Aww Poppy

Just remember the longer you wait, the more reliable the results!
AFM, I am still waiting to O. Did TWO OPKs today ... I know, I know, bad girl! And both had nothing more then a faint line

So now I have 3 OPKs left. I guess I will have to stop at the dollar store tomorrow or the day after and pick up some more! Well I'm hoping it will come up positive before I need to buy more lol. I for sure have ewcm today. Although its not as much, nor as stretchy as what I am used to. Nonetheless, it is still ewcm! Probably won't be any BD'ing tonight as DB and my work schedules don't work out well today. He worked all day, so if he works tomorrow (he's a temp so his shifts get cancelled sometimes) he'll be asleep when I'm finished my evening shift at the hospital.
Also, I think that whether I get a BFN or BFP, at the end of this cycle, I'm going to be going to the walk-in near my apartment that has specialists on site. I have believed for the last couple of years that I have hypothyroidism. My family doctor didn't do much about it, saying that a TSH of 9.5 was not 10, so it wasn't hypothyroidism, even though I had positive thyroid antibodies. He did get an ultrasound of my thyroid, and sent me to an endocrinoloist since I wanted to, but it seems even she didn't think I had it either. Anyway, since I've started doing my temps in the morning, I've noticed that they are REALLY low. I've been as low as 95.3 F. I remember when doing the FF certificate, they showed a chart with low temps (and mine are lower then the example they used) and that if your temps always seemed low, you should get your doctor to test your TSH and progesterone. So this really makes me think I really and truly have a thyroid issue that no one else but me seems to realize! For all I know, it could have caused my miscarriage (as having thyroid issues increases your chance of miscarrying!)