Okay so, a little update from me...
At around 3 dpo I started feeling under the weather but didn’t think much of it as my brother is staying with us and he had just had something similar. Nothing extreme just a bit foggy headed and fatigued. That’s continued up to today (10 dpo) but gotten worse and I’m now experiencing dizziness with it when I stand up. I have also been taking Norethisterone since 3 dpo (same as past 3 months) for 7 days as prescribed by my consultant as I have a lot of pre AF spotting, though this month was my first time taking it 3 x daily instead of 2. So I’m not sure if the symptoms I’m having are due to the medication, my illness or potentially early preg symptoms? Yesterday was my last day of the Norethisterone so I guess time will tell and I’m planning to test with frer on Friday at 12dpo. However, I’m at home sick today due to my exhaustion and general feeling ( I got sent home yesterday afternoon too) and just got up off the sofa to make some lunch. I felt a little (nothing crazy) pinch down low, then my vision started going, I got very hot and felt like I was going to be sick. Sat back down and it passed. I’ve also been having gentle af like cramps since about 2/3 dpo which isn’t unusual for me and they have picked up today in intensity. So not really sure what’s going on! If I have another episode like earlier I may take a test tonight as honestly it was a bit scary and I’d want to rule out pregnancy before going to a doctor.
Sorry for the long post! Just needed to get all of this out somewhere.
Congratulations on all the bfps so far and GL to everyone!