AuCa - sorry I didn't mean to 'brag' about my long cycles haha. It is frustrating whatever you're used to. If 39 days is long for you then it's going to stress you out. Yeah when I had my 130 day cycle I was convinced it was a honeymoon baby. I'd had regular periods for the 4 months up to our wedding after taking some herbal remedies, and thought I'd be fertile on our honeymoon. This was before I started temping, I was just doing online calendars. But yeah it's weird how things change...I was more regular when I was younger and was in tune with my body, as you say, could tell what was happening when by the signs. Then I went on the pill for 18 months when I was 21, and things have never been the same again arrrrggghhhh....but temping has helped me figure a lot of stuff out, I do highly recommend it
Minuet - I think I asked you before, you wanted to get tests done but not got insurance at the mo, is that you? I'm glad Vitex made a difference. It didn't work for me
I also tried something called d-chiro-inositol. Again, it didn't work for me but there were a lot of ladies online who found it really helped them.