Luck of the BFP! Welcome back groupies and wevwelcome new friends!

Morning ladies!

Nikki- that's hilarious, I've done the same thing (and thought about doing it many times before as well) but I know what you mean about feeling like you jinxed it, I felt the same way! Funny where our minds take us hey?

Cassidy- Here's hoping you O soon. And sorry about your DF's problem, i'm sure it's nothing! But I totally understand that's really scary and I hope they don't have to do a biopsy! Hang in there and try to focus on the TWW that's going to commence soon!

BFN this morning! 12 DPO, CD 28 so i'm just waiting on AF. Boobs are very tender this morning so I imagine she'll be here soon!!!
Kyla- sorry hun...however you still aren't out!

Cassidy- so sorry hun! I'm sure he'll be ok. Seeing that its not the same place as last time I don't think its cancer.however I'm praying for him. As for testing on the 27th...i wanted to too but don't think I will. Especially with my temps. Don't want a sad bday.

My chart looks like the rocky mountains... Can anyone make sense of it? I pray my meds didn't cause an anovulatory cycle!
To be honest, I am kind of crampy/gassy like AF is coming.
Kyla-Did they ever say if they have any idea why she didn't make it? Can I just say that you are one strong lady. Your positivity is definitely something to be admired :)
As far as your bfn, you are definitely not out yet...I still have hope for your bfp!

Nikki-Do not feel bad about the nutrisystem! Those people are so pushy, I'm pretty sure any of us would do whatever we have to do to get them off our backs! I hate it when companies like that make you feel guilty for your decisions. They should feel bad for pushing people into lies!
Your body seems to be geared up to O. Have you ever tried meditation or acupuncture? In November it took me forever to O (like cd 41). I did acupuncture (for fertility and stress) and started to really focus on relaxing. I don't know if that's what really gave it the ok to O, but it couldn't hurt, right? This probably sounds kind of silly, but when I get acupuncture I actually meditate then. I visualize my body ovulating and the whole fertilization process. I focus on breathing and the visualization. If you don't O for some reason this month, let's hope it's just your body evening out and you'll be back on track next month!

Cassidy-I hope you O soon! Why are our bodies so stubborn?! lol I agree with Nikki about DH's bumps. I think it's good that they aren't in the same place. I would be scared too, but I'm sure it will all turn out ok!

AFM-I'm pretty sure I am 2 dpo, even though FF will tell me I'm only 1 dpo. I had some cramping Monday and yesterday my bbs started to get tender. Not a big difference though. I've been so good this cycle about not obsessing! Most days I've had to check to see what cd I was even on. So, I'm hoping to keep up with that unobsessed way of being during the 2ww. So thankful for this vacation so it can help distract me! lol
Cassidy - I'm sure everything is fine with DF... but I know it's scary. My DH had a scare with rheumatoid arthritis last summer and it all started because his eye was red and the whites of his eyes were swollen. They did a bunch of tests and we were freaking out, but it was nothing. My point is, it's better to have everything checked and things be fine than have nothing checked and something gets found too late.

Kyla - Grrrr.... Just try and hang in there! At this point there is nothing to do but wait, and it is the worst. Still holding out hope for you!

Nikki - I'm sorry I can't help with charts... But I know you were on meds for your pituitary gland to get your prolactin numbers down, right? Once those are down to where they should be, does the doctor think your cycles will be more predictable?

Julie - How is the giving up soda thing going? I know you were doing well last week, right? How is it spending time with DW's family?
So are we haven't had to spend time with the family lol Tomorrow night we have dinner with her brother, fiancé and the wedding party so that should be fun. Friday is the rehearsal and dinner, so that might get a little crazy but shouldn't be too bad. Saturday will be a day full of wedding events. Hair salon, a party bus, etc...I'm not sure how much of that I will participate in, but it will be crazy! Then we have a brunch on Sunday. Right now it's nice just hanging out the two of us. Today we are going for sushi, cupcakes and a movie. Just taking it easy...
I've done really good on soda. Monday I needed something with some fizzle in it, so I did crack and have a sierra mist (caffeine free). I didn't even drink the whole thing. That's the only soda I've had though and I'm not craving it like I used to. I think it's been going pretty well! Thanks for asking!

How are you doing other than being stressed about DH's job? How's the morning sickness and such?
So are we haven't had to spend time with the family lol Tomorrow night we have dinner with her brother, fiancé and the wedding party so that should be fun. Friday is the rehearsal and dinner, so that might get a little crazy but shouldn't be too bad. Saturday will be a day full of wedding events. Hair salon, a party bus, etc...I'm not sure how much of that I will participate in, but it will be crazy! Then we have a brunch on Sunday. Right now it's nice just hanging out the two of us. Today we are going for sushi, cupcakes and a movie. Just taking it easy...
I've done really good on soda. Monday I needed something with some fizzle in it, so I did crack and have a sierra mist (caffeine free). I didn't even drink the whole thing. That's the only soda I've had though and I'm not craving it like I used to. I think it's been going pretty well! Thanks for asking!

How are you doing other than being stressed about DH's job? How's the morning sickness and such?

Oooh, sounds like you two are going to have a lovely date! That sounds ideal to me! And good job on the soda! Cheating here and there is fine. Sometimes you have to indulge to not go crazy!

I feel OK. Morning sickness it tolerable, no vomiting, but a lot of gagging on food that tastes good, or gagging thinking about food that I like, like cereal. :( I have put on some weight already, but I'm sure that has to do with ballpark food that I had all weekend, like nachos, ice cream, chili dogs, etc. I told myself I would go back to healthy today, but I had two pastries (one cheese and one coconut) from a famous bakery here in L.A. They are so good...
DH had another job interview yesterday. It sounded like they wanted him, but he is unsure because it's commisson based. BUT, they pay for you to get your insurance selling license. That is rare! They also provide you with an existing client portfolio, so you start off with clients instead of having to start from scratch. He would technically be self-employed, so that means a lot of flexibility with hours and such. You get what you put in, you know?
Personally, it seems like a good opportunity. The manager who interviewed told him, "Look, try it out. The WORST that happens is that we pay to license you." He also would get to stay on employment until he started making money. She stated the average rep who does average work takes in anywhere from $3,000-$5,000 a month. That sounds pretty nice to me!

What do you guys think? Would you encourage your partners to take it?
My chart looks like the rocky mountains... Can anyone make sense of it? I pray my meds didn't cause an anovulatory cycle!

Hi Dear. It's really hard to say what's up with your chart. :-( I'm really hoping that the next few days will help you understand it more. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Kyla, how's the afternoon been going for you?

Julie, your day sounds splendid! Even though I just came back from vaca, I'm ready for another. Or maybe just some nice Spring weather. Still colder than nuts here and full of snow.

Emily, this job sounds pretty good! My DH has had jobs that allowed him to be his own boss and it was great! Lots of flexibilty. I would tell him to go for it. Like the supervisor said, at worst, they are paying for him to get licensed. Sounds good to me! :)
Emily- will DH have to sign a contract to promise to spend "x" amount of time with the company? I know a lot of companies to that when they offer to pay for your license/schooling. And if you don't spend "x" amount of time with the company then you have to pay them back for the license/schooling? That would be my only set back. I know the police departments do that set up if they pay for you schooling and I know insurance companies usually do that too.

Julie- sound so nice! I haven't done acupuncture, and no offense I don't think I will ever do it. I do and have meditated and don't find a huge benefit from it.

Alissa- thanks for looking at my chart... I hope time will tell

Kyla- update?!?

AFM, been super busy with work and life. I love when I get like this!! I told DH I'd like to BD tonight and he was like "what?! I thought fertile time was over?" i said "well I have no idea, my body is being funny." luckily he understands and said we could :) However, all my bodily functions seem to make me believe I already O-ed.

Cassidy- whats new?
Emily- will DH have to sign a contract to promise to spend "x" amount of time with the company? I know a lot of companies do that when they offer to pay for your license/schooling. And if you don't spend "x" amount of time with the company then you have to pay them back for the license/schooling. That would be my only set back. I know the police departments do that set up if they pay for you schooling and I know insurance companies usually do that too.

Julie- sound so nice! I haven't done acupuncture, and no offense I don't think I will ever do it. I do and have meditated and don't find a huge benefit from it. However I did decided to set up a full body massage for Saturday.

Alissa- thanks for looking at my chart... I hope time will tell

Kyla- update?!?

AFM, been super busy with work and life. I love when I get like this!! I told DH I'd like to BD tonight and he was like "what?! I thought fertile time was over?" i said "well I have no idea, my body is being funny." luckily he understands and said we could :) However, all my bodily functions seem to make me believe I already O-ed.

Cassidy- whats new?
Thanks for being positive and comforting guys! I'm sure it's nothing but I can't help but stress, I have really bad anxiety anyways so things like this just get to me.

Julie- Woohoo for O'ing, i'm sure after tomorrows temp FF will give you crosshairs!! So how many insems did you do this cycle? Really hoping you catch your egg!!!

Nikki- In all honesty your chart looks like an anovulatory cycle to me. BUT that really doesn't mean anything because i'm not the greatest chart reader and you know your body better than any old chart! You're lucky your DH is so cooperative with BD'ing. DF hates sex on demand. He's been dealing.. but not as much as i'd like him to lol.

Emily- BOO on gagging, i'd honestly rather puke then sit there gagging it just ughhh I hate it. Imo, I would encourage DF to pursue it and see what happens. No matter what, i'm sure your DH will end up in the job he's meant to be in, whether it's this opportunity or another.

Kyla- you are NOT out yet!!! FX the :witch: stays away!!!!!

AFM, this mornings OPK was NEARLY positive- so I think i'll get a positive tonight! Woohooooo so happy I was thinking it was gonna be like last cycle but looks like i'll be having around a 27 day cycle this time which'll put AF due on the 4th for me. May still test on DF's birthday just for fun now, even though i'll only be about 6dpo. Maybe i'll get to give my momma the best b-day present ever (her b-day is the 30th.) FX this is a lucky month for all of us!!!!
Nikki - We're not sure the details yet. He is going to a seminar with the company on Tuesday to get more info. Then he has another interview with a credit union for a financial advisor position on Wednesday. So we'll see...
Cassidy- I agree w u...looks like an anovulatory cycle. I guess time will tell. Oh well to next month if I must.
Julie- sound so nice! I haven't done acupuncture, and no offense I don't think I will ever do it. I do and have meditated and don't find a huge benefit from it. However I did decided to set up a full body massage for Saturday.

I don't do any formal meditation, like sitting cross-legged and ohming. For me, it's just laying down and focusing on my breathing for a bit. I tend to get pretty tense during the day and my mind gets to going a million miles an hour. It's hard for me to sleep. If I take that time to clear my mind, it really helps me. I think a massage is a good idea too though! I've had a couple of those in the last few months and have gift cards to do another. The last one I did was so relaxing that I think I actually dozed off for a bit lol

Julie- Woohoo for O'ing, i'm sure after tomorrows temp FF will give you crosshairs!! So how many insems did you do this cycle? Really hoping you catch your egg!!!

I cheated today and put in fake temps and I'm sure I will have 2 more temps to put in before I get I said before, I don't always agree with FF though! lol We inseminated 4 times this cycle. cd14, cd16, cd18 and cd19. I think I O'd cd20, but FF thinks it was cd21. Either way, I just hope we had some spermies up there and ready to catch that egg! lol

Yay for darker opks! Hopefully you O soon and you can join me in the 2ww!
Julie, your day sounds splendid! Even though I just came back from vaca, I'm ready for another. Or maybe just some nice Spring weather. Still colder than nuts here and full of snow.

Where do you live? We live in St. Louis, but right now we are in Chicago and it is SO COLD! It was 23 degrees today and of course super windy. It was still a lot of fun though! I am definitely ready for some spring weather! We had a teaser day about a week ago, 72 degrees, and then it was like 32 and snowing...Gotta love the midwest, it never knows what it's doing lol
Morning all- sorry had a very long day yesterday and didn't have a chance to check in. AF is teasing me, have had a a lot of PMS stuff, yesterday my lower back pain was so bad I could have cried but got up this morning and still no AF, i'm sure she'll be here this afternoon. CD 29, 13 DPO.
Julie, I live in North Dakota. I can understand the 23 degree weather and the wind. Wind makes sucha big difference too.

Kyla, she's teasing you because she's not coming! :) (or at least I'm hoping).

So I'm not sure if I've O'd or not. I had some EWCM yesterday so did a digi OPK which was negative. I didn't wake at my usual 6am time to take my temp today but did take it just to see when I woke up at 6:40 (mind you I did it as I was getting out of bed so totally not the way you are supposed to). I figured that it would be pretty high being it as later than usual and I was up walking but it was low. 96.70 acutally. So I'm not sure what to think. I'll take it at my usual 6am time tomrrow and see what I get.
Alissa- F'xd that you O'd already, i'm really really hopeful for you this month!!

Yeah I think she is though, yesterday when I put a tampon in I got a bit of the 'push back' I call it, guess when your CP is gets lower right?
Hello ladies -

Kyla I sure hope she stays away!! But at least you'll have a buddy if she doesn't!

Emily - good luck to DH! It has to be so stressful.

AFM I'm going to drop off my paperwork to the fertility dr today....I'm excited for my appointment. DH said he would do a SA if he needed too. I dont know if i am going to temp or do opks this month. I still have some left over so i might, but im feeling like saying F it until I get some results from the doc. On a good note, AF is already gone and I should have just started....

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