***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Thanks curiosity
Glad ur in a good place xxx
Exciting about your house.
Happy decorating
It will be so fun planning your own home :)
Glad its happening for u now xx
I'm sure bub is only around the corner for u

Thanks matts xx
Hope its just cervix for u hon
Which it sounds like it is xx
I've had some spotting this time too.
Never fails to freak me out a bit
But alls well.
Glad u hve appointment soon
For urs and dh peace of mind :)
Hey ladies. Good to see everyone doing OK. Hugs to everyone who suffered losses.

Some TMI in the following paragraphs.

My AF was pretty strange. Called it when I got spotting after I poked my cervix, thought it was starting properly, but it didn't actually until Wednesday morning. Following that, I had only 2-ish days of proper flow. Woke up on Friday morning to an empty pad, though it ended up getting some veery slight spotting later in the day. I even removed it in the evening thinking it was done.

I've still got a bit of dirty brown spotting when I wipe but not worth wasting a pad over. This seems more of an outlier AF to me, but if I get repeat performances should I be worried?
Hi all, I'm so sorry I missed so much on here. My goodness this really has been a lucky thread! Congrats to all with little beans! Liles glad to see your tiny one is still doing well.

Glong - :hugs: will be thinking of you on Monday

Matts - plenty of reasons for that cervix to be irritated. Fx that's all it is.

Curio - Glad the house is keeping you distracted while you try/wait. I could use some of that peace over here.

Arturia - I think they say you want at least 3 days of flow, but we all have outliers now and again. Could always just call and ask if it worries you.

Proud - great smiley! Hope you and DH had some fun!

AFM: I've been struggling a bit which is why I stepped away from the thread. I was feeling so numb that I couldn't offer the support here that I would want to give. I also didn't want to bring you all down with me when there was and is so much to celebrate in here. I've been much more relaxed this cycle, and I'm starting to feel more like myself again. I think I might even put my thermometer away after I confirm O. Today was both a great day and a tough day. We celebrated my little nephew's first bday. I made him a mini-triple layer cake, and he was the cutest thing (pic in my journal). I also was surrounded by friends with babies asking me when I'll "catch up." Expected but so hard to hear after a miscarriage. So that's me, taking it one day at a time, enjoying the process with DH even if it doesn't make a baby, and waiting to O.
Hugs ladies xxx

Arturia, I agree with leson,
If ur worried get it checked
But I've had bizarre af for no reason the odd time too.
So its mist likely all fine xxx

Leson don't feel like u only can be positive here xx
Ttc has ups and downs
We r here for both hon xxx
Hope ur bfp is just around the corner
With a super sticky bean xx
Kiddies bday party was bound to be tough.
Lovely to celebrate but still a reminder of what we should hve xxx
Huge hugs x
My first mmc I was due within days of my sil.
When my niece was born,
That first visit was hard
I was delighted for them
But of course it made me think
Its my baby I should be holding
Not my niece.
U will get there hon.
When u do, u will love that child more than life its self
Cos ur journey was that bit harder to get him or her.
Could be stress arturia too hon.
U hve a lot on your plate at the mo.
Hugs xxx
Digital still 1-2 today.

Think I need to take a break from thinking about it because the worst looks like it will happen...
Huge hugs glong.
My heart breaks for u xx
Digitals aren't the most reliable.
But it would hve been reassuring to u if it had changed.
Sorry hon.
Hope ur little bean fights and hangs in there xxx
Curiosity, so exciting about the house!! Such a wonderful distraction. So happy to hear your at peace with where you are in your journey at the moment xx Life throws is in all kind of directions but it's good to relish in the beautiful moments each day to ground yourself xx Happy painting!

Ali, how amazing! You go girl xxx Enjoy the relaxing time, you've earned it ❤️❤️

Glong, I really hope all is well honey xx It's not uncommon for hcg to be slow rising in the first few weeks xx I think stepping away from the tests would be a good idea ❤️ As hard as it will be. I pray all is well with your next BT, so that you can have a little peace and start enjoying the pregnancy. Lots of love and hugs to you xx

Matts, I'd say you're spot on about the irratated cervix xx It's sensitive enough as it is, so couple that with increased blood flow and hubbies getting a little too "into it" and it's bound to make your poor little cervix upset! Hoping all is well with you xxx

Arturia, there could be many reasons love. We all have iffy AF's from time to time xx It could also be hormonal from coming off BC. That can happen too xx If you are worried though, there's no harm in going for a check up ❤️ Lots of love to you xx

Lilesmom, what a beautiful little beanie!! So cute!! Sending you lots and lots of big hugs xxx

Kitty, sorry about the stresses at the moment. NTNP sounds like a good idea. Hubbies tend to crack under work related stress xx Hoping it all works out soon and that the relaxed approach helps with that sticky :bfp: !!

Les, good to hear from you gorgeous. I agree with Liles, were here for you no matter the post. I think all of us understand the struggles of loss and the emotions that come along with it. Regardless of how you're feeling, were all here for you xx Do what you feel is right and take care of yourself gorgeous xxx

AFM, AF is officially on her way out. Cd6 today, let's see what this cycle shall bring! We had a wonderful day yesterday. Saturday, hubby took Bub to the shops with him and got me some yummy treats and a sneaky present. That night thy both fell asleep snuggling with me while I pigged out and watched Masterchef and The Hunger Games. Then came Sunday and hubby got Bub to give me my present (the most luxurious slippers ever!) and Leo took that as an invitation to bring me all kinds of things. He made me stand in the hallway while he brought me clothes and baby wipes and all sorts, too cute! Then we spent the day with the MIL, which was nice. Then breakfast for dinner. Was a wonderful day.
Starting to feel the anxiety building around my up coming birthday, I just want it to be over already :/

Lots of love and dust to all xx
Tiny - BTW, I absolutely LOVE Masterchef Australia. The baker in me gets so giddy seeing all of the amazing desserts. Everyone seems so lovely and nice. The format is way better than the US version too. Glad you had a great day 😊
liles- Rumley's sounds wonderful! It's nice that there is a place where kiddos with special needs can go specifically. so happy to hear baby is doing well from the scan! what a relief it must be. love the pictures! They look so big!!

proud- go you not taking no for an answer! hope you caught that eggie!

Happy- it was for my best friend across state in our hometown. unfortunately she texted today asking to cancel it. said she didn't want to talk about it tonight. We (my co-host and i) are holding off canceling anything until we can talk to her. Her fiance just got home 2 days ago from deployment so not sure if they just had an argument or something more serious. My heart hurts for her. In happier news...less than 2 weeks to go for your wedding!! love your new TTC ticker too!

glong- :hugs::hugs::hugs: thinking of you and praying for a clear answer soon for you

kitty- :hugs::hugs: it all sounds so stressful. i hope that the car and job get sorted soon. Have you called your doctor? You may want to call and see if they want you scanned to be sure everything looks okay after the chemical. It doesn't seem normal that you would still be having cramps

Ali- congratulations! hopefully this pregnancy will be a lot less stressful for you not having class and studying etc!

curiosity- yay for fertile time!! that's the fun part of the month lol. i love that you're settling into your new home and just enjoying it. it definitely helps to have a wonderful distraction from ttc. and i know it will happen soon for you!

matts- its always so scary to see blood while you're pregnant. sounds like its just an irritated cervix like you said. Praying you dont see more and can go over it at the doctors next week. how are you feeling so far?

arturia- If your cycles are always a certain way, then this sounds like just a one off cycle to me (which is so frustrating when you go to start trying). It's pretty common to have one or two off cycles a year (at least for me it is!) I wouldn't say its anything to worry about unless it becomes the new normal. And as long as you are having a proper flow (read:shedding your lining) then it most likely wouldn't be a concern for the doctor. I would definitely call though if it happens, just to be sure. How is your husband doing?

les- so nice to hear from you :hugs: I think we all have moments where the weight of trying gets too much and you need a break. please know that we are here through the ups and downs. it's a hard journey and often is more heartache than not and we are here for you, however you need us to be! putting the thermometer away sounds like a great plan to help you stay more relaxed through the tww this cycle. i'll have to pop over to your journal (totally missed you had one!) to see the cake. i'm sorry it was a tough day with your friends asking about having a baby. it wasn't meant to be callous, but that doesn't make it sting any less. it WILL be your turn one day and i hope it will help heal your heart :hugs:

tiny- yay for AF being gone! That's so sweet that Leo was bringing you little gifts. Sounds like you really had a wonderful weekend! hope your birthday comes and goes without much anxiety and stress for you. is your trigger when there are big groups of people (like for a party) or being the center of attention? Maybe just ask your DH to kindly tell everyone that a text or FB message saying happy birthday is good but no other fuss?

green, mrs unicorn, avalanche, choco, jwilly, banana - hope you all are doing okay and hope to hear from you soon :flower:

AFM, it's after midnight now so I am officially 5 weeks! I took my last FRER on Saturday. It wasn't as dark as I would have liked and am considering picking up one more for mid this week. I know i need to stop testing and probably will be done. But it would really help set my mind at ease seeing the test darker than control. Otherwise I am feeling pretty well. Been bloated every night and had a couple short mild bouts of nausea. Have also been feeling tired but overall, nothing to complain about! MS kicked in with DS at 5.5 weeks so I am going to enjoy any good feeling day that I can!

Happy Mothers Day to all those who celebrated it this week! That's for moms with babies, moms with angel babies, moms with babies to be or fur babies and even want to have babies. We are all mommas in one way or another and I hope you felt loved and appreciated today.
Tiny I hve a lovely sis who gets really nervous for bdays.
She is the most generous person ever
But hates it if she is center of attention
Which is sucky cos she deserves loads of love and attention.
Like u do.
U seem so warm hearted hon
Just like my sis.
But if the attention freaks u out,
Id def agree with kk,
Get someone to let them know
Low key is best for u.
They r only trying to make sure u hve fun
So I'm sure they will respect ur wishes xxx

Kk congrats
Happy five weeks xxx
I'm just about to order squishes bday pressie
A slide and a toddler arm chair if I can find suitable one :)
Less than 3 weeks he is three
First day today in months he has woken up
And no fit.
Happy day.
I'm gonna see can I get him a big bro t shirt too :)
Yay for no fits today!! Sounds like lovely presents for him!
Wow lots to catch up on! I will try later tonight to read everything :flower:

We will be leaving for our trip in the morning so I may be MIA until the weekend.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey ladies hope all is well with everyone. Will have to catch up later today. Hope you all had a lovely mother's day.

We celebrated with my mom Saturday evening and with hubby's mom Sunday afternoon. We were planning on leaving early so we could celebrate with just our little family but I ended up falling asleep on the couch and DH didn't want to wake me. and by the time we got home it was time to get the kids dinner and to bed. So hopefully we will celebrate in the next couple days.
Also thankfully no more bleeding since Friday night. I'll bring it up at my doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm praying that they will schedule an ultrasound for peace of mind. ( I'm not too hopeful that they will though)
Finally at 24dpo.....

Let's just hope it means something


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proud- yay! have a fun trip! can't wait to hear all about it!

matts- so happy to hear there hasn't been any more bleeding! what a relief

glong- yay!! i'm sure its just that you have a slowpoke in there who will quickly catch up :flower:
I've just been quietly stalking. Waiting to o next week. Prepping for the wedding. Nothing too eventful haha

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