Looking for some buddies - ttc #1

AF is here :cry:

At least we have some beautiful weather to enjoy in New England this weekend.
Hi all,

How long has everyone been TTC?

Amanda it looks like we will be Oing same time this month, I’m expecting to on the 13th or thereabouts. We can be TWW buddies :winkwink:

Meepmeep –Sorry about AF. I’ve heard if you’re over 35 than 6 months is plenty of time to wait before getting things checked out. Now would be the time, because the tests (SA especially) can interfere with BDing since it requires a period of abstinence. My first doc at 9 months ttc found cysts (I had pain) but refused to do any other tests until 12 months despite irregular cycles and family history of pcos and infertility. Second doc said the first doc should have tested and even rang him up to tell him that. My advice is be insistent if you need to – you know your history and your body. We’re in our 13th month trying now.

Melissandei – how did you go? Are you still in it this month?

Blo – your chart still looks good, fingers crossed!

Cheshire – yes, we will have to wait until the specialist appointment for results. Luckily it’s booked for Thursday, after so many TWW it doesn’t seem so long. I got cheap bulk tests online and can never resist temptation.
And... just like that, out of nowhere, af showed up in the night.
I have proven now that symptom spotting is a useless exercise- i had the same symptoms with bfn this month than i had with bfp a few months ago.
On to cycle #11
Sorry to hear that BLoblo and Meep Meep !

AF has still kept me hanging. I dont know why it has to play with me ...i was keeping really low expectations this cycle and after the temp had dropped i was prepared for AF .. Untill in a weird turn of events i got 2 straight days of temp rise.
Not sure if thats common? What do you think Ladies?

I am still being strong and not testing because i hate getting crushed with a bfn .


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So sorry, blo. Symptom spotting can be so cruel.

melissa: Wish I had some knowledge for you, but I'm not sure. Sometimes people do get a dip in temperature but the only way to know is to test or wait it out. Limbo sucks.

Emily: Started TTC in Feb. I have hypothyroidism so it's a bit more tricky for me so my endo and obgyn are monitoring me closely to help where they can.

This reminds me that I have an endo appointment coming up next week so I need to get my blood work done. I really hope my TSH is down cause then I feel like I'm doing all this charting for nothing.
Hello everyone! I can I join or is it too late?

I'm 32, married for a whopping 3.5 months. Hubby and I decided why wait and have bee trying since March. I started using the Ovia app in March,not too sure it's accurate though. I purchased a bbt (BabiCo from Amazon) as well as OPKs last week. I am due to have AF this Friday, so I will start to temp after that. I have a 24-25 day cycle, anyone with something similar? Hope to speak with ya'll soon!
Thanks all!

Blo- sorry you are out as well!

Emily - This is what I'm hoping, that we can at least get the ball rolling since we're approaching 6 months. I wouldn't mind trying for a year, but we'd love to have 2 kids and there are only so many years left before that becomes less likely...

Welcome Ash, I think many of us are moving on to July testing so it's def not too late :)
Hello everyone! I can I join or is it too late?

I'm 32, married for a whopping 3.5 months. Hubby and I decided why wait and have bee trying since March. I started using the Ovia app in March,not too sure it's accurate though. I purchased a bbt (BabiCo from Amazon) as well as OPKs last week. I am due to have AF this Friday, so I will start to temp after that. I have a 24-25 day cycle, anyone with something similar? Hope to speak with ya'll soon!

Welcome! Im similar in age and my cycles are 25-26 days... Ovia does not interpret temps, it charts it, but does not change o day accordingly. If you are starting temping, i highly recommend fertility friend (check my chart below) or Flo (if you want a prettier interface. Both of those are pretty good at combining fertility signs for a clear picture. :flower:
AshAbe: Welcome! I'm 33 and tend to have a 25-29 day cycle, cause it can't make up its mind. I use both Ovia and Fertility Friend for charting my stuff. I find Fertility Friend more accurate but Ovia gives me things to read in TWW which is nice. Ovia does get close each month, though, but FF seems to really get it.

AFM - Not feeling great bout this cycle. Didn't get to BD as much as I wanted to or when so not sure if we caught the egg or not. Got my crosshairs today on FF and am now 3DO. My partner marked in his calendar my fertile days for next cycle so hoping to be more on the ball. Until AF shows I'm going to try not to stress over it and just let things happen as they're going to happen.
Hi all,

How long has everyone been TTC?

Amanda it looks like we will be Oing same time this month, I’m expecting to on the 13th or thereabouts. We can be TWW buddies :winkwink:

I'm still showing "high" on the OPKs with no peak yet and FF is guesstimating tomorrow for my big O. I'm really frustrated and today I noticed a brownish tinge to my CM. I've never had that happen before. Have any of you had that before?

Follow Up question - Has anyone used preseed? Last night's lack of BDing was all my fault, so I think I need to have something on hand in case it happens again.

CheshireDucky - I was using glow, but I notice a lot of people on here use FF, so I signed up for that and re-entered all my data I was keeping in Glow. Glow was right on with my last period prediction, but it was predicting my ovulation on the 12th (which was wrong) and FF is predicting tomorrow which seems to line up with last month, so FF seems to be right on for me too.
So.... I am 9dpo today. I have been feeling dizzy since 5dpo, my temp increased again this morning and I've have been feeling weird (like when you feel sick from being really tired) most of the day, so I took a test this evening, after holding my pee for only two hours, and within about 3 minutes a faint second line came up :wacko:

I don't know whether to get my hopes up or not! The line is still there, I can see it when I hold the test at arms length, it has a pink tinge to it, but it is super faint. I stupidly told my OH, and he couldn't see it at first, but after I showed him, he could. I've used 7 other tests from the same pack in the last few months and none have given any hint of a second line, they've all been stark white, so that's making me a little more convinced. Meep!
Amanda: I haven't personally tried preseed but read very mixed reviews on it. Some men report that it feels weird to them like it's almost numbing. We have conceive plus but haven't used it yet because we haven't figured timing out on it yet. I hope FF is right in predicting your O date! Do you use OPKs or anything else to help nail down O day?

adastra: Exciting! Will you test again tomorrow morning with FMU? Keep us updated!
Hey CheshireDucky,

I am the most impatient person in the world, so I tested again with a CB test, again with only holding pee for 2 hours. I just posted in the test gallery... looks like I'm deffo pregnant! OH still being ridiculously cautious, saying not to get excited for another couple of days :dohh:

(BTW, we used conceive plus this cycle)
Yaaayyyyy adastra!!! Our group's first bfp! Congrats!!
Afm: cycle 11 is gonna be a tricky one...

Cd1-3: Home (Southern Germany)
Cd 4-8: Polish seaside
Cd 9-11: Home
Cd 12- 20: Denmark business trip
Cd21-? Home

Im probably ovulating on cd14/15, which is perfect! Since that is also our first wedding anniversary, dh is flying out to Denmark for the weekend to meet me - so we should have a decent shot: I leave home Thursday morning, and he joins me Friday night. Just keeping fingers crossed for on time ovulation.
I think I will stop temping for the rest of the cycle - its pretty pointless with all the travelling, I dont actually need to know when I ovulate because we have limited time to bd anyway.

Im hoping that following a relaxed approach might do the trick this time...:thumbup:
Hey everyone! I'm 34 and hubby is almost 40. We have been trying to conceive for about 12 years now with LOTS of ups and downs and different "tricks" and no luck. I have PCOS with worsening cycle lengths (this last time was just over one year), hubby has a good sperm count, just slow swimmers. I was on Femara 5mg for 6 months with US and timing intercourse, and this time around I'm on Femara 7.5mg and had my first IUI on the 3rd. I started having some cramping and twinges on the right lower abdomen the day I got my +opk, then it got stronger for the next few days. I started getting sharp twinges and a "fullness" feeling in my lower abdomen for a few days but that has all subsided now. My 7day progesterone level was only 5.51 so I had a weak ovulation :sad2: and I had an FRER BFN last night. Starting to doubt this month, but AF isn't here yet so there's still a slight chance. I'll be testing on Saturday if she doesn't show her ugly face.

GL to everyone! :dust:
So I am at CD23 and still no ovulation, not even a hint of a temp rise. Last time it didn’t come before CD22 it didn’t come until the next cycle, some 40 days later. If I don’t get a temp rise tomorrow I won’t hold out much hope for this cycle :(

At least I can bask in the reflected success of Adastra! That is so exciting! Congratulations! Yayyyyy! First BFP of the group, let’s hope it rubs off :)

Desire2Mom: Welcome, and sorry to hear your journey has been so difficult so far. My fingers are crossed for a BFP for you soon. I am stressed after 13 months trying, so I can’t even imagine what you must be going through. I am waiting for tests to come back for PCOS at the moment, it is an anxious time.

Melissandei: any news?
Welcome Desire2Mom, what a journey you have had so far... keeping my fingers crossed for this cycle for you!!

Emily- not ovulating really sucks - lets see that temp rise tomorrow!!!

All of you can let me know if I should add some testing days to the first page :haha:

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