Luck of the BFP! Welcome back groupies and wevwelcome new friends!

I'm 29, 30 next month. I just had ultrasound. There's something in my uterus...two cavities...I'm waiting in his office to talk. Omg I'm going to cry. I'm going to have an HSG and DH has to have a SA.
ttc, ok, ok, take a deep breath. it sounds like your doc is optimistic. my OH just had a SA done - it's awkward but easy and totally worth it. information is knowledge. dont get upset until you have all the details, and a plan of attack with the dr. dont leave the office until you have solid "next steps" in place. we are all here for you, and you can talk about anything you need. science today is amazing. game face, girl - you got this.
Hi ladies - Well I was gone all weekend and I am sorry I was as I was not expecting what I saw this morning...

Kyla - I am so sad for everything... I thought everything was going to be OK with you guys after your vacation... it sounded like things were really up for you guys... I'm sure the loss of a child puts tremendous strain on a marriage. I just wish for you that things would have ended differently. I hope you find happiness... My love is with you. My heart is hurting for you.
Rachel - Please let us know what your ultra sounds means ASAP! I am thinking of you!!!
AFM, feeling emotional and hormonal and tired (I don't know if I am emotional from this thread or what...). I feel uncomfortable and bloated. And I have a confession, please don't judge me.

I was up half the night worried about becoming overweight again... I have been unable to control my portions or my food desires and have not been exercising. After my son I lost 20 pounds (NOT baby weight). It took a looooong time and a lot of unfun, difficult work. I am just dreading going back there! I know it should not be what is on my mind. I think the hormones are getting to me... I am already showing and am convinced it is mostly chub since it is way to early for a real bump.
Rachel- you are getting answers. and the sooner you learn them and deal with them the sooner you will be prego!! So keep with it, weather it is good or bad news. You got this girl! DH did SA and said it was awkward but worth it and is willing to do another one in a month.

I believe in pregnancy miracles. My best friend had more then half of her uterus removed because of cancer and she has PCOS.... she was told she would never have a baby because it couldn't implant in thte unterus well.... guess what... she has a beautiful 1 year old boy!

Emily- I totally hear what you are saying. I lost 50 lbs once and it was hard to imagine gaining wait again. I got supper depressed and put it all back on. Well here I am with all the weight back on. Its hard to think about it. You got it girl. Just think about this little bit extra weight/food is what your baby needs to be healthy. You are doing it for your baby!
Thanks Mirolee - I am home now, I'm trying not to cry. Mostly because everyone keeps saying the good ole' well it will happen when it happens and you have to stop trying....
So here's the deal. He thinks it is either a septum or an arcuate uterus. I go for an HSG tomorrow and we will know for sure then. He said that surgery is the fix for it if it goes down far into the uterus. I also have a cyst on my left fallopian tube. DH is going to do a SA. Next cycle we are going to do labs and I can do meds and IUI then if I want to but I don't want to take it to that extreme unless he tells me thats the only way I can get preggers. Now we just wait till tomorrow....and for DH's SA results once he gives his "sample"
He said my follicles look good and my dominant one looks like its going to come from the left.
I also agree that the body can do unexpected wonderful things when it comes to procreation. Two stories for you:

1) My cousin had ovarian cancer when she was 23 years old. She had 90% of one of her ovaries removed. She has had 4 pregnancies and has 3 healthy, beautiful girls (sadly she did have one miscarriage: blighted ovum, nothing to do with her lack of ovary).

2) My old boss had a HUGE fibroid removed from her uterus. Her dotor explained after the surgery to remove that it would be unlikely she would get a period for 6-8 months. She was swollen and sore. After 4 months her swelling was getting worse not better. She went to the surgeon for a follow-up. Turns out she was pregnant! Obviously she missed it since she expected not to have a period. She was actually pregnant when she had the surgery! The fibroid was removed from the outside of her uterus and she was so early on nobody caught it, especially since having the massive fibroid made it unlikely she would even be able to conceive.

So my point is, please just remember the body can overcome obstacles. You always have to remember that!
Thanks Emily for the stories!!

Rachel- I believe in your strength. You can do it! I have been there, done that (bad results from RE). Let me know if I can help in any way.

Julie- how was the wedding? how are you feeling? any SS?
Well, I've been reading but not responding since I was on my cell phone for a few days....

Kyla-I am so sorry to hear that...I'm curious, have either of you done any type of counseling at all (individual or couple)? If not, it might be a good idea to talk to someone. I'm not even saying it would save your marriage, but what you are about to go through will be very difficult. No matter how civil you guys remain and even if you both agree it's for the best, it will still be very, very difficult.
I married my high school sweetheart. I always knew I was settling, but I was too scared to venture out and leave what was comfortable. We got married when we were 21. After 3 years, I was about to graduate college. I had also become good friends with my wife at that time. I started picturing my husband and my future together and hated what I saw. I would be a boring wife and mother stuck in a small town. We would never travel bc he hated traveling and hated new experiences. I would be at home by myself to take care of the kids, even though I was working, bc he was always out doing something (bowling, softball, hunting, tending to the cows, etc). I knew I had to get out. It was the hardest thing. I hated hurting him. He still admits to this day that he loves me and constantly compares his current gf to me. I still hate that I hurt him, but I have moved on now and know it was for the best. It REALLY sucked for probably...2 years? Whatever happens, make sure you do what you need to do to heal from everything. I ended up living by myself for a year before I really figured out what I wanted and came to terms with everything.
No matter what, we are all still here for you!

Emily-You will be fine! You have to do what the baby needs...I am already 60 lbs overweight. That has been a big concern for me bc I know it will only get worse when I get preggo. Be glad you are starting from a healthy place. Even if you gain those 20 lbs again, you will still be beautiful and be a great mom/wife!

Rachel-I know that's hard to hear, but at least you are finding out what's wrong! The good news is that I googled both things and there are lots of success stories, women still get pregnant and carry to term! You will get your baby no matter what and it will probably be very soon :)
rachel, have yourself a little cry if you want. i definitely do! it sounds like you have a couple hurdles to jump over, but it also sounds like you have a proactive and supportive doc, and you're going to get some answers quickly - and that is awesome! just take one test at a time, one result at a time, then get yourself a manila folder and request a record (with the drs notes) from each visit and make yourself a little folder about all the diagnoses. jump on here, ask questions, etc. YOU are your biggest advocate! you can even buy something awesome, like a neon 3 ring binder, or you can print off a picture of sperm chasing an egg, and have that be the cover! take control of what you can.
kyla, please let me know if you got my messages :)
Nikki-Looks like your temps are staying up now? Yay for Oing! So your 4 dpo, not far behind me! I'm 7 dpo.
The wedding was fun! I ended up barely even sipping on a few drinks. I let myself have diet soda as my form of alcohol lol It was a relaxing week of sleeping in and doing what we wanted. We came home to at least 10 inches of snow yesterday, which means I'm off school today and have another day to relax lol
Trying not to focus on SS, but I did notice a few sharp twinges/pinches in my uterus area yesterday but I'm sure it was nothing. My nipples have been pretty sensitive the last 24 hours or so, but I'm pretty sure I've had that before. It just doesn't happen all the time. That's about it. My bbs are sore, but that happens every month. I've gotten my hopes up the last 2 months when I had spotting, so I'm ready to expect anything this month. If spotting happens at all this week, I will assume AF is on it's way.
I have a 4 day weekend this week, so I will be going to visit my mom, dad and some friends. It will be interesting if AF doesn't show (she's due while I'm there) bc my wife is not going with me (she has to work), so I will be tempted to test! Not sure what I'll do...
Thanks everyone. I hope so. I'm excited that I'm having the HSG tomorrow and due to ovulate at the end of the week so hopefully it will help, as long as the septum isn't too long and I need surgery
Ok so- to start with. Rachel my dear, I am so sorry you're appointment didn't turn out so great but you have all of our support as well it seems a really excellent doctor on your side. I am crossing my fingers that you don't need surgery and all turns out 100% very quickly for you.

Mirolee- yes i did, sorry been super busy at work today with my co-worker on holidays so i haven't been able to respond to your email yet but thank you so much and i'll write back soon k?

Julie- No we haven't done counseling, but what you just described about your ex is EXACTLY how I feel. The thing about my DH is that he's not a bad guy, i'm just not happy, i can't see myself with him for the rest of my life. It's liek we're good friends, but not husband and wife, and there's just no passion, no spark, no nothing. It's not that things are bad, they're just comfortable and I know it can be better, for both of us with other people someday. I'm just not willing to settle for something that doesn't REALLY REALLY make me happy. I know there's no such thing as a perfect relationship adn i'm not saying i don't expect things to be 100% exciting every minute of every day but there's supposed to be 'something' and there's nothing for me right now and there hasn't been for quite some time. I've been TTC in an attempt to 'fill the void' of Kennedy so to speak and that's not the right reason to have children.
Rachel- :hugs: I'm sorry your appointment didn't go all too great, but like all of these other wonderful ladies have said- you have a seemingly amazing, supportive doctor. A suportive DH willing to go get a SA, and researching many women have had great success stories with still conceiving and carrying. So don't lose hope! I'd get excited, getting more answers can only get you closer and closer to a LO.

Julie- 7dpo!!! Woot woot! I'm so excited for you! You missed temping yesterday or I would be inclined to say possible implantation dip today? Lower temp then the rest of your temps during your LP! Lol I will be sitting here chanting TEST TEST TEST!! And then you can put together some sort of wonderful surprise to tell your wife! That would be so fun! I'm 3dpo so we can start SS together here soon.

Nikki- 3dpo for me today!!! We are so close with our cycle this time! FX it's a special month and we get a whole bunch of BFPs going on in this thread!!!!

Kyla- :hugs: I think (from what you've told us) you're doing the right thing hun. Never settle for less than you think you deserve. We only have one life- gotta live it up to it's fullest potential! Although this process will surely be tough on you, I believe great and beautiful things are to come and i'm excited for the prospects of where life is going to take you :hugs:

Emily- Emotional and tired- so understandable hun. No reason needed besides you're growing a beautiful baby in that belly of yours!! And honestly, at least you have an excuse for gaining weight! You say you think that you showing is because of just eating and not the baby, but i've seen so many women get a belly so much more quickly during their second pregnancy- my friend is on her third pregnancy and at 12 weeks was looking about 5 months along at least! I lost 20 lbs last fall, then gained freaking 15 of them back over winter and am now freaking about losing the weight for my wedding (although if i'm preggers I won't give two s**ts.) lol. :hugs: And we will NEVER judge you here!! This is a judge free zone!!

AFM, I switched the monitor from advanced to Fertility Awareness on FF, and it gave me my crosshairs, so i think I may stick with this version of it lol since it agrees with me more ;) got a bit of a bigger temp spike today too which i'm happy about :)
My Ovulation Chart
Yay Cassidy... Lets ss together. I haven't really ss-ed in a few months and I feel like ss-ing this month! I did my work out class today and nipples and boobs hurt! Lets just say IV never had boob pain and I assume its cuz they r soooo big. I never really have sensation in my boobs when they r touched or anything like that.
My LP has been 13 days for the three cycles that i've kept track.. so I think it stays pretty consistent! So AF will be due on the 5th. But since we all know how bad I am at holding off testing.. I think i'll test the 30th (it's my mama's birthday that day and she'd just love finding out she's getting another grandbaby for her b-day!) I'll be 8dpo that day so if I get BFN I won't be too surprised. If BFN i'm just gonna wait and see if AF shows. I'm tired of wasting pregnancy tests lol. So i'll test the 30th, then if AF is a no show- i'll test the 6th. Not too much symptom spotting coming from me today.. lack of appetite but that's really all! We'll see if anything changes :)

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