March 2018 Babies

I don't actually feel too much pressure to find a name yet. We do know it's a boy though, which helps.
With DS we didn't find out until birth and had lists for girls and boys names then never used any. DH just thought of a name on the spot when I asked what our son looked like and it just stuck.
So, I'm kinda hoping for that initial meet and greet with baby to decide on the right name :)
I think I mainly want to name her 'right now' for DD1 to get used to the name, and idea of there being another little girl in the house. I feel like it'll be more real for her if she has a name.
Wnt2beAMom we plan to have a few names in mind in case we meet baby and think the one we picked doesn't suit him/her.

060509.x - I agree, I bet having a name will make it more real for your daughter. I don't remember if my parents picked out a name for my little brother in advance or not, but I do remember them sharing as much about the pregnancy as possible (given that I was 2) and when the baby came I remember it just making sense and being eager to be a sister. My mom's theory was that the more we talked about the baby and she explained things to me the more real it would be.

My anatomy scan is in a few hours! I'm excited and a little nervous. Just hoping everything look good.
That's how I feel, I want her to be involved and feel included! I told her our name choices and asked which her favourite is. She's always saying "when the baby is here..." so I believe she is excited, we've also explained how boring babies are so she doesn't think she can just start playing with her as soon as she's here. As much as I wanted a smaller age gap, I do think this is perfect for us. She is very understanding of everything!

Good luck with your scan karoolia!
Good luck with your scan karoolia!

Names wise we've picked the only mutual one he'll agree on but I don't love it. I only love dd1s name but we've obviously already used it :haha:

So we have one for now.. for how long I don't know. I feel awful not having a set in stone name, feels like she's not real!
I think we've got a name now!

Turns out OH didn't really know what to suggest, so I told him my top 3 and he gave his opinion. We're going with #2 on my list, l don't LOVE it but I do love the nickname! I didn't LOVE DD1's name at first but now I feel like no name is as nice, I also feel bad for thinking that 🙈
Everything went well! Baby looked good and everything was just as it should be. It was a long appointment, but I'm so glad to have it done. Unless there is a concern this is my last ultrasound though so I'm a little sad we can't peak again. I need to look through the CD he gave us, but I know we have a few pretty good 3D face pictures to look at until baby arrives!
Glad it went well karoolia!!

I have another scan at 32 weeks to check placenta position and I hope they take another peak at baby. I wish we could have a 3D scan but with Christmas and obviously needing baby things it's not an option!
We're pretty lucky, our OB does 3D as part of the ultrasound. So fortunately we didn't have to pay extra for it. Although we're in the US so I'm sure at some point a giant bill will be coming our way anyway.
Oh that's good, although not so much for the giant bill!
I know, darn bills. Aw well. DH's parents keep joking that it is small change compared to what we will pay over our child's lifetime.

I am toying with the idea of going to a private ultrasound place to take a peak in third tri. They aren't clinical so they can't tell you anything medical, but they'll let you look at your baby in 3D. The one nearby isn't too pricey.
Glad everything went well karoolia!

My 20 week scan is a week today on the 6th, I'm so nervous.

How is everyone doing?
My full scan is on the 8th of November, I'm anxious to hear if everything is ok! I don't necessarily have any reasons to worry, but that won't stop me from worrying :haha:
Looks like we'll have a few scans in this group next week! Can't wait to hear how they go. I'm hoping everything is perfect for you ladies.
Good luck with your scans ladies!

I've a midwife appointment this week, as I'm prone to low iron she wanted another appointment sooner to see how I've been feeling. I haven't been taking supplements as they made me feel ill, I've tried to improve my diet. I have had less headaches, and we did think it was connected. I'm hoping to hear baby's heartbeat again!
Seven I'm exactly the same, just normal worries I guess. My lg had unmonitored iugr so I'm a bit worried about that this time but they'll check this time luckily.

Lots of scans and appointments! You get less midwife appointments with your second in the U.K. but mines scheduled a few extra for me too actually 060509, do you take iron or just try to control it? I've low blood sugars occasionally but not enough to be diabetic gestational or otherwise so they do check my sugar levels more. Mine don't do heartbeat until 28 weeks! Feels forever away!
No I'm not taking anything. My midwife, partner and I think it's something I've probably always had as I've always had the symptoms, most of my life actually. I never really thought it was anything though so never chased it up.

I had really low iron with my first, I was a veggie but made the decision to eat meat as iron supplements make me feel sick, and managed to get it up to an acceptable level. This time round I'm not actually low but my blood test results said something about keeping an eye on it. So I'm trying to improve my diet because of the iron making me feel sick, I've had less headaches! So I'm hoping that's a good sign.

That sucks! I heard baby's heartbeat at 17 weeks. With my first the midwife checked every time I had an appointment, so I'm hoping it's the same this time.
I find it so strange that the midwives don't check heartbeat for so long. I heard it via ultrasound at 11 weeks and since then my OB has me come in every 4 weeks to check the heartbeat via doppler. He never needs more than a few seconds to find it. I'm usually in and out in less than 5 minutes. Are most midwives just so busy that they don't have time in case it is difficult to find?
I find it so strange that the midwives don't check heartbeat for so long. I heard it via ultrasound at 11 weeks and since then my OB has me come in every 4 weeks to check the heartbeat via doppler. He never needs more than a few seconds to find it. I'm usually in and out in less than 5 minutes. Are most midwives just so busy that they don't have time in case it is difficult to find?

We see (not hear) the heart beating at our 12 week scan, then the midwife will listen to it at our 16 week appointment. With my first, I heard the heartbeat at every appointment, so I'm hoping it's the same this time. My midwife now is super chatty and friendly, our appointments are never on time, and she often chats about the weather before we even get started so she's definitely not busy :haha: it's just not the done thing to listen to before 16 weeks. Every area is different though.

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