Oh hun, thats terrible, i really feel for you i really do, worst thing a parent can do is bury their child. I hope you and your husband are getting a bit better

shes right, everyone handles grief differently aswell, OH wanted me to go to the Drs last week as he thinks im starting to suffer from depression again, i have mild bi-polar but i think the only thing that will truly make me happy is to be pregnant again so its just a waiting game! the only good thing is though you get to have fun will trying ;-) xxx
After losing my first in 2009, we waited for 1 AF then started trying again, i became PG Straight away and my little boy was born in May 2010, he will be 2 on Friday (he has a brother 10 and a sister 7)
Being PG again so soon, really helped me get over the MC, i still got upset, but being PG again helped so much.
this time has been so different as number 4 wasn`t planned as i am now 40 and DH is 42.
So when i lost it, DH was reluctant to try again. He was alos very worried about how another loss would effect our famaily, as due to the stage we lost this one, our 2 eldest knew we were having another baby, so telling them we lost it was so difficult.
my son went away with school 3 weeks ago for 2 nights. When he came back i found a piece of work they had done whilst they were away, about themselves and who and what make them happy and sad and also what was their best and worst memories. He had written that the worst thing for him was losing a sibling. this made me so sad that he thinks this way.
I was desperate to try again, but knew DH was right as well, as it is not just us. My doc refered me to a specialist, she actually specialises in recurrent MC but DH said we should see her and see what she says.
We didn`t have a PM on our LO so dont know the cause. The professor said it was very unususal to lose a baby when we did especially as we had had a healthy nuchal scan at 12 weeks.
Anyway, she was very nice and they took 7 lots of blood to teat for all sorts of things e.g thyroid and sticky blood. If any of these come back positive she said that is good as they can treat them, but only once PG.
We explained how terrible it was last time and she has promised they will look after me so well and if I were to get PG again, they would see me every 2 weeks and scan me each time. She can`t promise i won`t lose another but she has promised they will do all they can to make sure our family doesn`t have to go throught this again.
My DH and I have agreed to try again, as he knows how much i need to do this. We are actually in the TWW club now, so will have to see what happens.
After i had my first MC and then had my son, i vowed i wouldn`t put myself through all the worry and heartache again, but here i am, trying to do exactly the same.
i think it is our maternal instinct, we need to have babies!