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Looking for a buddy - CD1 1st Cycle TTC#1


I have to wait til Thursday for the results as the dr's secretary is off today, typical!
I know, lol. It could have been worse and I had to wait the bank holiday weekend. Well I hope I don't! X
Good luck with the results today! I'm still waiting for AF but it's not late yet I think I have 1-2 more days to go! Temps back up to 36.7 so don't think she's coming today! Xx
I really hope your wrong about your chances this month x

Couldn't get an official diagnosis on the sa as apparently only your dr can tell you. My OH ended up calling and what I got from him was the it was ok to go ahead with hsg. The only thing abnormal was the volume. So I don't know what volume they were referring to. Well at least he doesn't have malformed or slow swimmers, lol x

Hope you're okay xx
That's great news!!!!!! Woo!!!
I'm really happy for you.
I am spotting and have been since yesterday so I think AF will be here by the end of the day! I'm actually quite excited about a fresh new cycle :-D
Thanks harri, really pleased too as it makes baby making alot easier and less intrusive!

Since found out it was an abnormally large volume. A fact my OH was pretty pleased with himself about, lol.

Started taking soy last night, I'm hoping that with my CBFM and relexology next week will result in my BFP this cycle!

I hope your af shows ger face today and we'll be pretty close on our cycle days.
Hahahaha my DH would bloody love that!!! Hahaaa I bet he loved it!
I am sure it will, you have everything on your side!!
No AF, no cramps and no spotting anymore! Oh well at least I don't have period pains over the bank holiday haha!

Woohoo I am actually really excited about our new cycles :-D woohoo!
I was talking to a friend who had a baby 10 weeks ago and after thinking she fell pregnant straight away which I guess you just assume she said it took her 10 months so it made me feel a little more chilled!

CD 1 for me :( my period pains are so bad! I am due to ovulate on 8th or 9th May. I'm really hoping my cycle gets back to normal now I have no major events on!
The only annoying thing is I'm at a hen do and staying over on 6th and 7th May!!! Maybe a slight delay would be for the best!
Whoop whoop, saw cd1 on your ticker before your post!

I hope your ov is delayed tho x

I *think* my af has finished or I probably should say hope.

I know what you mean about your friend. You just assume it happens straight away. I kind of knew I'd need help though, cos of my irregular af.

I knew someone who took 3 years to fall pregnant. I didn't ask how, but I think she used clomid. Pretty sure it wasn't IVF as she was pregnant again within the year.

Hopefully this is our cycle. I'm feeling really positive x

I'm feeling really positive too! I reeeeally hope this is our cycle! I feel like my body is having a total clear out, my period has never been this heavy and the pain has been horrendous, I was crying earlier! I usually get bad pains and have to double up with paracetamol and ibuprofen but this was just way beyond anything I've ever had!
I am trying to think positive and my body is preparing to start a fresh after all the long cycles!
I think it might actually be 9th may I'm due to Ov as I usually have a 29 day cycle and the last 2 cycles my luteal phase has been 13 days which means I would Ov on CD16.
I hope that's the case as I get back from the hen do on 8th so I'd have Ov-1 Ov and Ov+1 to cover! God I'm so excited haha!!!

Wow sorry for the long post!

Wooohoo your period is stopping, I told you you had enough time! Are you feeling OK about the HSG?

I'm not going to temp this cycle but I will use OPKs and monitor CM. Are you going to temp? I'm really tempted but it makes me really on edge! Xx
Aww, how horrible :hugs:. My worst af is usually with my longest cycles.

I'm sure you'll have enough time from your hen weekend x

I'm dreading the hsg, but it's a means to an end. It's going to be so undignified. At this rate so many people would have seen down there at least I won't care about childbirth, lol.

I just hope that everything is ok and both tubes are clear. I'm pretty sure that it's not stopping my af as I'm not ovulating and when I do my af arrives. Thankfully I won't have long to wait and you're meant to have a few fertile months after. I could do with a good clearout!

I'm only going to temp to confirm ovulation, otherwise it's just me my cbfm, cb smilies and ic opks. X
I forgot to add that my natural cycle should kick in soon. I'm so tempted to see how it goes au natural over the next two months. As I would expect my own cycle in June? What do you think?

I reckon I could be reading too much into the lame psychic predictions, lol x
I know you poor thing, at least there will be no embarrasment when you are pregnant haha!
That great you get some fertile months, I want a clearout :-D

When will you start clomid? I hope you get a bfp before then! I think you will!
Is there any pattern with your ovulation, do you have any idea when you could ovulate next?
Depending on the outcome of the HSG. The fs mentioned clomid as the next step so provided everythings ok and there are no more hurdles then 17 May should be when he prescribes it.

I think if I ov when I initially go to I would have a 28-29 day cycle. I seem to first try to ov around cd15 then have a 13 day lp. As you know I don't tend to ov first time. I'm really hoping this month I have a 28 day cycle and I will know by my next apptmt if I need it. Fx soy and the reflexology work! I'm seeing the reflexologist on 30 April which is cd 14.

I'm still getting lows on the cbfm hopefully it'll change soon. I'm away with work 5-6 May, so I hope I get my high/peak before! X

How are your cramps? Any better? X
Just seen my ticker. If I'd fallen pregnant when I first saw a fs about my pcos I'd be 6 months gone, lol. How scary! X
I'm sure with soy and reflexology you will ovulate, that would be great!!!
I am keeping my fx'd for you! Hopefully tomorrow you will be getting something from your cbfm!

Cramps are gone woohoo! Period is a medium flow now which is great, I'm going to give it all I've got this cycle but I won't be telling DH that. Complete zero pressure from me but I will lure him in haha!!

Wow 6 months pregnant - that's crazy!!!

I was talking about our holiday with DH today because we are going away with my brother and his gf and she's like a supermodel and I said 'i want to be pregnant on holiday and if I'm not I want to be thin' so now I'm on a healthy diet mission!!!! It should help with both weight and fertility (I hope).
Good plan.

It's my OH's sisters wedding in August my sisters taking the photo's she a size 8, cow. So I have to lose weight so his family aren't 'he so picked the wrong sister'. I just have to get past all these yummy Easter eggs first. Only a stone and a half to lose or make that two, lol!
Hahaha my brothers girlfriend is a size 8 too, I can't remember ever being a size 8! And I've gained 11 pounds since I got married ! I need to lose it or be pregnant and have an excuse haha!! Xx
I need to lose weight, pregnant or not. I feel urgh!

When are you on holiday? X

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