Matts, I'm so sorry sweetheart

I'm sending you so much love xx Take the time you need lovely, we'll all still be here for you when you're ready

Be gentle with yourself, rest and drink plenty of water. Huge virtual hugs ❤️
Jwilly, oh no, honey. I'm so sorry

I wish I could wrap you up in a massive hug right now. As I said to Matts, take all the time you need, we'll still be here when you're ready to come back. Lots of love to you xxx
Choco, I don't think early implantation has any bad effects. As some other ladies have said, pregnancy changes your body, so the new symtpoms so early are probably just due to you having higher progesteron and hormone levels which I common after early losses. Hence why it's said it's easier to fall after an early loss. Please don't stress yourself sweetheart (I know how hard it is though). I have everything crossed that this month bring you a beautiful sticky two lined gift
Glong, how're you honey?
Curiosity, sorry to hear about the lack of O

Maybe this crazy time with the house is delaying things a little. Fx'd that little eggy pops soon and that you can move onto a (hopefully) very positive TWW with a VERY positive

at the end
Kk, hoping all is well with you gorgeous xx
Liles, sending you love also xx
Les, good luck for your test date!! Temps are looking great

Come on embie, snuggle in tight! Lots of positive vibes to you xx
AFM, big temp drop this morning, so definitely didn't O. Maybe today is the day? It's my birthday tomorrow

Glad it's the middle of the week so nothing huge will come of it. Also kind of hoping that it will give me some extra good luck for this cycle.
This is a little whacko I know but I'm a bit of a crunchy, new agey lady, so I'm a big believer in fate, signs and the Universe. Last Friday I made eggs for breakfast and got a double yolker. I didn't think much of it except, how awesome! Then yesterday, I decided I wanted eggs again and low and behold, ANOTHER double yolker! First thought that popped into my brain? Maybe that's the Universe telling me it's my time now, maybe even with twins!

The things that unintentionally pop into our heads while TTC!
Sending out so much love and hugs to everyone, epsceily our angel mamas. Wrapping my virtual self around you all xox