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MAY 2018 Testing Group, Mother's Day Hopefuls: APRIL BFNs BRING MAY BFPs

Baby brain I completely understand. I’m beginning to wonder whether it will ever happen. I’ve taken a massive step and have stopped testing altogether. I can’t stand the heart ache. I only test for ovulation. AF gets me every month and this month I was really cold about it. Really matter of fact. I normally feel upset or teary but I’m reaching the stage where im just used to it and numb. It’s not nice. Our time willl come, I’m sure of it. And when it does we’ll be ready to give our beans so much love. Hang in there lovely
Thinking of everyone AF got! Keep your head up ladies! I'm tempted to take a test in a bit here even though it's night time. I've just felt sooo sick these last few hours and very gassy. Though I know gas can cause nausea so not sure what to think. Soo thirsty too and boobs are sore but not as sore as they were the other day.
So update took a test on a 2.5 hour hold and a line started to form on the test part but disappeared so has a horrible dye run. Devastated lol. Dried to BFN.
I hate those sorts of dye runs! FX that you'll get a positive soon. :)
I hate those sorts of dye runs! FX that you'll get a positive soon. :)

Thanks Dill! So glad you got pregnant again so fast and I'm praying it sticks for you! I'll take another test in the morning with fmu! I'm only using one step cheapies right now so if I get a shadow I'll get a frer!
Sorry ladies that already got af. Shes terrible!
I could only be 3-4dpo and my boobs just started hurting and they are veiny which ive never noticed before. TONS of creamy cm. Weird
Hugs Baby, it is hard. I know all too well. Praying you get to see a lil bean on scan again soon.
Hi ladies 1dpo and will be testing may 11th if you could add me. This is super early at 9dpo. I would like to wait till mothers day 11dpo but I'm not sure I have the will power. Congrats to bfp... dpo symptoms?? Baby dust to all in 2ww
Dream- I also read that the HCG test weren't great. I did go on and order some ICs but no guareteened it's any better. I do have frer test to use if I think I see something.

As of now I just don't think this is our month. I know it's still way early in this cycle as af isn't due til may 9 or 11 just an odd gut feeling.
Today is 'proper' test day but I'm pretty sure I don't need to. Temp dip and spotting at 11 dpo so it's likely I'm out.
But it's so early in the month that my next cycle will prob still be testable in May so I'll hang around this thread a little longer. I'll update my date as soon as af gets me.
Dream can you take my test date of for now please as I still haven't ovulated yet and I'm now cd17 so defo won't be testing when I said. xx

Woke up to weird temp! 41.57c

WTF!!! So my thermometers batteries ain't dieting as I only changed them a week ago. 41.57c temp at around 6am! Feel back to sleep until 7:30am. Checked saved temp and this was it. I nearly crapped the bed pmsl :) so redone temp and it said 36.44c

What do yous think!
MinnieMcMoose - Argh, sorry to hear it's not looking so good.

xXxJessicaxXx - do you feel sick? That's a very high fever temp.

It's CD28 and 11DPO for me. BFN. I'll test once more tomorrow at 12dpo then likely throw in the towel and wait for AF who's due on Tuesday.


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Dream and Minnie I hope its not over for you two this cycle. You both are still fairly early enough for anything to happen. :hugs::dust:

Jessica sorry about the long wait to O that has been the deal for me this cycle. I'm still clueless but FF seems to think some thing happened as well my progesterone tests. FX you O real soon though :dust:

crusher: Hey there! I hope you guys caught the eggy. I know time and distance is an issue so super rooting for making that bean :hugs:

kmum: FX for you! I'll be testing super early too about that time. Its anybody's guess as this cycle has been so wonky. I'll be looking out for you pee stick post..:hugs:
Aw.. ladies I'm sorry! I was really rooting for you all! I'm sure we'll get our next BFP soon!!

If I ovulate per the usual I'm going to ovulate the day after Mother's Day. Going to try and be busy ans possible the weekend before, but the issue is I work.. I ALWAYS WORK WHEN I'M OVULATING. It's so frustrating. My weekends are impossible to DTD. I go to work at 545, hubby is home at 730.. I get home at 630ish at night.. he goes to work at 730. The boys are always awake otherwise we'd throw in a quickie.. and distracting them enough to get one in is hard as well! Sorry.. lol
Ftale thanks! We are pretty optimistic this month worked! Im going to a wedding today. Only going to have 1 glass of wine. Moving out of hotel into our new apartment this weekend. Life is busy.
Alijo how old are your kiddos?
Thanks ladies and no I feel perfectly fine I Other then a slight headache. I did have night sweats but not enough to cause a temp like that! I'm thinking it's just a blip and good knows how that happened so I changed it to 36.57c which was more likely to be what it was meant to say! Just weird as I've had the thermometer a while and this has never happened. Managed to grab some opks and still not positive yet! Hopefully soon. Xx
Aw.. ladies I'm sorry! I was really rooting for you all! I'm sure we'll get our next BFP soon!!

If I ovulate per the usual I'm going to ovulate the day after Mother's Day. Going to try and be busy ans possible the weekend before, but the issue is I work.. I ALWAYS WORK WHEN I'M OVULATING. It's so frustrating. My weekends are impossible to DTD. I go to work at 545, hubby is home at 730.. I get home at 630ish at night.. he goes to work at 730. The boys are always awake otherwise we'd throw in a quickie.. and distracting them enough to get one in is hard as well! Sorry.. lol

HAHAHA...getting a quickie in IS hard...we let her play roblox longer than usual so we know she won't bother us :blush:
Jessica: Very strange. But if it happens again..I dunno..lol I'd just plop it on my chart. FX all your temps do that real soon.

Crusher: Man, I wish I could have your optimism. I feel like I'm about to O, have O'd, and am 6dpo all at once :shrug: This cycle is going down in the books for sure as pure hell. :coffee: I don't even know what to hope for at this point...:haha:

Oooo, almost time! I hope you really like your new place. A new beginning. :flower:

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