*** March 2019 (testing thread) *** (58 testers, 21 BFP's so far)

Tesh....keep holding on! Unless you're on progesterone, you're not out til the :witch: shows.

AFM: shadow lines again so I don't think they can be real. Used my last FRER and maybe there's something, but I doubt it. Do you see anything?

Hi Ladies.
When do you usually start testing? I am at 10DPO and I am doing all my best to not use sticks until 13 or 14 DPO. So far I am just PMSing as usual. No big difference in terms of symptoms.
Good morning ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!

Today marks 7dpo for me symptoms include: cramping (pretty much constant since ovulation but milder than they were during the big O), sore nipples, tired, waves of heartburn over the last couple days, and cervix is high and closed, body feels kind of achy. My hpts were supposed to be delivered today, but Amazon decided to ship them out today instead of Monday, so it looks like I will be holding off on testing with a FRER until at least Friday. Although Saturday would be better since that will be 10dpo10pt. At the moment, I am testing with my IC's to make sure trigger shot is out and so far all have been negatives, so I am hopeful that if I start to get a line on them that they will be the real deal.

Anyone in the TWW right now, how many DPO are you and what kind of symptoms are you having today?

Ah hun maybe it’s better they got delivered later? Fate! That way you won’t be tempted to test to early like me hehe.

Im taking all tests I’ve done so far and calling it bfn. It feels so liberating no teetering on the scale of faint/not faint/ shadow etc.

As for symptoms:

It’s 8pm here so I’m at the end of 10dpo-

My boobs are sore again esp the right one. And they’re much bigger too (but got this last month too)

The only thing strange for me this cycle was the nausea at 8dpo.

And I didn’t mention too much about cm because TMI alert - I had creamy cm after ov then wetish/milky cm 5 and 6dpo and from 7dpo it changed to a yellow clumpy snot like cm. It’s really kinda gross. Been getting it 7,8,9 and 10dpo. Have never seen this type of cm before, only thing I can say is it reminds me of a milder version of a mucus plug.

I’ve been googling it in case - a lot say they got it before their bfp and a lot say it’s normal for them before AF. I think the soy may be doing strange things this round lol
Hi Ladies.
When do you usually start testing? I am at 10DPO and I am doing all my best to not use sticks until 13 or 14 DPO. So far I am just PMSing as usual. No big difference in terms of symptoms.

I’m hopeless I started from 7dpo lol. All bfn so far I’m 10dpo today
Tesh....keep holding on! Unless you're on progesterone, you're not out til the :witch: shows.

AFM: shadow lines again so I don't think they can be real. Used my last FRER and maybe there's something, but I doubt it. Do you see anything?

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Cofoster im not seeing anything on the Frer :( it may be the lighting or the angle.

I am 13dpo today. I took a test and got a BFN. Is there a hope that I could get a BFP tomorrow on 14pdo? I am disappointed to see that negative.
I hope so, we BD early this morning, but not able tonight because he has to work away today so no chance till Thursday night!!!! Fingers crossed I ovulate in the next 24 hours and the :spermy: are ready!!!! No chance to do it tonight as he is away for the night!!!!!

Let's hope you catch the egg!!

Okay so, a little update from me...

At around 3 dpo I started feeling under the weather but didn’t think much of it as my brother is staying with us and he had just had something similar. Nothing extreme just a bit foggy headed and fatigued. That’s continued up to today (10 dpo) but gotten worse and I’m now experiencing dizziness with it when I stand up. I have also been taking Norethisterone since 3 dpo (same as past 3 months) for 7 days as prescribed by my consultant as I have a lot of pre AF spotting, though this month was my first time taking it 3 x daily instead of 2. So I’m not sure if the symptoms I’m having are due to the medication, my illness or potentially early preg symptoms? Yesterday was my last day of the Norethisterone so I guess time will tell and I’m planning to test with frer on Friday at 12dpo. However, I’m at home sick today due to my exhaustion and general feeling ( I got sent home yesterday afternoon too) and just got up off the sofa to make some lunch. I felt a little (nothing crazy) pinch down low, then my vision started going, I got very hot and felt like I was going to be sick. Sat back down and it passed. I’ve also been having gentle af like cramps since about 2/3 dpo which isn’t unusual for me and they have picked up today in intensity. So not really sure what’s going on! If I have another episode like earlier I may take a test tonight as honestly it was a bit scary and I’d want to rule out pregnancy before going to a doctor.

Sorry for the long post! Just needed to get all of this out somewhere.

Congratulations on all the bfps so far and GL to everyone!

Hope you're feeling better now! Did you test this evening?

Positive that looks great to me!! You’re doing everything you can.

Tesh, I definitely don’t want to contribute to false hope but I do see a very very faint vertical line. So I’m going to hold a little hope for you!

I’m feeling really anxious and sad today because my frer is much lighter, very faint, today. I just want this baby to stick so badly but this frer makes me think it’s not. Please send vibes of sanity. I’ll be home from work in the earlyish afternoon today and I’ll test again. I just feel so distressed. Last nights frer showed great progression and now so faint, even compared to yesterday morning or 9dpo.

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Miss Doc I am not so good with what progression should be, but I would guess our urine varies in concentration quite a bit! But I understand it must be worrying and praying for a good outcome for you and a little sticky bean!

Oh, no @MissDoc!

Hoping it's just because it's FMU and a more diluted sample. Crossing my fingers your lines get darker!

The initial days with very faint lines, my lines were always stronger with SMU or evening tests and nearly invisible with FMU..

Speaking of morning samples. Has anyone noticed that if they have a lot of potatoes for dinner their FMU and SMU are really good, dark samples?

I looked into it and found this:
"A natural anti diuretic is a baked potato, as long as it isn't slathered with butter. Potatoes are loaded with potassium, which is an electrolyte, so it aids in preventing dehydration."

Prevents dehydration and helps with early testing? Sounds like a win-win ;)

This cycle I'm waiting to test until 13 DPO and drinking lots of water, hoping it helps.

I totally ate a load of potatoes this evening to hopefully concentrate my morning pee!!

So,today I was feeling a little bit strange today. For the last couple of days I've been noticing that I was peeing a lot and stuff, woke up couple of times during the night to pee.
Also, I was having a bad temper, getting angry at the simplest things.
Updates on the scans Ive been taking, where doc said I had a huge cyst: he told me it was almost impossible to be pregnant this month. And also to expect AF much latter as The clomid had messed up my cycle.
Ok, fast forward to today.
Was feeling dizzy, nauseous and tired. Nipples and breast tender. So I took a test...surprise surprise...:bfp:
Im so shocked and DH is too.
Will test again on planned date on 10th.

Wowwww congrats!!!! H & H 9 months to you!

Afternoon ladies. So as some might have read my crazy cycle post i decided to do another preg test this week incase the first time I thought I ovulated actually did happen. So here’s my test I did a ov test which came back quite strong. Now I need your eyes ladies on the preg test because sometimes I’m seeing a squinter but then it goes next time. Be honest because I’m just ruling out “1st time” ovulation lol. View attachment 1056866

I've decided I must see shadows on all of these! As I can always see them- I must have chronic line eye!

Good morning ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!

Today marks 7dpo for me symptoms include: cramping (pretty much constant since ovulation but milder than they were during the big O), sore nipples, tired, waves of heartburn over the last couple days, and cervix is high and closed, body feels kind of achy. My hpts were supposed to be delivered today, but Amazon decided to ship them out today instead of Monday, so it looks like I will be holding off on testing with a FRER until at least Friday. Although Saturday would be better since that will be 10dpo10pt. At the moment, I am testing with my IC's to make sure trigger shot is out and so far all have been negatives, so I am hopeful that if I start to get a line on them that they will be the real deal.

Anyone in the TWW right now, how many DPO are you and what kind of symptoms are you having today?

Yes I am 8/9 dpo! Not having many symptoms but lotssss of backache which is strange... Maybe it is good you didn't get you ICs to hold of any crazy testing!

Tesh....keep holding on! Unless you're on progesterone, you're not out til the :witch: shows.

AFM: shadow lines again so I don't think they can be real. Used my last FRER and maybe there's something, but I doubt it. Do you see anything?

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Sorry not seeing anything... Fx for next test!

Ah hun maybe it’s better they got delivered later? Fate! That way you won’t be tempted to test to early like me hehe.

Im taking all tests I’ve done so far and calling it bfn. It feels so liberating no teetering on the scale of faint/not faint/ shadow etc.

As for symptoms:

It’s 8pm here so I’m at the end of 10dpo-

My boobs are sore again esp the right one. And they’re much bigger too (but got this last month too)

The only thing strange for me this cycle was the nausea at 8dpo.

And I didn’t mention too much about cm because TMI alert - I had creamy cm after ov then wetish/milky cm 5 and 6dpo and from 7dpo it changed to a yellow clumpy snot like cm. It’s really kinda gross. Been getting it 7,8,9 and 10dpo. Have never seen this type of cm before, only thing I can say is it reminds me of a milder version of a mucus plug.

I’ve been googling it in case - a lot say they got it before their bfp and a lot say it’s normal for them before AF. I think the soy may be doing strange things this round lol

Hopefully tomorrow will bring us both answers!!!

AFM- I went back through my old posts with DD and have a little bit more hope that I might still have a chance. My symptoms (or lack of) are very similar and my temp rise on 8dpo is identical. I tested positive 10dpo. We will see if my temp continues on the up tomorrow, and I will try another FRER. I'll be 9/10dpo so we will see....
Tesh....keep holding on! Unless you're on progesterone, you're not out til the :witch: shows.

AFM: shadow lines again so I don't think they can be real. Used my last FRER and maybe there's something, but I doubt it. Do you see anything?

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I think I’m seeing the indent line.
My test at 10min mark. I swear I see pink. Line eyes haha D1538F9B-72EE-4E4C-9CBB-7919D821DBBC.jpeg
Tesh....keep holding on! Unless you're on progesterone, you're not out til the :witch: shows.

AFM: shadow lines again so I don't think they can be real. Used my last FRER and maybe there's something, but I doubt it. Do you see anything?

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Something is catching my eye but no colour in it yet but that’s how mine started the day before I got a faint line. Fingers crossed it’s the start for you. Xx

I am 13dpo today. I took a test and got a BFN. Is there a hope that I could get a BFP tomorrow on 14pdo? I am disappointed to see that negative.
Good luck. I have heard of people who don’t get a positive until after AF due- hopefully you are one of them. Good luck x
Seriously confused:
13dpo and got this with a 1.5 hour hold (I didn’t test this morning)
There is a vvvvfl on the IC but the Wilkos one is dark but the dye won’t clear - what do you think?

Laurare that bottom test looks like it could be inaccurate, but that's more than an evap and has strong color. The IC might not be as sensitive and therefore not picking it up. Try again and see what happens.
Laurare that bottom test looks like it could be inaccurate, but that's more than an evap and has strong color. The IC might not be as sensitive and therefore not picking it up. Try again and see what happens.

I agree it’s inaccurate but wow super dark for an evap :( I don’t have more tests other than ICs - I’ll pop out tomorrow and get some

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