time. Oh well least this cycle will hopefully be over.

What happened with your temp today? X
Oh yes it does look like you're post ov!!

I'm gutted - I'm had a huge temp dip and I've got loads of cramps but no cm whatsoever! I'm hoping it's a fallback temp :( I wonder what the cramps are. It's like a stinging cramp in my lower abdomen

I'm hoping it's a
Oh crap I've just had a shed load of ewcm!!! Must be ovulating today and will have Bern delayed from my opk because of my throat infection!! Arghh so annoying, we timed it right and now we didn't dtd last night!!
You'll be fine. Conceive + will help.

Well, seems we could be oving around the same time. Really confused if I have of if it was yesterday. We'll just have to watch our temps x
Just thought could be an implantation dip??? You should test in a couple of days! x
Get bd'ing tonight then! The egg lives for 24 hours!!

But it doesn't explain my pos opk on Sunday, does my chart tell you anything? It certainly isn't telling me anything! Lol


It may be implantation. If it goes up over the next 2 days, I'd day you ov'd. It seems odd to have such high temps.

I've been getting a couple of af like twinges and loss of appetite. I wonder of my af is due as I have had a couple if breakouts. I'll find out next week I suppose!
How random that you mentioned loss of appetite, I have that today too for the first time ever! Dh cooked a romantic meal with champagne and I still didn't feel like it, I didn't tell him that though!
My cramps are gone now so I feel like I could have O'd today, I guess we will find out sooner or later what's going
on with our cycles!!
I always get breakouts close to AF too.
I think you're 14dpo, cd60 looks like O to me!!!
Massive temp drop today, hopefully my af is on it's way! I'm definitely book the hsg if it arrives.

Aw bless, I bet it look ages to plan the meal.

I have my fx for you this cycle.

Lovin the new tickers btw x

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