March 2018 Babies

I'm doing alright. Still having a lot of nausea. It is on and off, but probably worse in the evenings. Still no actual vomiting. I'll be 10 weeks on Sunday and have my first appointment/scan on the 15th.

I'm scared. Last time I found out that I had miscarried at my 10 week appointment. I feel anxious just thinking about going back and being on that table again waiting for the doctor to say something. It was such a terrible experience last time.
I'm doing alright. Still having a lot of nausea. It is on and off, but probably worse in the evenings. Still no actual vomiting. I'll be 10 weeks on Sunday and have my first appointment/scan on the 15th.

I'm scared. Last time I found out that I had miscarried at my 10 week appointment. I feel anxious just thinking about going back and being on that table again waiting for the doctor to say something. It was such a terrible experience last time.


Fingers crossed for you!
Hey ladies , thought I'd join another group to speak to more people ! I'm due March 1st but will be having an elcs at 38 weeks. We're team yellow as this is very definitely the last baby. Had a chemical in may then conceived shortly after. Unfortunately had a lot of pain and bleeding , Was diagnosed with a huge SCH . So I've been on rest the last five weeks . Had my first proper walk today , minus the hubby , kids and dogs ! It was bliss :cloud9::haha:
9 weeks today, feel so blah. Going camping tomorrow hope my morning sickness takes a break while Im away. What are the chances of that though? Haha
I had a rough weekend. I seem to have picked up a cold so have been doing lots of coughing, which doesn't help the sickness. 10 weeks and 1 day now. My scan is a week from tomorrow.
Have a dating scan on Friday... we'll see what's going on. Aside from digestion pain, I feel very not pregnant. I will honestly be surprised to see something in there!! ;)
I woud like to join. Just waiting for my 1st scan on the 15th. EDD based of my LMP is March 16th. Symptoms I have been having are all day nausea pretty much no matter what I eat or do. Also sore bbs, dizziness and fatigue. I feel like my scan date is so far away!
Has anyone had any experience with terrible Migraine? Every pregnancy I've been really bad with them and I'm just done. I struggled with one for the past 3 days now. I've been just throwing up water because that's all I can get into me. I've also taken the max amount of Tylenol I can take :(
Um, im.not sure if it's because I'm on my 7th pregnancy (4th living so far), but I'm pretty sure I'm having BHS already. Started last week. I'm 10 weeks now. No other signs of anything bad (no bleeding etc). Saw the baby healthy a couple of weeks ago....can BHS be normal this early?
Um, im.not sure if it's because I'm on my 7th pregnancy (4th living so far), but I'm pretty sure I'm having BHS already. Started last week. I'm 10 weeks now. No other signs of anything bad (no bleeding etc). Saw the baby healthy a couple of weeks ago....can BHS be normal this early?

Hey you don't get BH this early but you uterus can be crampy and irritable (I'm on my third pregnancy with an irritable uterus , first was normal !) It's generally nothing to worry about , make sure you're drinking lots of water . Put your feet up when you can as well :hugs:
This week has flown. Got a midwife appointment Wednesday, she will sort out my scan then. Can't wait for the scan. 10 weeks tomorrow.
11 weeks today. My first official scan is on Tuesday. I'm still nervous, but optimistic.

After much begging (from him), I allowed my husband to bring the doppler home from his clinic yesterday. He is a family medicine resident and although he hates OB they are required to do a decent amount as part of their residency. He kept promising me he is amazing and would be able to find the heartbeat so I finally caved to make him happy.

Happy to say, and much to my surprise, he actually did find it and for a about a minute I got to listen to my baby's heart beating away around 165-168 bpm. I never got to hear it last time so it was a little mind blowing. I'm just hoping it stays strong and everything looks good on Tuesday.
That's so great you got to hear the heartbeat karoolia!!
I have a Dr appointment when I turn 11 weeks and I really really want the Dr to use the Doppler.
I had a strange dream last night where a midwife who looked like my daughter's headteacher told me there was a problem and that I should expect bad things to happen soon. So I went home and cried, but looking at a scan I couldn't understand so I went back and demanded more information. She then said something completely different and said "he is fine" so I looked at my partner and looked at her and said "sorry, did you say he? It's a boy?" Then I questioned why she had told me to expect bad things to happen before she had no answer!

Anyone else starting to get dreams related to their pregnancy yet?
I haven't had any dreams about pregnancy, but tons of weird dreams. I have always had lots of detailed weird dreams though so it's pretty normal for me.

What is weird is that I have had dreams about being pregnant most of my life. Usually in the dreams I had not been trying to get pregnant and then suddenly was very pregnant (like look down to see a 6 month bump). The dreams were always negative though. Like I didn't want the baby and would be panicking about how to raise it. Or I did want the baby, but something was terribly wrong.

I suspect my mind has been protecting me. I have been worried enough this pregnancy, I'm glad my dreams have been spared.
I just had my first pregnancy related dream last night too 060509!
My doula emailed me to ask if I wanted to be included in a "drinking tea made from horse hooves party" with other expecting mother's. She said the tea helps mother's embody their animal instincts for birth and give them the power of a horse! :haha:
Wnt2beAMom - hahaha, that's a pretty good one. I'm sure if there was some evidence that horse hooves tea was good for baby we'd all sign up.

I had a weird dream that I was given lots of old antique-y furniture and somehow it all looked amazing in our house (we don't even have a house, just an apartment). It was so big that my husband had to climb to reach the top shelves.

My scan is today in about 7 hours. I'm excited it is finally here, but still very nervous. Last time, my first scan was when we found out we had lost the baby. I have heard the heartbeat this time though so trying to stay positive!
Karoolia - goo dluck with your scan, the first one is always so nerve wracking!

i hope everyone here is well and feeling good.

My day starts at 6:30 as i need to be at work for 8 and last night my son woke up at 3am and kept waking up, i think it was 6 times but DH couldnt help me as he is on shift today and wakes up at 4:30 . I'm so upset with myself i got so mad at my son and took him out of his crib and very sternly told him he had to go to bed, he just hugged me then i felt like a horrible creature. I'm so tired of being tired, i can barley get home now and play with the kids i just want my energy back, i even may go home on lunch and just nap i'm so exhausted. :(

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