Welcome sweetmama xx Best of luck on your journey!!

to you xx
Glong, I hope all is well sweetheart. I did read through your other thread but I hope you know that there is still hope sweetness xx I know exactly how you're feeling right now but what will happen, will happen ❤️ You're only just 6 weeks anyway, so even if you didn't implant later, it's rare to see anything at this stage as it is. Most of the time nothing can be seen until closer to 7 weeks, or even during the 7th week. Remember your little bean is only the size of an apple seed, that's teeny tiny! Sending you lots of love sweetheart xx I have my fingers crossed for you
Oh H, thank you love xx It's hard having to sit and watch that (well I ended up walking away) but the Universe works in mysterious ways. Are you busting out of your skin yet?! Your wedding date is so close! So excited for you gorgeous lady xxx
Lilesmom, thank goodness for actual food! Sounds like you had a very enventful day xx Lots of love to you, Squish and beanie xx
Ali, pregnancy pains suck. Especially at this stage. I agree with Liles about the heat pack. Or even a tens machine! I had one through pregnancy for my siactic nerve and during labour. It helped immensely. Just try and rest and be gentle with yourself sweetheart xxx
Kk, hoping you're well sweetness xx
Curiosity, hoping the house painting is going well xxx
Kitty, how're you? Are your temps starting to cooperate yet?
AFM, I've been feeling extremely out of sorts lately, I've literally only just crawled out of bed and it's 8:30?! I've been very exuasted. Thinking I may need to go to the doctor and get a blood test to see what's up. It's probably just my iron and stuff again. My body just doesn't seem to process nutrients properly after some things I went through a while back.
Had some crazy O pains last night. I noticed them most of the day yesterday and the day before but last night they went from 5 o'clock and didn't stop until I went to bed! It was getting pretty uncomfortable when I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to hop into bed. So much so I didn't want to BD. Now this morning my temp dropped a fair bit, even though I slept with more clothes on than normal, so maybe I'm Oing today?! At cd11?! Probably not but we shall see. I hope not since the last time we BD was cd9. Still covered if it is today but not as well as I'd like.
I'm probably overthinking anyway! Haha. Since the Vitex I get O pains pretty much the whole week before I O but only a few here and there during the day, never like it was last night. Unless I have another cyst, which my doctor doesn't seem to care about too much. Sigh. So many thoughts, lol. Birthday mornin tea with the fam tomorrow. Yay
