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**lucky february testers!**

congratulations...wow 3 bfp's that is awesome!!! Hope to see more!!
baby dust to everyone!!
Hi, I am new to all this, fab site!!!!

I ovulated on the 6th or 7th feb.

Had sex 5th, 6th and the 7th (around that time)

AF due this week sometime, I thought it might have come yesterday, but not arrived yet. My cycles can be anything from 26 days to 31.

Not that many symptoms at all, mild cramping that is quite low and some mild shooting pains on 11 (ish) dpo, my boobs are normally sore around 5 days before AF, but nothing this month.....yet! But they are defo bigger. Had some pains in the side of my boobs yesterday, but it lasted a matter of minutes. I have been very tired though. Oh and about 3 - 4 dpo I had a tiny bit of spotting, just twice.

I am really not sure what to think. Anybody having a similar experience....too sacred to test! Bit worried I might have left it too late, I am 38 on Friday :(
hopefulthstym: Congratulations!!!! I wish you a Happy and Healthy 9 months! :happydance:

Mrs.326: Nothing wrong with that :haha: I have a load of Internet Cheapies aswell, I'm only 1DPO but I'm going to test everyday until I get a BFP :haha:

I am only 1DPO but keep feeling twinges in my lower stomach? :wacko: Now I know it's definetly too early for any pregnancy signs so I have no idea what it is! And my breasts are sore! :shrug:
Hi, I am new to all this, fab site!!!!

I ovulated on the 6th or 7th feb.

Had sex 5th, 6th and the 7th (around that time)

AF due this week sometime, I thought it might have come yesterday, but not arrived yet. My cycles can be anything from 26 days to 31.

Not that many symptoms at all, mild cramping that is quite low and some mild shooting pains on 11 (ish) dpo, my boobs are normally sore around 5 days before AF, but nothing this month.....yet! But they are defo bigger. Had some pains in the side of my boobs yesterday, but it lasted a matter of minutes. I have been very tired though. Oh and about 3 - 4 dpo I had a tiny bit of spotting, just twice.

I am really not sure what to think. Anybody having a similar experience....too sacred to test! Bit worried I might have left it too late, I am 38 on Friday :(

:hi: Welcome to the lucky thread! :)

The symptoms that you are describing, definetly sound like pregnancy, the only thing you can do really is either wait and see if AF shows up or...do a HPT. :hugs: Fingers crossed for you hun :flower:
Hi, I am new to all this, fab site!!!!

I ovulated on the 6th or 7th feb.

Had sex 5th, 6th and the 7th (around that time)

AF due this week sometime, I thought it might have come yesterday, but not arrived yet. My cycles can be anything from 26 days to 31.

Not that many symptoms at all, mild cramping that is quite low and some mild shooting pains on 11 (ish) dpo, my boobs are normally sore around 5 days before AF, but nothing this month.....yet! But they are defo bigger. Had some pains in the side of my boobs yesterday, but it lasted a matter of minutes. I have been very tired though. Oh and about 3 - 4 dpo I had a tiny bit of spotting, just twice.

I am really not sure what to think. Anybody having a similar experience....too sacred to test! Bit worried I might have left it too late, I am 38 on Friday :(

Hello there khuge. Glad to hear AF has not made an appearance yet this week for you! I think the cramping and sore bb's are pretty normal things I see everyone posting about. Hopefully they are a good sign! Good luck! Let us know how it turns out. :)
I will! It is weird it does not feel like AF is coming either, I think I am going to be waiting a good few days yet!

I had a faint line on a blue dye at 6dpo, assumed it was an evap, but the other test earlier that day didn't have it. Had a faint line on a frer yesterday at 8dpo and a really good line today at 9dpo. I can attest though that every pregnancy is different as my first in 2008 was at 11dpo and the one last October was 15dpo. I hear rumors that early bfp's can be multiples, so I am hoping that's not the case! Although one and done isn't a bad thought?

This time I just knew. The symptoms that convinced me were the twinges - I swear to all that's holy that I felt implantation! Also, I felt like I was getting a bad cold and stayed on the couch all day Sunday. That same day, I put down an entire foot long sub (not normal) and finished off a huge dinner from a Mexican rest. DH couldn't even eat half of it. I'm not a bulk eater, so DH was dancing around the house claiming victory. Pretty sad sight! :haha:

LOL! One and done is not bad at all. I would actually love multiples... TTC is so stressfull, I would love to not have to do it all over again. Haha! And that is an early BFP! Congrats again!
Hello Ladies,
i got a faint line today! im taking a digital tomorrow to know for sure and ill update you with the result :)
Hello Ladies,
i got a faint line today! im taking a digital tomorrow to know for sure and ill update you with the result :)

:hi: Hiya hun :hugs:

Congratulations on your faint line! I really hope this is your BFP! I look forward to hearing an update with your Digital :thumbup:
Look at you four lovely ladies!! Flashing away on the list!

:dust: for all of you and congratulations! So cute!
I got my lab results today. I will no longer be testing this month, as I did not ovulate. My progesterone was at a .3 when it should have been 11 or higher. Clomid didn't work :( Good thing I didn't spend too much money on those tests I just wasted.......
I got my lab results today. I will no longer be testing this month, as I did not ovulate. My progesterone was at a .3 when it should have been 11 or higher. Clomid didn't work :( Good thing I didn't spend too much money on those tests I just wasted.......

Oh bummer. :( I am so sorry hun. That had to be disappointing to hear. I hope you are doing alright. Are they going to increase your dose for next cycle?
I got my lab results today. I will no longer be testing this month, as I did not ovulate. My progesterone was at a .3 when it should have been 11 or higher. Clomid didn't work :( Good thing I didn't spend too much money on those tests I just wasted.......

Oh bummer. :( I am so sorry hun. That had to be disappointing to hear. I hope you are doing alright. Are they going to increase your dose for next cycle?

Thank you. Yes, it was very hard to hear but I'm okay. I can imagine there are worse things my doctor could tell me. My progesterone was much higher last cycle and I wasn't on clomid then so I hope there's still a chance I could ovulate this cycle. She is going to up my dosage to 100mg next cycle and see if that works. If not, we'll go to 150mg the next cycle and if nothing happens after that she's going to refer me to a RE.
hopefulthstym: Congratulations!!!! I wish you a Happy and Healthy 9 months! :happydance:

Mrs.326: Nothing wrong with that :haha: I have a load of Internet Cheapies aswell, I'm only 1DPO but I'm going to test everyday until I get a BFP :haha:

I am only 1DPO but keep feeling twinges in my lower stomach? :wacko: Now I know it's definetly too early for any pregnancy signs so I have no idea what it is! And my breasts are sore! :shrug:

Hey there....don't look at them as prego signs just yet! Be looking for ov signs atm, it's all good having pains and sore bbs is all part of the ov process (i've had sore bbs since ov!) welcome to the tww rolacosta :thumbup:

Good luck and lotsa bb dust! :dust:
Mrs.326: Really sorry to hear about the results hun :hugs:

lady1985: Hey, haha I knew they definetly wasn't pregnancy signs as it's too early ;) I have never had Ov pains before so it's all new to me :haha: Thank you for the lovely welcome to the 2WW rollercoaster :D

Lot's of :dust: heading your way also :hug:

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