***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Happy maybe it tensing a little cos it feels different when ur ttc.
I know when we started ttc I had a little nerves even though I wanted to
It was harder to lose myself in the moment.
Could be that simple.
The smell is normal,
Stale body fluids don't smell nice :)
Hope it all settles for u soon.
And happy wedding planning :)
I used to make myself come after Oh.
Heard it helps draw in the swimmers.
Not sure if def true
But I always catch fast so might be :)
Jwilly huge hugs sweetie.
Hope its not ectopic.
But if it is.
Least they r monitoring u
And will help u now xxx
Giant hugs
Ectopics can resolve themselves too.
Hoping for best possible outcome for u xxx

Glong huge hugs
Fri is nearly here
But I know days feel like years at this time
It definitely wasn't a dry issue, I was all ready to go, I only really have dry issues when it is a day or two after AF leaves. Just so bizarre. If it goes away good, if not, I'll see the dr.
This is gonna sound weird
But sometimes I'm wet but not slippy wet
Def tmi ��
R u near ov , sorry I'm a sieve head.
But if I'm not close to ov.
I can be wet but not the proper slippy kind
Oh, it sounds to me like he's hitting your cervix. That can happen but as Kitty said, if your "blocked up" or tensing up, then your little cervix sits differently. You also may find that your hubs to be is a little more vigorous now that he doesn't have to be careful about pulling out!
As for the smell, completely normal! Baby Mayo isn't the most pleasant of smells at the best of times, haha. Just don't start douching, as this will upset the Ph of your lady garden xx Welcome to TTC :haha:

Jwilly, I'm so sorry you're going through this sweetheart. I pray your little bean is just being shy and it's not ectopic. Regardless of what happens, we're all here for you. Sending lots of love and :hugs:

Going, Friday is almost here sweetie xx Best of luck to you. Same as I said to Jwilly, let's hope that your bean is just a shy one xx Are you feeling symtpoms? If not, that's not a bad thing xx Your doubling rate might just be a bit slower which is not that uncommon ❤️❤️

Matts, happy anniversary!! Enjoy your little holiday. Fx'd when you get home you get a wonderful :bfp: <3

Les, I just realised I didn't reply to your Masterchef post. I love it!! They were teasing me with ads saying it was "coming soon" for over a month. I'm a bit Masterchef crazy. I love baking and creating in the kitchen and watching it just makes me so happy and giddy. It's currently Marco Piere White week, is it weird that I think he's oddly attractive? :rofl: Hoping you're well sweetheart xx

AFM, thank you for the kind words about my birthday ladies xx It means a lot to have people understand instead of thinking I'm attention seeking (which is the exact opposite of what I want! Lol) I don't really have much choice in how we do it, as two of my cousins have birthdays in the same week, so we all celebrate together. All 15 of us :dohh: It sounds like it will be nice though, morning tea in the park.
Currently trying to quit smoking. Hubby is doing a lot better than I am. We've both just reached the point where we don't even enjoy it anymore and we are just sick of it. We have so many other beautiful things in our life we could be enjoying.
I've been forgetting to temp this cycle, only really tarted this morning on cd9 :dohh: Oh well, it's not like it helps me fall pregnant or anything, I just like knowing.
We went and saw my SIL, BIL and hubbys cousin the other day (they all live together) Cousin is 22 weeks pregnant. Is still smoking bongs (marijuana) and is just an overall horrid person (to me anyway). The whole time we were there I wanted to throttle her. On our way back I started bawling to hubby about how unfair it is that such a poisonous person like her could be chosen by the Universe, over us :cry: I really feel for that tiny baby. I have so much hope that she grows up and becomes a good mother but I know deep down, she won't. To top the day off Bub threw up for the first time (not just baby milk chuck). He was insisting he wanted to watch the bubba on my phone (photos and videos of him). I let him because it was a big drive. After a few minutes he started crying and power spewing everywhere. We were on the ICB so we couldn't pull over for a few minutes so I just had to sit and watch while he's crying and chucking on himself. I was hysterical. He was fine after we got him out and changed clothes on the boot of the car, watching buses and cars go past and a sneaky hash brown and milk. Lol. Was pretty scary though.
Anyhoo, that was a lots of random topics rolled into one post!

I hope I didn't miss anyone and am sending lots and lots of love, hugs and :dust: to all xxx
Tea sounds nice
Outdoors, lots of space and fun.
U can run off to the swings with bub if u need a break xx

I hve 11 siblings, 40 nieces and nephews
And 4 gran nephews.
Plus all their OHs
It's part of the reason I don't want to get married
Just a small wedding would be impossible
OH has big enough family too.
So just family world be around 100 people.
Way too much fuss for me too &#55357;&#56842;

Well done on quoting smoking.
I gave up after my 22nd bday.
One of the best decisions I ever made .
Best of luck staying off
U can do it.

Not temping must be what u need this cycle
A break can be good too

Poor lil guy.
Horrible to see them sick.
Hope he is all better
They recover fast don't they
Tiny - So happy to find someone who loves baking as much as me! Marco IS oddly attractive. He has this quiet confidence about him that I love. He seems so wise, and real, and kind. Love it! I guess he taught Gordon Ramsey? My husband read Marco's book and says he's mellowed out with age. I guess he as a real arse in the kitchen just like most of the other great chefs these days. It's the culture. We listened to Anthony Bourdain's book on our honeymoon. So terrifying some of the stories he recounts. I was so shocked when they kept Con, but having that instinct and cooking to protein well will save you every time. Have you tried any of the recipes from the show??? I looked up the snickers dessert by Shannon from the auditions. I think I can do it! Going to try anyway. I want to before we move. Our new house has an electric range :(. We'll eventually get propane and a gas range put in but it will take a while. You can control the temperature with gas so much better. So so very important esp with baking/desserts. Sorry to hear your Lo was so sick, but glad he made a quick recovery!

Jwill - :hugs: that does sound like the other ectopic stories I've heard. Fx it's different for you.

Glong - I'm sorry the betas still aren't good. Friday is nearly here :hugs:

AFM: Just one more day to confirm O and then I'm stepping back. Blood draw for progesterone on Monday and then DH's bday at the end of the week (I should email out plans to his friends soon!). Feeling good in general whether it's this cycle or another. Just doing my best to focus on me and not compare.
I used to make myself come after Oh.
Heard it helps draw in the swimmers.
Not sure if def true
But I always catch fast so might be :)

Every cycle I've done this has ended in pregnancy! So I am a very form believer in it!
Matts, happy anniversary!! Enjoy your little holiday. Fx'd when you get home you get a wonderful :bfp: <3

I wish I was on vacation!! My kids have been in crazy/whiny moods the last couple days! Plus the pregnancy hormones are out of control and apparently anger is the dominate one so far.

I think you meant proud :winkwink:
Hahaha, whoops, Matts. Definitely meant Proud, lol. On my phone so catching up is a tad difficult! Sorry to hear hormones are sending you haywire! I hope they settle down soon xxx

Les, we have electric cooking too and I HATE it. Drives me bonkers!!
I've been trying to find the recipe for that snickers bar too!! Hubby said I should do it but big sized hahah. Could you send me a link?!
I was disappointed they kept Con too. I thought he should have gone for sure.
I just watched the catch up episode from last night. I've been too exhausted to stay up and watch it. Keen for tonight's episode though!

Lots of love to all xxx
Here you go :): https://www.news.com.au/entertainme...r/news-story/62ccac17bb37076de11160dd953081bd
So I don't hold out much hope for actually getting pregnant this cycle, but despite my Chemical Pregnancy on May 1, I got a smiley face on my OPK today! I am thrilled that my body is returning back to normal.
les- :happydance::happydance: you had great timing and will be looking for your CH tomorrow! what are your plans for your hubbys bday?

kitty- sorry about the temps not having dropped still from last cycle. i hope your body sorts itself out soon. sounds like you have a lot with the car and moving coming up to keep you occupied! have fun furniture shopping :)

curiosity- yay for O'ing!! KMFX for a nice set of CH in the next few days! Ooh, not long at all until you get the keys to the house. have you started packing up your current place?

glong- massive massive hugs. praying for better news for you on friday and hope it gets here quickly for you :hugs:

proud-happy anniversary! glad you made it safe and have a fun few days!! looking forward to hearing about the trip when you get home!

jwilly- so good to hear from you. i've been wondering how you are doing. oh my goodness. sending up a prayer that friday comes quickly for you and they can give you a definitive answer to what is going on.

happy- i dont think i've come across anything on here that is truly TMI lol :) i get something similar during the month as well where it is very painful from behind. i kept meaning to track where it was in my cycle but never really remembered. I would say to get in a position that is comfortable and not try to bear through the pain. Has it happened before? maybe take the other suggestions and if it happens again, ask for a little warm up for yourself first. I've never heard of a woman orgasming to cause the cervix to close. In fact, it does the opposite by helping to draw in sperm into the cervix. The more orgasms the better :haha: and like liles said, the smell is unfortunately normal. i would just take care to wash up a second time the next morning.

tiny- hahahahaha...baby mayo :rofl: best of luck in your venture to quit smoking! i think you will find it well worth it once you have kicked the habit. my parents both quit about 20 years ago and said it was the best thing they ever did for their health and well being. i feel terrible for your cousins baby. i hope the mom realizes she needs to get things in order or place the baby with a family who can. oh your poor little guy, my heart just goes out to you reading your story. glad he was okay in the end but it is AWFUL watching your baby be sick. my little one caught my stomach flu back in february and was sick 13 times in 3 hours and would just cry and cry each time so i totally get that panic.

liles-wowzers that's a big family! it must be fun at get togethers but totally understand why you wouldnt want to throw a big reception or anything

matts- how are you feeling hun? sorry your kids are crazy at the moment. do you have a park nearby they can go run around in?

AFM, tested again this morning since my line the other day wasn't as dark as control. for the first time, the line showed up as it was moving across and matched the control line! i actually still have one test left but will probably give it to a friend of mine. i needed to test a few extra times since i had practically zero symptoms before. but now seeing the darker line and starting to feel sick, i feel good about this little bean! announcing to our family this weekend so excited/nervous about that.

also meeting up with my friend who's shower i was supposed to be throwing. i dont think i mentioned it here, but her fiance just got home from deployment last Friday and on Sunday called the wedding off. we are going out anyway for some girl time but my heart is just breaking for her. she is hopeful he will come back and just needs time to adjust but i hope she isn't making it harder for herself in the long run by maintaining contact. I'm also going to tell her about the pregnancy which is AWFUL timing but i dont want her to hear it from someone else- she's been my best friend for 16 years.

hope you ladies have a wonderful day tomorrow! i'll be on tomorrow but probably just lurk over the weekend (hard to catch up on my phone) and then talk again on monday when we are home.
tiny, best of luck quitting smoking! I quit this time last year (around the time we began ttc) and was in the same situation as you. Didn't even enjoy it anymore, it just became habit. It is nice that both you and hubby are quitting together. You can do it! :happydance:

liles, oh my goodness. 11 siblings! I am an only child, so I can't even imagine the size of your family gatherings!!

Les, it does sound textbook ectopic to me too. Hoping that now that my number are over 1000 (probably nearing 1500 by now) they will be able to see something on a scan. Glad you are feeling good this cycle :) Sometimes it does feel good to step away a bit. It is certainly hard to do but it sounds like you have some fun coming up to distract you a bit!

Chocolatechip, glad that it looks like you O'd this cycle and that everything worked itself out!

kks, glad your lines are progressing! I am excited for you to announce to your family. Wow, how sad for your friend. Hopefully her fiance just needs some time... I'm sure she will be thrilled for you regardless. It sounds like you have been friends for a while.

AFM, im just over here waiting for something to happen :coffee: I am still spotting on and off, and have another round of bloods today as well as an appt booked at the clinic tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully they will be able to see something on a scan now that my numbers are rising and we can know what is going on finally. The waiting is killing me. I just want to get back to ttc, but if they have to medically end the pregnancy, I dont think we can try for 3-6 months. On one hand, it is kind of good. We have TWO destination weddings next year (end of Jan and end of Mar). One is my BIL and the other is two of our closest friends. Hubby is in both and I would like to be there too. If we cant try for another 3 months, I will for sure be able to go to both weddings (which we already have deposits down on). Obviously, a baby would be better, but at least if we have to take a break there is a silver lining :shrug:
I used to make myself come after Oh.
Heard it helps draw in the swimmers.
Not sure if def true
But I always catch fast so might be :)

Every cycle I've done this has ended in pregnancy! So I am a very form believer in it!

Thanks matts,
I believe it too
Even though I'm not sure Drs would agree :)
But I def think it works :)
So I don't hold out much hope for actually getting pregnant this cycle, but despite my Chemical Pregnancy on May 1, I got a smiley face on my OPK today! I am thrilled that my body is returning back to normal.

That's brill , ur cycle is back fast xxx
Hope u get surprise bfp this time
But if not, its good news ur back to normal.
My bro and sil got preg twice with no AF after mc.
I never did though,
Either me or my body skipped that cycle.
But I'm hoping ur like my sil, not me :)
I always used to think,
If it doesn't happen this cycle,
Its cos my body isn't ready yet
Hope ur keeping well xxx
Kk ur poor friend that's awful
Hope she gets it sorted out.
Hope its just cold feet.

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