Good morning beautiful ladies xx How is everyone today? ❤️
Sweet, how're you feeling today? Testing day is almost here!
Matts, it feels like we're always waiting. Waiting for AF to go away, waiting to O, TWW. Lather, rinse, repeat

Fx'd for you beautiful xx I hope this cycle is your magical one xx We're all rooting for you ❤️
So I had an eventful day yesterday. Went and did the shopping with mum (she always insists on taking us so she ca have extra grandson time, lol) and she just happened to be going to Chemist Watehouse, yay. They had a special on the double pack of CB digs, so I grabbed one of those and a 3 pack of FRER. We're lining up and all is fine. I only use cash and remember putting the left over in my wallet after shopping (I had just the right amount, a sign?) When I go to open my wallet to pay for the tests, it isn't there. I go straight into a massive panic attack as there was a huge line behind me and I don't deal well with these sorts of things, I'm hyperventilating and getting very upset. Thankfully the lady knew what was going on and cancelled my order and said she would take care of the others while I went outside to calm down. Then the stupid security guard grabs me and asks to search my bag

That certainly made the situation better 🙄 I get outside and still can't find the money so I just ask mum to take us home. Then while we're sitting in the car, I find the money. For some reason I put it in the wrong slip in my purse? Very odd.
So no tests for me and still no AF. 13 DPO today and kicking myself for getting so frantic and acting like a nutcase when I could have just had a proper look in my purse. Might ask hubby to take me there today. Depending on how he's feeling today.
Otherwise, I'll get mum to take me back tomorrow.
Lots of love and heart hugs to all ❤️❤️