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Looking for a buddy - CD1 1st Cycle TTC#1

You're good I really need to lose weight. I might just get the weight watchers stuff out and give it ago myself.

Reflexology was good but I came away with a headache. Just tried to sleep it off, but unfortunately I've still got it.

Got a few pains, could be a good thing or could be the cysts. Also got a bit of ewcm, so fx! X
Oh noo I hate headaches, they're the worst!

Ewcm is a brill sign! Let's hope the cramps are a sign your body is gearing up to ov!
Whoop whoop! Peak on the cbfm today. I hope I ov! It's a waiting game to see if my temps rise over the next couple of days. It's funny I know what my cycle should be if I ov straight away, lol!

How are you getting on?

Decided to start ww today until August. I also need to put together an exercise regime x
Yay! Does the peak mean today's Ov day or it will happen in the next 12-36 hours?
I really hope you get temp rises, I have my fx'd for you!
Cd8 and nothing to report really, what day do you think I should start using my opks?

Good luck on WW, I am so rubbish at following diets!! Wish I had the willpower! X
It's the same as an opk. I hopefully will ov in the next 3 days.

If I don't ov the good news is that I should have around a 28-30 day cycle with clomid, which would be fab. Although some say it can shorten by a couple of days, but 28 days would be perfect for me.

I'd start using your opks cd10 or 11 x
Got a bit carried away and peed on everything I had to double check...


I'd say it was positive, lol! Fx for temp inc x
My Internet has been messing up and showed that this paged hadn't been updated so I missed it! WOW that is definitely positive! Ha!
How are your temps looking? Xx
I wondered what has happened to you, lol.

I had a second smiley yesterday -that was a first for me. I also had a slight temp increase this morning not enough for ovulation.

How are getting on? Have you started using your opks? X
I started yesterday, obviously negative haha! I haven't tested today but I think I should ovulate in 5 days (obviously if my cycles go back to normal). Which means I would ovulate over the weekend(probably sunday whilst I am away - I get back sunday night) :-(
I don't mind though. if we dtd tonight, Thursday, Sunday
and Monday I think that should be OK, what do you think?

I am trying to do the every other night thing to build up the sperm and also give DH a break so he doesn't suspect I'm ovulating (puts him off).

Are you making sure you cover all bases? Do you think your ovulating today?
You should be okay. Are you using pre-seed or conceive plus? It could help.

I think I could have ov'd yesterday or today, if at all. I've had some weird symptoms tho. The usual sore bbs, lower back and off food. Also had reflux and loads of watery cm this morning. Not sure what to make of it. I really hope I ov'd!

Definitely covered all bases :winkwink: x
Yeah I'm using conceive plus ! Fx'd that helps!
Maybe that's a good sign? Oo I really really hope you've ovulated!!! X
Another slight temp increase this morning. The same thing happened early last cycle, but I hadn't ov'd. I suppose I'll find out in 14 days!

How are you today? X
Your temps look good, I guess tomorrow will tell if it stays up! I really hope you've ovulated!
Negative OPK last night and not much happening so I'm in the boring stage haha!

Any temp change today? I forgot to use an opk today so I'll have to do one in the morning!
Starting to get watery cm which is a positive sign! Xx

I was up early yesterday so I didn't temp but I got my cross-hairs on ff this morning. I added a few temps previously, so I cheated a bit (I had temped one of the days, but not put it in).

I think I'm going to wait and give up temping if I can. It will stop me from obsessing, hopefully. I'm gonna try to hold off testing until 14dpo which will be a challenge. Whatever happens will happen this cycle and there's always clomid next cycle.

Ooh water cm is good. I tend to get that before and after ewcm. I hope you get a positive before your hen weekend x
Amazing it looks like you ovulated then, that's amazing!
Good idea, the next 10 days will be pretty tense otherwise, I really hope you get your bfp!
I hope I don't get my positive until Sunday so I can get home and get bd'ing and hopefully stand a better chance :-D

Thanks, but I'm still not 100% convinced. It's not happened so many times!

I hope your ovulation holds off then. My lp is 13 days and I ov'd on cd16, so you should be fine for a 29 day cycle x
I think you have!!!! All the signs are there :) fx'd this is your month!!!! 9 days to go!

Opk was negative this morning... Let's hope it stays that way until Sunday x
Oh poo! I have a hot sensation around my inner hips which I usually get before a positive opk which means I'm pretty much out for this cycle if I get a positive today :-( x
Oh no! I hope it's just testing getting ready for ov in a few days!

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