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Looking for a buddy - CD1 1st Cycle TTC#1

I hope your af gets here so you can book your hsg!
I'm still non the wiser, 0.1 rise - what does that even mean? Lol

I've got cramps around my pelvis and back today too, I haven't a clue what's going on.. :( I hate this limbo xx
Right, now I want my af to stay away! I've just found out that the same woman who does the sa also does the hsg test and only on a Weds. She's on holiday and won't be doing hsg test until 27 April!

Timing wise is good as I have the day off work already, but they will only do upto cd14. I pray my af stays away until next Thursday. She must be one busy woman!

Your chart is just as confusing as mine! Hopefully your temps increase again x
Fx'd your af stays away then :)
I've given up... It's my birthday today and it's been great but jm dick of stressing about ttc - just wish it was easy!!!
;-( xxx
Happy birthday! I hope you have a fab day x

Lol, love the typo!

Wish ttc was easy too. I'm so using the cbfm next cycle. Then I won't need to stress too much. I just hope it's a short cycle!

My temp dropped again but I look it really early as had to leave the house before I normally get up. Not sure whether to include it? I need to get the meds asap to bring on my af! I gave to take it 5 days then it takes approx 10 days to get af and it has to have stopped fir the hsg! Going to take it tomorrow, but I have to do a hpt first. X
I am so confused, still no change in temp but had ewcm the past 3 days. I wonder when I will O!? We've decided to try and dtd every other day and hope we catch it!

Have you tried using a bbt adjuster to change the temp according to time?

Oo yes make sure you test before!! Xx
Is this positive??? Think my o was delayed because of my throat infection?

How are you getting? Have your opks got darker?

Temp drop and nothing... Going to start taking the progesterone tablets today to bring on my af from the hsg. Had another v faint evap on ic hpt, so checked with a frer - obviously bfn, lol. X
My opk was positive yesterday morning but dh has been away.
I've not temped this morning and I've put my thermometer, opks etc in the back of a drawer. I've realise that the pressure of bd'ing on the right day is starting to take the enjoyment out if our sex lives. I'm gonna make sure that next month we bd 3 times a week and hopefully it will happen within the next 6 months, if it hasn't I will get it all back out of the drawer!!

Good luck with the progesterone, I hope your af comes soon! I have my fx'd for you!!!!

Looks like I will be 'not trying not preventing' from now on. Xx
Sounds like a plan.

We've agreed that I won't be determining when we bd based on opks! So my OH is taking more of a lead.

My fs said that charting was basically a load of rubbish. At the time I was 'like you know more than a world renown fertility writer'. Now I think he has a point. I think I may just use the cbfm to see if it works and opks to check highs and peaks then temp after ov, if it happens. It's getting a bit much have I, haven't I. So I completely understand your decision. Unfortunately I have a few more years on you and rarely ov, otherwise I'm sure I would be doing what you are.

Please keep my updated. I really hope you get you bfp soon x :dust:
My DH is taking the lead now! I think it's the way forward!
I know we have no chance this month but I have high hopes fir the future months now we are more relaxed! I'll still keep you updated day by day! I can't give up bnb too lol!

It's really helped even in a day!!! We are so much closer.

I totally understand that's why we made our decision, now we know I ovulate it should happen within 12 months.

How are you doing? Any sign of af?

Yay! I was worried you were going to abandon me! One of my buddies is now pregnant and the other is looking into adoption.

I started the progeterone tablets yesterday. I'm taking them for 5 days then hopefully my af will arrive. I've stopped temping and started epo and starflower oil today.

It's rubbish when you know that you've missed it. I had that the last complete cycle.

I have mega tender bbs this morning, assuming the tablets are doing their job!

I am sure you're going to get your bfp very soon. I would suggest you see if you can pick up a cheap cbfm on eBay as I am sure that would help now your cycles have settled x
I'm not giving up bnb lol!
Hopefully the not temping will help us both!
I hope af arrives soon so you can get on with your new cycle!

It is a little rubbish but I'm feeling positive about future cycles. DH is going to take the lead which should be fun :) neither of us will know when I'm fertile except I will monitor my cm! It will deffo take longer than if I monitored everything but it's too stressful and it would end up tearing us apart.

I won't necessarily take longer. You know your body better now.

I can't wait to start a new cycle I stop taking the tablets Thursday, so hopefully I'll get my af by Monday so I can book the hsg for 27th. I hope it will kick start my cycle and I'll ov just after the hsg. It apparently clears out the grot in you and makes you super fertile.

Booked the reflexologist for 30 April and 7 May and will try soy. Pulling out all the stops as I want a natural bfp, but my OH doesn't understand. He doesn't see any difference between a natural or clomid ov. I keep telling him that if I ov, I'm working, lol.
Yeah I totally get your with the natural bfp!!!

Super fertile sounds immense, I really hope it brings you your bfp :) and maybe a relaxed cycle will bring me a bfp!

Feeling super positive :-D xxx
How are you today?

Took a sneaky temp this morning to see how the tablets affected it. It was 36.8 which is high for me. Getting some weird cramping and very mild nausea. I suppose my body is just getting use to the meds. Did a hpt just in case bfn of course, lol.

I'm glad you feeling positive now x
I was halfway through reading your post and I was thinking test test test haha what are we like?!

Cm has dried up today, 10 days till AF.

How long is it meant to take before af shows for you?
Feeling alright, bit gutted we missed it this time though xx
Lol, I'm terrible always testing!

We should be on similar cycles if you don't get your bfp (obviously I hope you do tho x). I take the last pill tonight then I have to wait for my af. The say about 5 days, I'm hoping fewer!

You don't know you missed it. You were using conceive + so you never know! Xx
I hope you're feeling alright today! Sorry I haven't been on I've ben going through year end at work and it's only going to get busier ergh!
Fill me in... Any update?

I have creamy cm now so it looks I deffo did O. I think I have about 8 days left when I've recalculated it, hopefully we will have similar cycles!


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