***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Wedding planning is a nice thing to keep u busy :)
Nearly ttc time :)
Get some preparation bd in too
Hee hee :)
Dust to u x
I think most people are in the week between AF and O'ing. Hopefully the back half of the month we pick back up again with some nice BFPs!
I'm waiting to O but my temps haven't properly dropped since my last cycle so don't know what's happening but oh well!!

Finally got the car sorted, picking it up on Tuesday, will take a picture and post :) cramps have mostly stopped, I think it's IBS to be honest, like I needed something else wrong with me XD finally going to start moving in properly next week as well, going to go to ikea and get a proper sofa once we get the car, and move our stuff into the main bedroom rather than staying in the spare room as we have since we moved in in December! Xx
Hello all, keeping my fingers crossed all goes well, both for preggo ladies (sounds like all is good, yay!) And us ttc-ers. I got my positive opk today so hopefully o will happen tomorrow. We exchange contracts tomorrow and get the keys to our home on the 20th. It is a big distraction but still worried that I wouldn't o this cycle with some confusing temps. Les, we are all here for you. Totally understand and feel what you're feeling xxx

Good luck to all ladies just about to or just o-ing. :hugs::dust: here's to staying sane for the next couple of weeks :wacko:

Lots of love and positive thoughts xx
Hi all

Scan booked for Friday

bloods today 127 from 91 on Thursday so not good
Loads of dust to those in tww
And those about to ov. Xxx
Hoping same as kk, lots of bfps again soon xxx

Glong sorry hon xxx
Huge hugs xxx
Glong got my fingers tightly crossed for you :hugs:

Thanks Liles <3

How are you doing kittykat?
Temps still all over, not even a diddy line on an opk, but then I'm not expecting to O until the 14th, glad you got your house sorted, exciting to pick up the keys :) my mums an estate agent and i used to love seeing all the different houses, wishing I could buy them XD
Hi girls :wave: just wanted to pop in real quick and see how everyone was doing!

Glong will kee my fingers crossed for you that all is well with the scan!

To the ladies getting ready to ovulate good luck and I hope you all catch those eggys!!

AFM today is My 7 year anniversary. We made it to Vegas safely yesterday (after 2 flights; I hate flying :haha: ) the time change has me all out of whack it's only 4am here but at home I would already be up and getting the girls ready for school. Debating on getting dressed and going to get some dunkin donuts like a fat kid :haha: not much to report on the ttc front. My boobs have been sore on and off the last couple days and my nips seem to be darkening but I don't take much into symptom spotting because usually my head just makes them all up :dohh: either way AF should be here next week so I'm going to try and hold out until them. I think because i ovulated later that I may be back to a 30-32 day cycle so I may actually wait till Thursday to test (if I have the will power to make it that long) I only have one test so don't want to waste it! Anyways, I may be MIA the next couple days but will def catch up with you all this weekend when we get home :flower:

Btw liles I was looking at your ticker and you baby and mine are exactly 1 month apart in age &#128516; Thought that was interesting!

Enjoy ur hols proud xx
Hope u get bfp at the end too &#55357;&#56842;
I was deleting subscriptions last night
And a post I put at end of last preg caught my eye.
I clicked into it and u had commented on it :)
I knew ur user name was very familiar.
So we were prob both on last preg too.
Here's hoping this time our kids be close too :) xxx
Hey ladies,

Wanted to poke my head back in and see how everyone is doing. It certainly looks like it has quieted down in here lately.

Proud, happy anniversary and I hope you have a good trip! The time away will hopefully help this tww go by more quickly.

Kittykat I hope your temps sort out and you O on schedule. It is so frustrating being in limbo!

Curiosity congratulations on the new home! Such an exciting time! hopefully it will serve as a good distraction and the next few weeks will fly by.

Les, sorry to hear that you are feeling that way. I can completely relate and it really is hard. I feel like my life has been taken over by ttc. Thinking of you <3.

Happy, just saw your ticker and you get married SO SOON! Very exciting. I remember the few weeks before our wedding were crazy busy, I thought my head was going to explode! Hope all is going well with your preparations, and hopefully your waiting will fly by :)

Hope all is well with all our preggers ladies! Sorry if i forgot anyone, it can be hard to keep up after being away for a while.

AFM, we still aren't sure what is going on with this pregnancy. I had bloods taken apr21 and my hcg level was 122. I was told that the pregnancy was not viable and that I would miscarry. I week later I began to bleed and assumed that it was my miscarriage. My next blood test was May 4, and I assumed that my numbers would be dropping by then, but they had risen to 457. Fast forward through multiple doctors appointments and scans, my beta was 1105 as of Monday. They are still unable to find anything on a scan, but it is looking like this is most likely ectpoic. I am totally afraid & kind of feel like a ticking time bomb right now, lol. I have another appointment on Friday, but I am not sure what to expect. I am at the point where I want this over with. I finally came to terms with losing the pregnancy, but this is a whole new ball game for me! I have been spotting again the last few days, and now every twinge i feel makes me worry. So much for spending this month not thinking about babies :dohh:
I'm so sorry Jwilly, I hope it's not ectopic though... Fx everything resolves itself, my thoughts are with you <3
Hey ladies,

Wanted to poke my head back in and see how everyone is doing. It certainly looks like it has quieted down in here lately.

Proud, happy anniversary and I hope you have a good trip! The time away will hopefully help this tww go by more quickly.

Kittykat I hope your temps sort out and you O on schedule. It is so frustrating being in limbo!

Curiosity congratulations on the new home! Such an exciting time! hopefully it will serve as a good distraction and the next few weeks will fly by.

Les, sorry to hear that you are feeling that way. I can completely relate and it really is hard. I feel like my life has been taken over by ttc. Thinking of you <3.

Happy, just saw your ticker and you get married SO SOON! Very exciting. I remember the few weeks before our wedding were crazy busy, I thought my head was going to explode! Hope all is going well with your preparations, and hopefully your waiting will fly by :)

Hope all is well with all our preggers ladies! Sorry if i forgot anyone, it can be hard to keep up after being away for a while.

AFM, we still aren't sure what is going on with this pregnancy. I had bloods taken apr21 and my hcg level was 122. I was told that the pregnancy was not viable and that I would miscarry. I week later I began to bleed and assumed that it was my miscarriage. My next blood test was May 4, and I assumed that my numbers would be dropping by then, but they had risen to 457. Fast forward through multiple doctors appointments and scans, my beta was 1105 as of Monday. They are still unable to find anything on a scan, but it is looking like this is most likely ectpoic. I am totally afraid & kind of feel like a ticking time bomb right now, lol. I have another appointment on Friday, but I am not sure what to expect. I am at the point where I want this over with. I finally came to terms with losing the pregnancy, but this is a whole new ball game for me! I have been spotting again the last few days, and now every twinge i feel makes me worry. So much for spending this month not thinking about babies :dohh:

I feel your pain
I've having the same issues, hcg low at 67, then 91 then 127 all within 6 days. I have a scan Friday but with numbers so low I fear they won't see anything and I'll be none the wiser
It has been super quiet here. So maybe here is a good place to ask this question...TMI warning, although I know most of you aren't too sensitive to TMI topics haha

As I have mentioned before, we used to use the PU method. Now we are in our first month of TTC and it is so different having him leave his :spermie: in me. The next day I will have a funky, almost fishy smell. GAG. Is that normal???! I've always had sweet smelling CM, and now this is just a huge, disgusting shock. Also, yesterday when we BD, it hurt! It felt like his manhood was rubbing against something deep in me. So usually, right after AF leaves, I will be very "short". Like he can't go in all the way, because it will hurt, like he is hitting a wall. So he will have to go slow and "stretch me out" as we call it. But this was different. This was like he was hitting something deep in there, but then sliding past it. It was the worst when he was behind me, it was still painful but bearable when he was on top, but it was best when I was on top, I could control how deep he went in and at what angle. Is this something I should be worried about? I was wondering if it was gas or constipation and his manhood was just poking the wrong spot where something was stuck or hanging out, but I have no clue. Today I have a little bit of cramps on my left hand side, about where it was hurting yesterday, and I've been constipated all day, basically pooing like a rabbit. Annoying. I should also mention that day before yesterday I had a UTI that I was able to get rid of pretty quickly with cranberry juice.

So sorry for all the TMI, but if anyone has any input I would greatly appreciate it.
I sometimes have a similar problem, it normally goes away with proper 'warming up' XD if you're backed up (excuse the language) it can cause the cervix to sit weird, meaning extra warming up is required, I normally have to... Um orgasm (don't know how else to put it) before full BD in order for him to be able to go in, but my dman has a pretty spectacular manhood XD if you are backed up really bad it will be that, get some buscapan for the cramps... Sorry if it's not helpful!!
Interesting, I heard that it is bad to orgasm before him when you are TTC because it can close up the cervix? Is that true or no? I was still able to orgasm last night after he did, but it's because when I was on top it didn't irritate whatever it was irritating. haha
I had never heard that... Maybe that's where I'm going wrong XD

It's not everytime, mainly during non TTC BD, when I'm a little drier and my cervix is lower XD

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